McJtyMods / DeepResonance

Deep Resonance: a powergen mod for Minecraft involving crystals
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[1.12] Blocks & items changing into other Items #226

Closed YOYOK9 closed 6 years ago

YOYOK9 commented 6 years ago

Not sure really how to describe this bug but when ever I craft certain machines or blocks they turn into thermal foundation materials once I exit my inventory.

An example is the Dense Obsidian turns into a silver ingot... All item changes:

MC: 1.12 Forge: DeepResonance: 1.12-1.4.9 ThermalFoundation: 1.12-

McJty commented 6 years ago

That doesn't sound like a bug in Deep Resonance but more in some other mod that influences crafting

YOYOK9 commented 6 years ago

pulled the items right out of the creative menu. test crafted the obsidian in a minecraft crafting table.

McJty commented 6 years ago

Can you describe better what exactly you are doing?

YOYOK9 commented 6 years ago

Sorry for the late response, went out. I am working on a modpack and was trying to make a harder crafting recipe in another mod (using crafttweaker) and was going to use blocks from your mod. But when I pulled them out of the creative menu they would convert into other items from thermal foundation or basic minecraft.

The steps to reproduce this are: Step 1: open D.R. creative tab. Step 2: place one of the items in the list I had provided in your hot bar. Step 3: close inventory.

after that The item would convert into another item.

McJty commented 6 years ago

Well not sure what to say but this is not something that can be caused by Deep Resonance. Check what other mods are in the pack. Something must be messing with this somehow

YOYOK9 commented 6 years ago

So updated my pack to 1.12.1 and the issue is no more. Not sure what mod was causing the issues. But it is fixed in 1.12.1