McJtyMods / LostCities

MIT License
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City Configs Suck #233

Open yuno44907 opened 4 years ago

yuno44907 commented 4 years ago

This mod doesnt add anyway to get skulls. It is hard to edit portal. You never said anything about lost souls in your lost cities page and didnt write about lost souls in detail because default dungeons very hard why should i add more hardness? And your default city profiles all suck. I have seen dragon nests in houses and villages on glass globe; obviously my configs are better.

Best lost cities config: GENERAL

Configuration file




General settings


general {

List of other worldtypes (id) that this mod will try to work with. The worldtype has to support the IChunkPrimerFactory API for this to work [default: ]

S:adaptingWorldTypes <

List of additional Lost City dimensions. Format ':' [default: ]

S:additionalDimensions <

List of asset libraries loaded in the specified order. If the path starts with '/' it is going to be loaded directly from the classpath. If the path starts with '$' it is loaded from the config directory [default: [/assets/lostcities/citydata/conditions.json], [/assets/lostcities/citydata/palette.json], [/assets/lostcities/citydata/palette_desert.json], [/assets/lostcities/citydata/palette_chisel.json], [/assets/lostcities/citydata/palette_chisel_desert.json], [/assets/lostcities/citydata/highwayparts.json], [/assets/lostcities/citydata/railparts.json], [/assets/lostcities/citydata/monorailparts.json], [/assets/lostcities/citydata/buildingparts.json], [/assets/lostcities/citydata/library.json], [$lostcities/userassets.json]]

S:assets < /assets/lostcities/citydata/conditions.json /assets/lostcities/citydata/palette.json /assets/lostcities/citydata/palette_desert.json /assets/lostcities/citydata/palette_chisel.json /assets/lostcities/citydata/palette_chisel_desert.json /assets/lostcities/citydata/highwayparts.json /assets/lostcities/citydata/railparts.json /assets/lostcities/citydata/monorailparts.json /assets/lostcities/citydata/buildingparts.json /assets/lostcities/citydata/library.json $lostcities/userassets.json

List of blocks for which a lighting update is needed [default: [minecraft:glowstone], [minecraft:lit_pumpkin], [minecraft:magma]]

S:blocksRequiringLightingUpdates < minecraft:glowstone minecraft:lit_pumpkin minecraft:magma

Enable debugging/logging [default: false]


The default 'profile' to use for the overworld [default: default]


If true and if Biomes O Plenty is present the dimension will use BoP biomes [default: true]


The 'ID' of the Lost City Dimension. Set to -1 if you don't want this dimension [range: -10000 ~ 10000, default: 111]


The 'profile' to use for generation of the Lost City dimension [default: default]


Disable this if you have mods like NEID or JEID installed. Note that when NEID or JEID is present this is disabled by default [default: true]


List of privatep profiles that cannot be selected by the player but are only used as a child profile of another one [default: [bio_wasteland], [water_empty]]

S:privateProfiles < bio_wasteland water_empty

List of all supported profiles (used for world creation). Warning! Make sure there is always a 'default' profile! [default: [default], [cavern], [nodamage], [rarecities], [floating], [space], [waterbubbles], [biosphere], [onlycities], [tallbuildings], [safe], [ancient], [wasteland], [chisel], [atlantis], [realistic]]

S:profiles < default cavern nodamage rarecities floating space waterbubbles biosphere onlycities tallbuildings safe ancient wasteland chisel atlantis realistic

Block to put underneath a bed so that it qualifies as a teleporter bed [default: minecraft:diamond_block]


Config version. Do not modify this manually!

