McJtyMods / DeepResonance

Deep Resonance: a powergen mod for Minecraft involving crystals
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Losing RCL Fluid #120

Open Jcewazhere opened 7 years ago

Jcewazhere commented 7 years ago

I have what I thought was a spiffy semi-auto setup but I think having two valves attached to one tank is deleting fluid every loop.

The fluid should go from the tanks on top of the smelter to the two sequential purifiers then into the three tanks above the valves. From there I have one valve set to 1% purity and the other set to 84%. The low purity fluid should get sent back through the purifiers until it hits >84%. The high purity valve sends the fluid to the laser tank. I have the lasers on manual and I don't notice fluid being lost while firing the laser. Only when I send the fluid back into the purifier loop do I lose fluid.

Is this a bug? Is my logic flawed? Am I losing fluid somewhere else?

Regardless I'm ripping this out and setting up a simpler setup for now, I just wanted to let you know about a possible bug. Thanks for the neat mod.

McJty commented 7 years ago

1% is extremely low. Be aware that the laser destroyes RCL if it goes to 0%. Are you sure that's not what is happening? What catalyst are you using in the laser?

Jcewazhere commented 7 years ago

I was alternating between quartz and glowstone, watching it while it ran. I never let it get below 10% purity.

McJty commented 7 years ago

Hmm if you are really sure about that (keep in mind that the laser does 500mb at a time and for that 500mb it will subtract the purity fully and then reinserts that into the tank). Another thing to check if that's no liquid is stuck in the fluid pipes. Note that RCL of different quality does not mix in the enderio fluid pipes so if you have (for example) 10%/10%/10% in a tank then it can't be extracted by a liquid pipe that contains 11%/10%/10%. I've seen this happen too

Otherwise no idea. What version of the mod are you using?

Jcewazhere commented 7 years ago

Deep Resonance 1.10-1.2.8 Ender IO 1.10.2-3.1.116_beta I did check for fluid in the pipes and didn't notice any but it's possible I missed some. After messing with the simpler build I haven't had any losses. I can try rebuilding the XOR version in a test world to see if the losses return. Otherwise I'll just KISS (keep it stupid simple) it.