McGuten / 5DimsFactorioMods

5Dim's Factorio mods
MIT License
36 stars 45 forks source link

Automation and Nuclear not working #103

Open RadioMan71 opened 5 years ago

RadioMan71 commented 5 years ago


With the 0.17.67 update, we got a new model for the chemical plant and the heat modules. Unfortunately this prevents the automation and nuclear module from loading as the old graphics are just no longer there to load. Hope this can be solved quickly, but reverting back to 0.17.66 can be done as a temp solution.

Mugiwaxar commented 5 years ago

Fixed here:

RadioMan71 commented 5 years ago

Did you change the filename to the new name in the code?

Mugiwaxar commented 5 years ago

No, Reprogrammation of the chemical plant is needed for the mod I added old png in the mod file and changed all paths