I:version=7 }

Lost cities config BİO WASTELAND

Configuration file




Settings related to city generation for the bio_wasteland profile


cities_bio_wasteland {

The default biome factor which is used if your biome is not specified in 'cityBiomeFactors' [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 1.0]


List of biomes with a factor to affect the city factor in that biome. Using the value 0 you can disable city generation in biomes [default: [river=0], [frozen_river=0], [ocean=.7], [frozen_ocean=.7], [deep_ocean=.4]]

S:cityBiomeFactors < river=1 frozen_river=1 ocean=1 frozen_ocean=1 deep_ocean=1

The chance this chunk will be the center of a city [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.008]


Below this chunk height cities will be level 0 [range: 1 ~ 255, default: 60]


Below this chunk height cities will be level 1 [range: 1 ~ 255, default: 66]


Below this chunk height cities will be level 2 [range: 1 ~ 255, default: 72]


Below this chunk height cities will be level 3 [range: 1 ~ 255, default: 78]


The maximum radius of a city [range: 1 ~ 10000, default: 90]


The minimum radius of a city [range: 1 ~ 10000, default: 50]


The center and radius of a city define a sphere. This thresshold indicates from which point a city is considered a city. This is important for calculating where cities are based on overlapping city circles (where the city thressholds are added) [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.05]

S:cityThresshold=0.05 }




Settings related to city sphere generation for the bio_wasteland profile


cityspheres_bio_wasteland {

The chance that a city sphere will be generated [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.4]


Only used in 'space' landscape. This factor will be multiplied with the radius of the city to calculate the radius of the outer sphere [range: 0.1 ~ 10.0, default: 1.2]


If this is true then there will be a landscape outside the city spheres [default: true]


The chance that a city will have a monorail connection in a certain direction. There will only be an actual connection if there is a city in that direction that also wants a monorail [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.0]


Offset compared to main height [range: -100 ~ 100, default: -2]


If this is true then only predefined spheres are generated [default: false]


Ground level for outside city spheres (DEPRECATED, USE GROUNDLEVEL OF OTHER PROFILE) [range: -1 ~ 256, default: -1]


An optional profile to use for the outside world [default: ]


Smaller numbers make the surface outside a city sphere more varied [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 1.0]


If this is true then every city sphere will be limited to one (random) biome [default: false]


Smaller numbers make the surface inside a city sphere more varied [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 1.0]

S:sphereSurfaceVariation=1.0 }




Client side settings for the bio_wasteland profile


client_bio_wasteland {

This is used client-side (but only if the client has this mod) for the fog color [range: -1.0 ~ 1.0, default: -1.0]


This is used client-side (but only if the client has this mod) for the fog density [range: -1.0 ~ 1.0, default: -1.0]


This is used client-side (but only if the client has this mod) for the fog color [range: -1.0 ~ 1.0, default: -1.0]


This is used client-side (but only if the client has this mod) for the fog color [range: -1.0 ~ 1.0, default: -1.0]


This is used client-side (but only if the client has this mod) to set the height of the horizon [range: -1.0 ~ 256.0, default: -1.0]

S:horizon=128 }




Settings related to explosions and damage for the bio_wasteland profile


explosions_bio_wasteland {

A factor that determines how much debris will overflow from nearby damaged chunks. Bigger numbers mean less debris [range: 1 ~ 10000, default: 200]


When a section of blocks in in an explosion the generator will count the number of blocks that are connected. The number of connections divided by the total number of blocks in a connected section is compared with this number. If it is smaller then the section of blocks is destroyed or moved down with gravity [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.05]


When a section of blocks is to be moved or destroyed this chance gives the chance of removal (as opposed to moving with gravity) [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.4]


A section of blocks that is about to be moved or destroyed is always destroyed if it is smaller then this size [range: 1 ~ 5000, default: 50]


The chance that a chunk will contain an explosion [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.0]


The maximum height of an explosion [range: 1 ~ 256, default: 90]


The maximum radius of an explosion [range: 1 ~ 3000, default: 35]


The minimum height of an explosion [range: 1 ~ 256, default: 75]


The minimum radius of an explosion [range: 1 ~ 1000, default: 15]


If this is true the center of an explosion can only be in a city (the blast can still affect non-city chunks) [default: true]


The chance that a chunk will contain a mini explosion [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.01]


The maximum height of a mini explosion [range: 1 ~ 256, default: 100]


The maximum radius of a mini explosion [range: 1 ~ 3000, default: 12]


The minimum height of a mini explosion [range: 1 ~ 256, default: 60]


