McJtyMods / LostCities

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[1.19.2] Generation Error -> shutting down the world #612

Open xiHinox opened 3 months ago

xiHinox commented 3 months ago

Hello i need help with solving this issue: ive got the problem, that my world stops generating after a short time walking thru it. I saw some people had the same problem, but didnt find a solution as well. Maybe my log can help to solve the Problem:

Log latest.log

McJty commented 3 months ago

What profile are you using?

xiHinox commented 3 months ago

The log is from a default tested Profile and occures every Time again, when I create new worlds and explore them. But I think when I tested a custom profile the bug happened too.

xiHinox commented 3 months ago

Sadly it makes the game unplayable, while having this bug... I cant move thru citys because until i load there is an currupted Chunk instantly around me D:

McJty commented 3 months ago

It could be a conflict with another mod. At the moment I have no clue though

xiHinox commented 3 months ago

Here is a list of my mods:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

xiHinox commented 3 months ago

okk, i think i found the prblm: I disabled every mod and tested it with just BYG and BOP activated and it only happens when i combine it with those two + when one of them is active as well. As soon as I disable both of them everything else works fine and no error appears - Its just a lil bit slow with gernerating but its working.

Hope those informations help :D is a fix possible?

McJty commented 3 months ago

Hard to say. The problem can also be in those mods. Not sure what I can do from my side to be honest