McGill-ECSE321-Winter2022 / project-group-group-05

project-group-group-05 created by GitHub Classroom
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Architecture Model Description #126

Closed HwangPHS closed 2 years ago

HwangPHS commented 2 years ago

Provide an architecture model (in the form of a block diagram) that highlights the main functional components of your system, their hierarchy, and their interconnections with other components. Include the diagram of the architecture in the wiki of your team repository along with a brief description of the key functional components (max 1 paragraph each).

anniekang1112 commented 2 years ago

I am not quite sure if this is what the architecture model should looks like image

anniekang1112 commented 2 years ago

Update image

jimcv commented 2 years ago

I think this looks okay. We might wanna add it to the wiki now @HwangPHS @anniekang1112

HwangPHS commented 2 years ago

sounds good to me, I haven't had time to look over model stuff in detail, but we can always change it later if there's anything to change

PeiniCheng commented 2 years ago

I'm not 100% sure but maybe we don't need the event management block cause I think the event management block on the lecture slides refers to the real-life event in the event-registration system. Here are two architecture models from the example repo and our team mentor's repo 2NV3QS{ HRU@IHD961TBCML RP@DTS4W0B~GO8{SWKR3 8M

jimcv commented 2 years ago

I think the event management block on the lecture slides refers to the real-life event in the event-registration system

Ahhhh goood catch! Makes sense... So yes lets remove the Event Management block.

anniekang1112 commented 2 years ago

Does this look ok?


jimcv commented 2 years ago

I think "Business Entities" is quite vague. I know this is from the lecture slides, but I think a better name to give it is "CRUD Repository", what do you think? @HwangPHS @PeiniCheng

Everything else looks good.

jimcv commented 2 years ago

I think "Business Entities" is quite vague. I know this is from the lecture slides, but I think a better name to give it is "CRUD Repository", what do you think? @HwangPHS @PeiniCheng

Everything else looks good.

Quick reminder to get this done and put on wiki by tmr's deadline, I won't be there to monitor the repo during the day. @anniekang1112

anniekang1112 commented 2 years ago


anniekang1112 commented 2 years ago

Quick reminder to get this done and put on wiki by tmr's deadline, I won't be there to monitor the repo during the day. @anniekang1112

wiki updated with descriptions. meeting minutes added as well

HwangPHS commented 2 years ago

finally had a chance to look over the model in more detail, I think it looks good. I'm going to close this issue

jimcv commented 2 years ago

The description looks a bit off... The placeholder description from the beginning is still there too. I'm unable to edit the wiki on mobile tho

jimcv commented 2 years ago

Looking better now!