The minimum radius of a mini explosion [range: 1 ~ 1000, default: 5]

I:miniExplosionMinRadius=5 }




Settings related to the Lost City for the bio_wasteland profile


lostcity_bio_wasteland { S:allowedBiomeFactors <

If this is true then parks will have no foliage (trees and flowers currently) [default: false]


This will prevent biomes from generating cactii [default: false]


This will prevent the generation of desert wells [default: false]


This will prevent biomes from generating flowers [default: false]


This will prevent the generation of fossils [default: false]


This will prevent biomes from generating grass [default: false]


This will prevent the generation of water in lakes [default: false]


This will prevent biomes from generating lilypads [default: false]


This will prevent biomes from generating mushrooms [default: false]


This will prevent biomes from generating pumpkins [default: false]


This will prevent biomes from generating reeds [default: false]


This will prevent biomes from generating trees [default: false]


If true then all water will be avoided (replaced with air) [default: false]


Block to use as the worldgen base [default: minecraft:stone]


The height of the bedrock layer that is generated at the bottom of some world types. Set to 0 to disable this and get default bedrock generation [range: 0 ~ 10, default: 1]


This is used in combination with allowedBiomeFactors. 'original' is the old strategy. 'randomized' is a new strategy that tries to randomize the biomes better. 'varied' is similar but has a more relaxed biome distance function [default: original]


The chance that a chunk can possibly contain a bridge. There actually being a bridge also depends on the presence of adjacent bridges and other conditions [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.7]


If true bridges get supports when needed. You can disable this if you have bridges that span void chunks [default: true]


The chance that a chunk can possibly be the top-left chunk of 2x2 building. There actually being a 2x2 building also depends on the condition of those other chunks [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.03]


The chance that a chunk in a city will have a building. Otherwise it will be a street [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.3]


The chance that a doorway will be generated at a side of a building (on any level). Only when possible [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.6]


The chance that a building will have a 'front' part if this is possible (i.e. adjacent street) [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.2]


The maximum number of cellars (below ground). 0 means no cellar [range: 0 ~ 7, default: 4]


A cap for the amount of floors a city can have (above ground) [range: 0 ~ 30, default: 9]


The amount of floors of a building is equal to: MINFLOORS + random(MINFLOORS_CHANCE + (cityFactor + .1f) * (MAXFLOORS_CHANCE - MINFLOORS_CHANCE)) [range: 1 ~ 30, default: 6]


The minimum number of cellars (below ground). 0 means no cellar [range: 0 ~ 7, default: 0]


The minimum number of floors (above ground) for a building (0 means the first floor only) [range: 0 ~ 30, default: 0]


The amount of floors of a building is equal to: MINFLOORS + random(MINFLOORS_CHANCE + (cityFactor + .1f) * (MAXFLOORS_CHANCE - MINFLOORS_CHANCE)) [range: 1 ~ 30, default: 4]


The chance that a building will have no loot and no spawners [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.2]


The chance that a chest will have no loot [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.2]


The chance that a chunk can possibly contain a corridor. There actually being a corridor also depends on the presence of adjacent corridors [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.7]


The chance that a 2x2 building will be a data center [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.1]


The description of this profile [default: Jungles in big glass bubbles on a barren landscape]

S:description=Jungles in big glass bubbles on a barren landscape

Additional information [default: This profile works best with Biomes O Plenty]

S:extraDescription=This profile works best with Biomes O Plenty

The chance that a street section contains a fountain [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.05]


If true then there will be minimal lighting in the buildings [default: true]


If true the chests in the buildings will contain loot [default: true]


If true then the buildings will be full of spawners [default: true]


A json with generator options for the chunk generator [default: ]


Ground level [range: 2 ~ 256, default: 60]


Mask to control how far highways can generate. Must be a power of 2 (minus 1). If 0 there are no highways at all [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 0]


0 (take height from top-left city), 1 (take minimum height from both cities), 2 (take maximum height from both cities), 3 (take average height) [range: 0 ~ 3, default: 3]


