McJtyMods / ModTutorials

Companion code for the modding tutorials at
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Crash when implementing TOP support #2

Closed Deckee closed 8 years ago

Deckee commented 8 years ago

I am trying to add support for your The One Probe using the info from this guide and keep getting this error, I'm not sure if this is bug with top or my code. error.txt

`public class TOPCompatibility {

private static boolean registered;

public static void registered() {
    if (registered)
    registered = true;
    FMLInterModComms.sendFunctionMessage("theoneprobe", "getTheOneProbe", "$GetTheOneProbe");

public static class GetTheOneProbe implements<ITheOneProbe, Void> {

    public static ITheOneProbe probe;

    public Void apply(ITheOneProbe theOneProbe) {

        probe = theOneProbe;"theoneprobe is active");

        probe.registerProvider(new IProbeInfoProvider() {

            public String getID() {
                return "chestmaker:default";

            public void addProbeInfo(ProbeMode mode, IProbeInfo probeInfo, EntityPlayer player, World world, IBlockState blockState, IProbeHitData data) {
                if (blockState.getBlock() instanceof TOPInfoProvider) {
                    TOPInfoProvider provider = (TOPInfoProvider) blockState.getBlock();
                    provider.addProbeInfo(mode, probeInfo, player, world, blockState, data);



        return null;



McJty commented 8 years ago

So what is the error? NM. Missed that link

McJty commented 8 years ago

Are you sure$GetTheOneProbe is the correct package name?

Deckee commented 8 years ago

I fixed it its was it need to go$GetTheOneProbe git hub derp and didnt send a notification.