McJtyMods / InControl

Be In Control of Mob Spawns and others
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Mobs spawning more than spawn cap #456

Open IdkWhatNameThingyToPut opened 2 hours ago

IdkWhatNameThingyToPut commented 2 hours ago

Hello I'm really confused right now mobs seem to be spawning more than the spawn cap which I've tried to set to 1 with "mincount", at first I thought everything was working fine but once adding in "seesky": true, I could see a lot more spawning in. Not sure if it's bugged or if I'm doing something wrong? Maybe they were spawning heaps in caves below me the whole time and once adding in "seesky": true, it showed that they were spawning heaps because they couldn't spawn a lot in caves anymore? Could I please have some help with this I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or not.

Also this is on minecraft modded 1.12.2

This is what's in PotentialSpawn.json: [ { "dimension": 0, "biometype": ["WARM", "COLD", "FOREST", "JUNGLE", "BEACH", "SNOWY", "SAVANNA", "SPARSE", "MOUNTAIN", "SWAMP", "CONIFEROUS", "HOT", "SPOOKY", "RARE", "MESA", "DRY", "HILLS", "MUSHROOM", "PLAINS", "DEAD", "LUSH", "WASTELAND", "MAGICAL", "TWILIGHT", "NETHER"], "mobs": [ { "mob": "ancientbeasts:giant_zombie", "weight": 30, "groupcountmin": 1, "groupcountmax": 2 } ] }, { "dimension": 0, "biometype": ["WARM", "COLD", "FOREST", "JUNGLE", "BEACH", "SNOWY", "SAVANNA", "SPARSE", "MOUNTAIN", "SWAMP", "CONIFEROUS", "HOT", "SPOOKY", "RARE", "MESA", "DRY", "HILLS", "MUSHROOM", "PLAINS", "DEAD", "LUSH", "WASTELAND", "MAGICAL", "TWILIGHT", "NETHER"], "mobs": [ { "mob": "mutantbeasts:mutant_creeper", "weight": 30, "groupcountmin": 1, "groupcountmax": 2 } ] } ]

This is what's in Spawn.json:

[ { "mob": "mutantbeasts:mutant_creeper", "mincount": { "amount": 1 }, "result": "deny" }, { "mob": "ancientbeasts:giant_zombie", "onjoin": true, "seesky": true, "mincount": { "amount": 1 }, "result": "deny" } ]

IdkWhatNameThingyToPut commented 2 hours ago

Also the ancientbeasts:giant_zombie is the mob that I'm talking about spawning more than the spawn cap I haven't tested the creeper one fully yet just so you know.

McJty commented 37 minutes ago

It's because you are combining conditions. The giant_zombie rule in spawn.json only succeeds (and denies the spawn) if seesky is true AND mincount is 1. That means that if seesky is not true (like underground) there is no more limit. You need to split the rules