For highways on a certain axis, this value is used to scale the perlin noise generator on the main axis. Increasing this value will increase the frequency of highways but make them smaller [range: 1.0 ~ 1000.0, default: 50.0]


The highway perlin noise is compared to this value. Setting this to 0 would give 50% chance of a highway being at a spot. Note that highways only generate on chunks a multiple of 8. Setting this very high will prevent highways from generating [range: -100.0 ~ 100.0, default: 2.0]


If true then a highway will only generate if both sides have a valid city. If false then one city is sufficient [default: true]


For highways on a certain axis, this value is used to scale the perlin noise generator on the secondary axis. Increasing this value will increase the variation of nearby highways [range: 1.0 ~ 1000.0, default: 10.0]


If true highways get supports when needed. You can disable this if you have highways that span void chunks [default: true]


The icon to use in the configuration screen (64x64) [default: textures/gui/icon_biosphere.png]


Type of landscape [default: space]


The chance that a 2x2 building will be a library [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.1]


Block to use as a liquid [default: minecraft:water]


Use in combination with 'allowedBiomeFactors' to manually map some biomes to others. This is a list of the format oldbiome=newbiome [default: ]

S:manualBiomeMappings <

The chance that a non-building section can be a park section [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.2]


The chance that a chunk next to a railway will have a railway dungeon [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.01]


If true then railway stations are enabled [default: false]


If true the a place where a station would have been if there was a city above will have an 'ending' rail part if one side of the 'station' has no connections. Useful in case cities are rare [default: true]


If true then railways are enabled. If false they are not (but stations will still generate) [default: false]


Chance that leafblocks will be generated at the border of a building and a street [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.1]


Frequency of leafblocks as seen from the sides of buildings [range: 1 ~ 8, default: 2]


The scale of the dirt layer. Smaller values make the layer larger. Use 0 to disable [range: 0.0 ~ 100.0, default: 3.0]


If this is true an alternative way to generate dirt/stone/sand + leave blocks is used that makes the city appear more overgrown [default: false]


The scale of the leave layer. Smaller values make the layer larger. Use 0 to disable [range: 0.0 ~ 100.0, default: 6.0]


If ruines are enabled this gives the chance that a building is ruined [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.7]


If a building is ruined this indicates the maximum start height for the ruin destruction layer [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.8]


If a building is ruined this indicates the minimum start height for the ruin destruction layer [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.3]


If true there is a chance a building is ruined from the top (not caused by explosion damage) [default: true]


When this is set the player will always spawn in the given biome [default: jungle]


When this is set the player will always spawn in the given predefined city [default: ]


If this is true the player will not spawn in a building. This can be used in combination with the other spawn settings [default: false]


When this is set the player will always spawn in the given predefined sphere. If you use the player will always spawn in a random sphere. If you use the player will always spawn outside a sphere [default: ]


The chance that a block on the outside of a building will be covered with a vine [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.009]


How much lower the water level is compared to the ground level (63) [range: -100 ~ 100, default: 70]


The worldstyle used by this profile (defined in the assets) [default: standard]

S:worldStyle=standard }

maxcaveheight {

Maximum height at which vanilla caves can generate. Default is 128. Lower this if you don't want the caves to damage buildings [range: 20 ~ 240, default: 128]

I:structures_bio_wasteland=256 }




Settings related to structure generation for the bio_wasteland profile


structures_bio_wasteland {

Generate caves


Generate dungeons


Generate lakes (lava/water)


Generate mansions


Generate mineshafts


Generate ocean monuments


Generate ravines


Generate scattered features (swamphunts, desert temples, ...)


Generate strongholds


Generate villages


If true then no lakes and ravines will be generated in cities


If true then an attempt will be made to prevent villages in cities. Note that enabling this option will likely require a low city density in order to actually get a reasonable chance for villages.

