McJtyMods / LostCities

MIT License
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server issue #596

Closed furrydemon1 closed 7 months ago

furrydemon1 commented 7 months ago

the server wont start keeps sayin missing registries

McJty commented 7 months ago

I need a LOT more information. What version? What's the exact error? How did you configure it? Logs?

furrydemon1 commented 7 months ago

its 1 .18 . 2 i run a server it just said error missing registries i followed the curseforge instructions

30.11 04:27:33 [Server] WARN Missing Registries: 30.11 04:27:33 [Server] INFO lostcities:buildings 30.11 04:27:33 [Server] INFO lostcities:citystyles 30.11 04:27:33 [Server] INFO lostcities:conditions 30.11 04:27:33 [Server] INFO lostcities:multibuildings 30.11 04:27:33 [Server] INFO lostcities:palettes 30.11 04:27:33 [Server] INFO lostcities:parts 30.11 04:27:33 [Server] INFO lostcities:predefinedcites 30.11 04:27:33 [Server] INFO lostcities:predefinedspheres 30.11 04:27:33 [Server] INFO lostcities:scattered 30.11 04:27:33 [Server] INFO lostcities:styles 30.11 04:27:33 [Server] INFO lostcities:variants 30.11 04:27:33 [Server] INFO lostcities:worldstyles

McJty commented 7 months ago

Can you give me the full server log?

furrydemon1 commented 7 months ago


McJty commented 7 months ago

I see this:

[30Nov2023 04:40:49.157] [main/WARN] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: Missing data pack mod:lostcities

There appears to be a problem with the Lost Cities mod or a datapack related to Lost Cities. Can you describe your setup a bit better? Do you have custom lost city datapacks?

furrydemon1 commented 7 months ago

the datapack folder is empty

McJty commented 7 months ago

What about the mods folder? What is there?

furrydemon1 commented 7 months ago


McJty commented 7 months ago

I don't see lost cities in there?

McJty commented 7 months ago

Without Lost Cities itself this mod can obviously not work. Also it sounds as if you copied the world. You should not do that. Follow the instructions