McJtyMods / RFTools

A set of blocks and items to help with RF in general. Currently contains a Dimension Builder, Teleportation System, Shield System, RF monitor, an RF network debug tool and an automatic crafter
MIT License
226 stars 87 forks source link

ComputerCraft support for Matter Transmitter / Dialing Device #1830

Open ZyorTaelon opened 5 years ago

ZyorTaelon commented 5 years ago

It would be a nice addition if we could interface ComputerCraft computers with the Matter Transmitter and/or the Dialing Device.

McJty commented 5 years ago

Open Computers is supported. Is Computer Craft still active?

ZyorTaelon commented 5 years ago

@SquidDev forked the original CC and is keeping it alive as

SquidDev commented 5 years ago

As far as depending on CC goes, there are unofficial Maven servers for ComputerCraft and my fork. That being said, I believe the former's mappings are positively ancient (they haven't been touched since I did the initial port last year), so you may have issues with that.