B:preventVillagesInCities=false }

Lost Cities config Bio Sphere

Configuration file




Settings related to city generation for the biosphere profile


cities_biosphere {

The default biome factor which is used if your biome is not specified in 'cityBiomeFactors' [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 1.0]


List of biomes with a factor to affect the city factor in that biome. Using the value 0 you can disable city generation in biomes [default: [river=0], [frozen_river=0], [ocean=.7], [frozen_ocean=.7], [deep_ocean=.4]]

S:cityBiomeFactors < river=1 frozen_river=1 ocean=1 frozen_ocean=1 deep_ocean=1

The chance this chunk will be the center of a city [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.7]


Below this chunk height cities will be level 0 [range: 1 ~ 255, default: 60]


Below this chunk height cities will be level 1 [range: 1 ~ 255, default: 66]


Below this chunk height cities will be level 2 [range: 1 ~ 255, default: 72]


Below this chunk height cities will be level 3 [range: 1 ~ 255, default: 78]


The maximum radius of a city [range: 1 ~ 10000, default: 90]


The minimum radius of a city [range: 1 ~ 10000, default: 50]


The center and radius of a city define a sphere. This thresshold indicates from which point a city is considered a city. This is important for calculating where cities are based on overlapping city circles (where the city thressholds are added) [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.05]

S:cityThresshold=0.05 }




Settings related to city sphere generation for the biosphere profile


cityspheres_biosphere {

The chance that a city sphere will be generated [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.4]


Only used in 'space' landscape. This factor will be multiplied with the radius of the city to calculate the radius of the outer sphere [range: 0.1 ~ 10.0, default: 1.2]


If this is true then there will be a landscape outside the city spheres [default: true]


The chance that a city will have a monorail connection in a certain direction. There will only be an actual connection if there is a city in that direction that also wants a monorail [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.0]


Offset compared to main height [range: -100 ~ 100, default: -2]


If this is true then only predefined spheres are generated [default: false]


Ground level for outside city spheres (DEPRECATED, USE GROUNDLEVEL OF OTHER PROFILE) [range: -1 ~ 256, default: -1]


An optional profile to use for the outside world [default: bio_wasteland]


Smaller numbers make the surface outside a city sphere more varied [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.5]


If this is true then every city sphere will be limited to one (random) biome [default: false]


Smaller numbers make the surface inside a city sphere more varied [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 1.0]

S:sphereSurfaceVariation=1.0 }




Client side settings for the biosphere profile


client_biosphere {

This is used client-side (but only if the client has this mod) for the fog color [range: -1.0 ~ 1.0, default: -1.0]


This is used client-side (but only if the client has this mod) for the fog density [range: -1.0 ~ 1.0, default: -1.0]


This is used client-side (but only if the client has this mod) for the fog color [range: -1.0 ~ 1.0, default: -1.0]


This is used client-side (but only if the client has this mod) for the fog color [range: -1.0 ~ 1.0, default: -1.0]


This is used client-side (but only if the client has this mod) to set the height of the horizon [range: -1.0 ~ 256.0, default: 30.0]

S:horizon=128 }




Settings related to explosions and damage for the biosphere profile


explosions_biosphere {

A factor that determines how much debris will overflow from nearby damaged chunks. Bigger numbers mean less debris [range: 1 ~ 10000, default: 200]


When a section of blocks in in an explosion the generator will count the number of blocks that are connected. The number of connections divided by the total number of blocks in a connected section is compared with this number. If it is smaller then the section of blocks is destroyed or moved down with gravity [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.05]


When a section of blocks is to be moved or destroyed this chance gives the chance of removal (as opposed to moving with gravity) [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.4]


A section of blocks that is about to be moved or destroyed is always destroyed if it is smaller then this size [range: 1 ~ 5000, default: 50]


The chance that a chunk will contain an explosion [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.0]


The maximum height of an explosion [range: 1 ~ 256, default: 90]


The maximum radius of an explosion [range: 1 ~ 3000, default: 35]


The minimum height of an explosion [range: 1 ~ 256, default: 75]


The minimum radius of an explosion [range: 1 ~ 1000, default: 15]


If this is true the center of an explosion can only be in a city (the blast can still affect non-city chunks) [default: true]


The chance that a chunk will contain a mini explosion [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.01]


