McJtyMods / InControl

Be In Control of Mob Spawns and others
MIT License
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InControl Not working? Bats still over spawn. #432

Closed alarmgoose closed 1 week ago

alarmgoose commented 1 week ago

I'm assuming that I am doing something wrong. I'm trying to make minecraft:bat spawn no more then 5. Here is what is in my .json

{ "mob": "minecraft:bat", "mincount": 5, "result": "deny" }

I placed this in the spawn.json but when I go into game, there are 16 bats in the area. I teleported to them just to be sure, using the mod observable.

What am I doing wrong?

McJty commented 1 week ago

What version?

alarmgoose commented 1 week ago


McJty commented 1 week ago

Add "when": "onjoin" to the rule

alarmgoose commented 1 week ago

Oh and I used a command to kill all bats, but they instantly respawned to similar numbers. and where do I had the when on join ? anywhere?

McJty commented 1 week ago

Anywhere in the rule

alarmgoose commented 1 week ago

okay let me give it a try. I'll post back the results in a few mins. Thank you for the quick reply!

alarmgoose commented 1 week ago

That worked perfectly! Are there any other things that I should know? I plan on restricting more mobs from different mods so I'm assuming to use that phrase on them all right? And thank you again!

McJty commented 1 week ago

You can do it all in one rule by using the list syntax:

"mob": ["minecraft:bat", "othermod:monster", ...],

alarmgoose commented 1 week ago

... THANK YOU! I appreciate you answering so fast too. =D