McJtyMods / FancyTrinkets

All kinds of fancy curios baubles with a reforging system
MIT License
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Tooltips in multiplayer not working correctly part#2 #6

Closed AnimusOccisor closed 1 year ago

AnimusOccisor commented 1 year ago


Tried the update fancytrinkets-1.19-2.1.3 on the server.

Already made rings, no tooltips.

Just made a new ring .. also no tooltip. (damn, can not add picures)

posted a picture on twatter

McJty commented 1 year ago

Well that's normal. What tooltip are you expecting there?

AnimusOccisor commented 1 year ago

More like in single player. And to clarify, the ring picture on twitter was one with XP and the ingredients to make a fire-resistant ring. Also JEI shows different info depending on multiplayer or single player. In multiplayer only the base ring is shown and in single player it shows the recipes for the rings. Going to post the pictures for you on twitter again.

McJty commented 1 year ago

At this moment I cannot reproduce any problem when I test on a server. So I need more info and the exact steps that you do

AnimusOccisor commented 1 year ago

My own mod collection selected true the curseforge launcher and made a pack. No custom configs only current change is an increase in the amount of force loadable chunks true FTB

Need to upload the current testbuild to there did not had the time yet. Updated to the latest version form curseforge:

fancytrinkets-1.19-2.1.3.jar curios-forge-1.19.2- mcjtylib-1.19-7.2.2.jar And see there is an update for that again now. theoneprobe-1.19-6.2.2.jar

So if the fix was in the libfile then we have the culprit. Might be able to test that somewhere today But kina have to work :x So tonight

AnimusOccisor commented 1 year ago

Just did a short test, again created the fire ring, and no tooltip what so ever! After updating all your mods to the latest versions, that is.

McJty commented 1 year ago

Can you show me some screenshots on how you are creating the fire ring? Maybe a video?

AnimusOccisor commented 1 year ago

That was some time ago i did stuff like this. ok, made a capture, compressed it and posted it on twitter

McJty commented 1 year ago

I see nothing on twitter?

McJty commented 1 year ago

Never mind, I managed to reproduce some weird behaviour. I'll investigate

AnimusOccisor commented 1 year ago else like this ?

McJty commented 1 year ago

It says that tweet is not available

McJty commented 1 year ago

I think I fixed the bug. Will make a release later

McJty commented 1 year ago

Fixed with latest version of McJtyLib (7.2.4). FancyTrinkets doesn't need an update

AnimusOccisor commented 1 year ago

Just reposted the vid on twitter again. No clue what went wrong before. Hope the new lib file resolves this, else we get a part3 :x

McJty commented 1 year ago

Ok, it is not fixed. The reason I thought it was fixed was because if you first open a single player world and THEN go to a server then it will be fine on the server too. But not if you directly go to the server

McJty commented 1 year ago

Just released a new version of Fancy Trinkets. Can you try again?

AnimusOccisor commented 1 year ago

Only see a fancy trinkets update, stopping the server and updating .. back in a few.

AnimusOccisor commented 1 year ago

Fixed \o/ See also twitter :)