The maximum height of a mini explosion [range: 1 ~ 256, default: 75]


The maximum radius of a mini explosion [range: 1 ~ 3000, default: 10]


The minimum height of a mini explosion [range: 1 ~ 256, default: 60]


The minimum radius of a mini explosion [range: 1 ~ 1000, default: 5]

I:miniExplosionMinRadius=5 }




Settings related to the Lost City for the biosphere profile


lostcity_biosphere {

List of biomes that are allowed in the world. Empty list is default all biomes. The factor controls how much that biome is favored over the others (higher means less favored!) [default: [jungle=1], [jungle_hills=1], [jungle_edge=2]]

S:allowedBiomeFactors <

If this is true then parks will have no foliage (trees and flowers currently) [default: false]


This will prevent biomes from generating cactii [default: false]


This will prevent the generation of desert wells [default: false]


This will prevent biomes from generating flowers [default: false]


This will prevent the generation of fossils [default: false]


This will prevent biomes from generating grass [default: false]


This will prevent the generation of water in lakes [default: false]


This will prevent biomes from generating lilypads [default: false]


This will prevent biomes from generating mushrooms [default: false]


This will prevent biomes from generating pumpkins [default: false]


This will prevent biomes from generating reeds [default: false]


This will prevent biomes from generating trees [default: false]


If true then all water will be avoided (replaced with air) [default: false]


Block to use as the worldgen base [default: minecraft:stone]


The height of the bedrock layer that is generated at the bottom of some world types. Set to 0 to disable this and get default bedrock generation [range: 0 ~ 10, default: 1]


This is used in combination with allowedBiomeFactors. 'original' is the old strategy. 'randomized' is a new strategy that tries to randomize the biomes better. 'varied' is similar but has a more relaxed biome distance function [default: original]


The chance that a chunk can possibly contain a bridge. There actually being a bridge also depends on the presence of adjacent bridges and other conditions [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.7]


If true bridges get supports when needed. You can disable this if you have bridges that span void chunks [default: true]


The chance that a chunk can possibly be the top-left chunk of 2x2 building. There actually being a 2x2 building also depends on the condition of those other chunks [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.03]


The chance that a chunk in a city will have a building. Otherwise it will be a street [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.3]


The chance that a doorway will be generated at a side of a building (on any level). Only when possible [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.6]


The chance that a building will have a 'front' part if this is possible (i.e. adjacent street) [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.2]


The maximum number of cellars (below ground). 0 means no cellar [range: 0 ~ 7, default: 4]


A cap for the amount of floors a city can have (above ground) [range: 0 ~ 30, default: 9]


The amount of floors of a building is equal to: MINFLOORS + random(MINFLOORS_CHANCE + (cityFactor + .1f) * (MAXFLOORS_CHANCE - MINFLOORS_CHANCE)) [range: 1 ~ 30, default: 6]


The minimum number of cellars (below ground). 0 means no cellar [range: 0 ~ 7, default: 0]


The minimum number of floors (above ground) for a building (0 means the first floor only) [range: 0 ~ 30, default: 0]


The amount of floors of a building is equal to: MINFLOORS + random(MINFLOORS_CHANCE + (cityFactor + .1f) * (MAXFLOORS_CHANCE - MINFLOORS_CHANCE)) [range: 1 ~ 30, default: 4]


The chance that a building will have no loot and no spawners [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.2]


The chance that a chest will have no loot [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.2]


The chance that a chunk can possibly contain a corridor. There actually being a corridor also depends on the presence of adjacent corridors [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.7]


The chance that a 2x2 building will be a data center [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.1]


The description of this profile [default: Jungles in big glass bubbles on a barren landscape]

S:description=Jungles in big glass bubbles on a barren landscape

Additional information [default: This profile works best with Biomes O Plenty]

S:extraDescription=This profile works best with Biomes O Plenty

The chance that a street section contains a fountain [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.05]


If true then there will be minimal lighting in the buildings [default: true]


If true the chests in the buildings will contain loot [default: true]


If true then the buildings will be full of spawners [default: true]


A json with generator options for the chunk generator [default: ]


