McJtyMods / FancyTrinkets

All kinds of fancy curios baubles with a reforging system
MIT License
3 stars 1 forks source link

A few minor issues #3

Open IamStig opened 1 year ago

IamStig commented 1 year ago

DW20 pack v1.1.1, Not sure if it is included by FTB I may have added it.

3 Minor problems. 1 The Experience crafter CAN be over filled, I think it is by giving it a smaller amount of Experience then trying to fill it to max, the bar will display something like 1490/1395. And it takes 1395 from the player if they have it. 2 Particles, I think absorption is the one I am having difficulty with, it is very in-your-face, it is fine if I turn Particles to minimal in the video settings ....... but that is universal and affects particles like Botania which is only showing when looking at Botania operations ..... not at all times in FoV 3 I managed most of the mod without looking at Google, Youtube or your Wiki but it took the Youtube tutorial link on the Wiki to show me why trinkets have both a 5x5 recipe and a 3x3 recipe (within a 5x5 layout), worst is that I had actually watched the tutorial back around release and had forgotten. Solutions suggestions 1 Limit the amount taken to "1395-current stored" and or provide an option to remove essence. 2 lower the particle level or maybe include a cheap item to craft with the trinket to lower particle effects. Maybe each craft lowers particles by 10/100, so using it 10 times removes completely or 9 times is equal to Minimal 3 Add a tooltip "this recipe removes effects" I am enjoying the mod, I like creative flight without needing to travel to the End but it might be a little cheap ... then again I am swamped with Ghast essence using 1 captured Ghast and Ars nouveau Drygmy's.

McJty commented 1 year ago

I'll check it out. Thanks for the report. About particles, that's a vanilla thing. Not much I can do about that. I believe there are other mods that can turn those off though

McJty commented 1 year ago

BTW, the 3x3 recipe for trinkets is not for removing effects. It's for reforging the trinket to give it better effects

someaddons commented 1 year ago

vanilla has an option to hide particles itself, check the function with additional parameters on adding effects

IamStig commented 1 year ago

Edited - I think I misunderstood someaddons reply. After re-reading it is a tip for how McJty could limit the effect....right?