McJtyMods / FancyTrinkets

All kinds of fancy curios baubles with a reforging system
MIT License
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Tooltips in multiplayer not working correctly #5

Closed AnimusOccisor closed 1 year ago

AnimusOccisor commented 1 year ago

Made a mod pack, No fancy customized recipes, just plain mods. In single-player recipes can be viewed and hoovering over a crafted ring shows buffs and debufs on the tooltip

Multiplayer the recipes do not show (JEI shows the item but not how to craft them) and when crafting (that works) the buffs and debufs a ring would give are also not shown on the tooltip.

Even made sure no hidden configs got copied, both server and single-player created from the same curse client export (with only mods in the export), I'm lost

fancytrinkets-1.19-2.1.1.jar and maybe related theoneprobe-1.19-6.2.2.jar

McJty commented 1 year ago

Hmm weird. What Minecraft version?

AnimusOccisor commented 1 year ago

Minecraft 1.19.2 Forge 43.2.8 also tried Forge 43.2.7 and with jei-1.19.2-forge-

Side note, previous version for fancy trinkets 1.19.2 also had that issue on the server. Had hopes it was solved with the update.

McJty commented 1 year ago

I'll check it out later

McJty commented 1 year ago

I managed to reproduce the problem. Now I can try to find out what's wrong

McJty commented 1 year ago


AnimusOccisor commented 1 year ago

I'll check it out this weekend. Got a bunch of mod updates. So double backup before the update and check if nothing breaks.

Tnx for the quick fix in advance :)