Ground level [range: 2 ~ 256, default: 60]


Mask to control how far highways can generate. Must be a power of 2 (minus 1). If 0 there are no highways at all [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 0]


0 (take height from top-left city), 1 (take minimum height from both cities), 2 (take maximum height from both cities), 3 (take average height) [range: 0 ~ 3, default: 3]


For highways on a certain axis, this value is used to scale the perlin noise generator on the main axis. Increasing this value will increase the frequency of highways but make them smaller [range: 1.0 ~ 1000.0, default: 50.0]


The highway perlin noise is compared to this value. Setting this to 0 would give 50% chance of a highway being at a spot. Note that highways only generate on chunks a multiple of 8. Setting this very high will prevent highways from generating [range: -100.0 ~ 100.0, default: 2.0]


If true then a highway will only generate if both sides have a valid city. If false then one city is sufficient [default: true]


For highways on a certain axis, this value is used to scale the perlin noise generator on the secondary axis. Increasing this value will increase the variation of nearby highways [range: 1.0 ~ 1000.0, default: 10.0]


If true highways get supports when needed. You can disable this if you have highways that span void chunks [default: true]


The icon to use in the configuration screen (64x64) [default: textures/gui/icon_biosphere.png]


Type of landscape [default: space]


The chance that a 2x2 building will be a library [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.1]


Block to use as a liquid [default: minecraft:water]


Use in combination with 'allowedBiomeFactors' to manually map some biomes to others. This is a list of the format oldbiome=newbiome [default: ]

S:manualBiomeMappings <

The chance that a non-building section can be a park section [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.2]


The chance that a chunk next to a railway will have a railway dungeon [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.01]


If true then railway stations are enabled [default: false]


If true the a place where a station would have been if there was a city above will have an 'ending' rail part if one side of the 'station' has no connections. Useful in case cities are rare [default: true]


If true then railways are enabled. If false they are not (but stations will still generate) [default: false]


Chance that leafblocks will be generated at the border of a building and a street [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.1]


Frequency of leafblocks as seen from the sides of buildings [range: 1 ~ 8, default: 2]


The scale of the dirt layer. Smaller values make the layer larger. Use 0 to disable [range: 0.0 ~ 100.0, default: 3.0]


If this is true an alternative way to generate dirt/stone/sand + leave blocks is used that makes the city appear more overgrown [default: false]


The scale of the leave layer. Smaller values make the layer larger. Use 0 to disable [range: 0.0 ~ 100.0, default: 6.0]


If ruines are enabled this gives the chance that a building is ruined [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.7]


If a building is ruined this indicates the maximum start height for the ruin destruction layer [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.8]


If a building is ruined this indicates the minimum start height for the ruin destruction layer [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.3]


If true there is a chance a building is ruined from the top (not caused by explosion damage) [default: true]


When this is set the player will always spawn in the given biome [default: jungle]


When this is set the player will always spawn in the given predefined city [default: ]


If this is true the player will not spawn in a building. This can be used in combination with the other spawn settings [default: false]


When this is set the player will always spawn in the given predefined sphere. If you use the player will always spawn in a random sphere. If you use the player will always spawn outside a sphere [default: ]


The chance that a block on the outside of a building will be covered with a vine [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.009]


How much lower the water level is compared to the ground level (63) [range: -100 ~ 100, default: 70]


The worldstyle used by this profile (defined in the assets) [default: standard]

S:worldStyle=standard }

maxcaveheight {

Maximum height at which vanilla caves can generate. Default is 128. Lower this if you don't want the caves to damage buildings [range: 20 ~ 240, default: 128]

I:structures_biosphere=256 }




Settings related to structure generation for the biosphere profile


structures_biosphere {

Generate caves


Generate dungeons


Generate lakes (lava/water)


Generate mansions


Generate mineshafts


Generate ocean monuments


Generate ravines


Generate scattered features (swamphunts, desert temples, ...)


Generate strongholds


Generate villages


If true then no lakes and ravines will be generated in cities


If true then an attempt will be made to prevent villages in cities. Note that enabling this option will likely require a low city density in order to actually get a reasonable chance for villages.

