McJtyMods / RFTools

A set of blocks and items to help with RF in general. Currently contains a Dimension Builder, Teleportation System, Shield System, RF monitor, an RF network debug tool and an automatic crafter
MIT License
226 stars 87 forks source link

Bad or missing Tooltips #2187

Open Wraithypooo opened 1 year ago

Wraithypooo commented 1 year ago

Issue description: Tooltips missing or bad

Steps to reproduce: Open JEI and use shift i guess


The following RFTools tooltips have issues ;)

Utility_teleport_probe (Broken description) Matter Booster (No tooltip on shift) Destination analyser (No tooltip on shift) Computer screen module (Broken tooltip on shift) Vehicle status module (Broken tooltip on shift) Vehicle control module (Broken tooltip on shift) Vehicle card (No tooltip on shift)

Possibly incompatible mods and versions:

Relevant logs, if any: mod list

Wraithypooo commented 1 year ago

Storage manager (Broken description)

McJty commented 1 year ago

Thanks. I'll check these out soon