McJtyMods / RFToolsBuilder

The RFTools Builder, Shield, Projector, Scanner, ...
MIT License
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Builder Immediatly stops running #130

Open Helcostr opened 3 months ago

Helcostr commented 3 months ago

I am on day 402, and this is my 3rd or 4th time using the Builder to quarry. However, I have discovered that It stops immediatly after running it. No error messages pop up, and nothing shows up in the Minecraft logs. It manages to get some random progression into it's quarrying before stopping.

This is my current configuration:

Version Stuff:

Any thoughts on what can be causing it? Without an error log, it's hard to tell.

McJty commented 3 months ago

Chunks are not claimed? Builder is a player too. A fake player. It needs permission in claimed chunks

Helcostr commented 3 months ago

I had the builder in a claimed chunk, and thought that claim protection was an issue. Removing it had no effect. (I am also the only player on this single player world)

Moving the builder to a different location and setting my intended dimensions didnt solve anything.

Helcostr commented 3 months ago

It seems like having Tesseract's Tesseract next to RFToolsBuilder's Builder is causing it do something funky. Originally, I thought it was AE2's ME Controller was causing some kind of "forcing the block to reload" issue, (I had a builder placed within a 4x4x4 wireframe of AE2's ME Controller blocks earlier, and thought it was AE2 that was causing the builder to reload in some shape or form).

I have no idea how this issue/relationship work, or who's end needs to be fixed.