McGill-sea-ice / ice-tracker-deformations

This project aims at computing arctic sea ice deformations from icetracker data (Sentinel-1 and RCM).
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Time Intervals of RCM and Sentinel-1 Datasets #13

Open phil-blain opened 2 years ago

phil-blain commented 2 years ago

On GitLab by @bduval2 on Aug 17, 2021, 14:41

We created histograms of time intervals of all March and April 2020 datasets in order to have a better idea of what time intervals are prevailing. From the figures shown below (where the time is shown in hours), we conclude that 3 and 1-day intervals are more prevailing for RCM and Sentinel-1 datasets, respectively. It is important to add that there are 1757 and 4829 datasets for RCM and Sentinel-1 respectively in March/April 2020. histogram_dt_RCMhistogram_dt_S1

mathieuslplante commented 8 months ago

I am adding the figures from Amelie, show similar spread but in terms of number of data.


For the coverage, I like the plot again from Amelie showing the spatial coverage of the Arcitc with S1, RCM and both of them in time: F3_Coverage