McGill-ECSE321-Winter2022 / project-group-group-03

project-group-group-03 created by GitHub Classroom
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Implementation of Web Frontend #41

Open abhijeetpraveen opened 2 years ago

abhijeetpraveen commented 2 years ago

Instructions from the PDF:

You need to provide a graphical user interface for the web frontend using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript technology (preferably using Vue.js). In addition to functional correctness, usability and design of the web frontend will also be evaluated.

Task Division

Page Responsible Member(s)
Login Page Abhijeet
Create Page Abhijeet
Customer Page Sébastien
Item List (Homepage) Abhijeet & Sébastien
Owner Page Ari & Edward
Employee Page Rooshnie & Neel
Checkout Page Neel
Navbar Neel
abhijeetpraveen commented 2 years ago

We will be using this Figma workspace to design a mockup for our web frontend