McJtyMods / LostCities

MIT License
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new types of cities #164

Open kuroyure opened 5 years ago

kuroyure commented 5 years ago

id like to suggest mod compatible cities like immersive engeneering post apocalyptic industrial revolution based cities with english inspired buildings and old factories containing multiblocks, long abandoned ruined cities with vegetation all over the place with holes in the structure and debri in the ground and animals such as cats in the buildings and dogs in town vined and mossed skyscrapers and exposed subway and wastewater systems , ghost cities/small towns with few buildings and eeire looks and variations using chisel, maybe even abandoned medieval villages with dragon-made charred blocks and petrified villagers as a sign of gorgon attacks

josephcsible commented 5 years ago

Can't you do a lot of that just by making custom presets?