B:preventVillagesInCities=false }

josephcsible commented 4 years ago

Is this a rant? If not, what specifically are you asking us to do?

yuno44907 commented 4 years ago

I made a better config, you can use it. Actually it is very funny thing everyone can edit files and create a new city profile. You wanted to keep game realistic, i wanted to make it random weird and fun. my configs are better. I love villages on glass bubbles and cities at the bottom of ocean and glass globes everywhere with random giant explosions. And also things from other mods like dragons spawn in it is extremely funny seeing a dragon in a very absurd dimension.

nephatrine commented 4 years ago

What exactly do you think is better about this compared to the default configs?

yuno44907 commented 4 years ago

It uses all biomes, villages spawn on top of glass, crates giant explosion craters, bigger buildings, cities can spawn at the bottom of ocean and they are flooded, all cities level 4, roads are so high there is dark corridors under them.

ROMVoid95 commented 4 years ago

i'd like to chime in, @yuno44907 please, for the love of all that is notch and the lord LEARN to use pastebin or any subset of that style of website, (hastebin). I'm honestly surprised that this even received a comment from the dev. your post makes no sense.

  1. what do you mean by "getting skulls"? if you mean skulls from skeletons, just use a tinkers weapon with beheading.
  2. the "portal"? the bed with diamond under it? just get skulls (the normal way) and surround the bed with it.
  3. Normal dungeons are not all. Lost souls only affects "buildings' in LostCities. Not dungeons.
  4. No one is making you use Lost Souls, If a MP server has it, then buck up or don't play on it.
  5. did we really just read a rant because a mods default configs were not magically tailored to a persons extremely unique world generation preferences?
yuno44907 commented 4 years ago

Thank you for being evil and waste peoples time by writing stuff

Pangamma commented 4 years ago

I made a better config, you can use it. Actually it is very funny thing everyone can edit files and create a new city profile. You wanted to keep game realistic, i wanted to make it random weird and fun. my configs are better. I love villages on glass bubbles and cities at the bottom of ocean and glass globes everywhere with random giant explosions. And also things from other mods like dragons spawn in it is extremely funny seeing a dragon in a very absurd dimension.

Can you share your configs? Those settings sound awesome.

seebs commented 4 years ago

Please consider editing your post to have a "```" before and after the config file so it doesn't get rendered as giant bold headlines.

Tyrannuscrafter commented 1 year ago

ANYONE KNOWS HOW DO I USE WASTELAND CITIES AND RARE CITIES AT THE SAME TIME? >:V I mean, I'm creating a server, I wanna make that cities are not LIKE EVERYWHERE with 2 profiles and with biomes o'plenty. DOES ANYONE KNOWS?! The discord server SUCKS. Nobody answers me. ez

ROMVoid95 commented 1 year ago

ANYONE KNOWS HOW DO I USE WASTELAND CITIES AND RARE CITIES AT THE SAME TIME? >:V I mean, I'm creating a server, I wanna make that cities are not LIKE EVERYWHERE with 2 profiles and with biomes o'plenty. DOES ANYONE KNOWS?! The discord server SUCKS. Nobody answers me. ez

your not gunna get any further commenting on a 3 year old discord issue lol

Tyrannuscrafter commented 1 year ago

ANYONE KNOWS HOW DO I USE WASTELAND CITIES AND RARE CITIES AT THE SAME TIME? >:V I mean, I'm creating a server, I wanna make that cities are not LIKE EVERYWHERE with 2 profiles and with biomes o'plenty. DOES ANYONE KNOWS?! The discord server SUCKS. Nobody answers me. ez

your not gunna get any further commenting on a 3 year old discord issue lol

huh well I fixed it

MrRedstoneA1 commented 1 year ago

I'm only commenting on this because it shows up in google search results when I'm searching for documentation/questions. This whole post isn't really helpful to anyone in any way, other than it has a custom config file with hellish formatting. My only concern is that maybe it should be archived or something so it doesn't show up in search results?