McJtyMods / RFToolsDimensions

Companion mod for RFTools which handles the dimensions
MIT License
63 stars 24 forks source link

[1.16]Possible Mod Integration? #308

Open BLSK opened 3 years ago

BLSK commented 3 years ago

As we talked about yesterday... I had questions and well a few more may of shown up due to understanding the Syntax of the above mod... but like you said about 'dimensions', they are no longer able to be identified by numbers(shame)... Was tired last night so didn't do any brainstorming until today to try and figure out a work around... that is why I am here I have thought of a few things that may work but after the brainstorming 1 last thing came up.

Generic Naming Convention Mode aka instead of using Numbers... use Names

IDEA: In your dimension mod you said words have to be named because of Minecraft... what if there was... say... a config option (probably false by default)(depends how you view the idea) and say the 'Generic Name' is ("rftd" + x) where x being an increment upon dimension realization. Starts with dimension: "rftd1", dimension: "rftd2" and so on

Now if you were to consider this 'enhancement' or 'integration attempt' it may mean more coding if you still wanted people to be able to still name dimensions what they wanted to call it such as 'Power Center', 'Quarry', 'Teal Sheep World' and so on... understand you are still porting the mod to 1.16 and guessing also looking for bugs... I use your mod in 1.16.5 of Minecraft and seems to work properly... haven't had an issue...

I just thought as I saw his road bump I would bring it to the person that may be willing to consider it... it would allow for 'In Control' to gain some of its control that was lost between versions.

It's an idea... hopeful but still looking at work arounds... just figured I would throw the idea to you :)

I realized I really was talking to the wrong repository yet wasn't wrong... but it did get my brain storming

McJty commented 3 years ago

I have no choice about the prefix. It has to start with rftoolsdim as that is the modid. Also I don't get the point really? What are you trying to achieve with this?

BLSK commented 3 years ago

I meant dimension: "rftoolsdim:rftd1" so to speak... my bad... misspoke XD hmm... as a creative person I saw many years ago a potential at a modpack that could including things like raids with the power of a mod like 'In Control'. I am hoping I may be able to made an updated modpack of said modpack idea as its design is still fairly unique(as I never heard of another modpack like it). I hope to achieve that again.

If you wanted more details Maybe speaking in private as I really don't want to let the cat out of the bag just yet of its design type... but In Control is a 'Core Mod' for the pack and RFTDimensions is also a 'Core Mod'

Not sure what else I want to say here...

McJty commented 3 years ago

you should actually tell me what it is that you are trying to achieve. Replacing regular dimension names with some kind of number scheme doesn't seem to solve any problem? Maybe I'm just missing it. Why do you need this feature?

BLSK commented 3 years ago

Ok in In Control you can make say Dimension: rftoolsdim:hive a world that has say mobs that can hit for 30 damage so armor almost seems pointless... but what if Dimension: rftoolsdim:hive wasn't made by a player... In Control wouldn't activate modifying the spawned mobs making it bit more dangerous and a person would have to stay on their toes when foraging the 'defined world'

They decided to call it rftoolsdim:powerplant and In Control didn't recognize so defaults were applied. The design to be in basic terms is to have 'world progression' that if lucky you could accidently spawn a world with nothing but 'ancient debris(which is actually a weak armor and tool set in the pack so far)' or maybe not... just simple terms but the further down the dimension process things would become creepier as mobs get more dangerous and the other 'Core Mods' would be the required path a person would have to to go down to potentially gain the power they need to be able to... well win the modpack... and if wanted after... create... either by making lovely buildings or... even 'Worlds' they want to make... that house 'Dungeons' that others can decide to be challenged by... which weather 'Generic or Normal' Naming mode was active wouldn't matter as... the Generic is just a convention for progressive exploration that 'In Control' would be able to control from the outskirts... but other worlds would be able to be added with other naming conventions at a whim...

Not sure if I said that all right... only dropping the main base idea of the pack for you in that block of text

McJty commented 3 years ago

That still doesn't explain why you want those numbers back? i.e. why do you want to number dimensions? What would that achieve?

BLSK commented 3 years ago

I said it would make a Modpack like this possible... it would simplify things for not only myself but also for others that may decide to try out the functionality the modpack presents:

It would allow for me to right say 6k lines of In Control code going from: Example: dimension: "rftoolsdim:rftd1" to say dimension: "rftoolsdim:rftd100" without having to have the dimension present... but being previously defined upon creation. many other lines of code of course applied. After that point worlds may just default but could be added to the database of 'In Control' later if desired.

Hope that defined the achievement better?

BLSK commented 3 years ago

Guessing that may of done a better job of explaining... going to head back to working on things as there are still a few new mods that are core mods I am still trying to understand... I do thank you for your time and I am hopeful... but they are your mods and that is that... you do as you want... I just hope adding this one extra compatibility to allow 'In Control' to do as it desires to as I can see its potential... finding some of the work arounds could destabilize the whole concept... possibly something as basic as adding another 30 mods that add dimensions. This was the simple way that wouldn't cause instability... come to the designer that understands what I mean even if you were to question why... I do hope I made it clearer... Your mod... your time... heading out... and again Thanks for your time :)

McJty commented 3 years ago

I'll think I will implement a better solution for this. I'm thinking about allowing something like "rftoolsdim:*" meaning all dimensions from RFTools

BLSK commented 3 years ago

Going to do some testing but I am not sure that is 'a solution' to the question. But I'll try out some things in my testing world... I read what you wrote as 'Override' or 'Default' not 'All' but all is very much valid. Hoping if I define say: dimension: "rftoolsdim:hive" it would not interfere with the settings of that world settings... think I can do that maybe if I define a group of dimensions as such: { dimension: [ "retoolsdim:", !"rfttoolsdim:hive", !"rfttoolsdim:tealsheepfarm" ], mob: : , --(this is only assuming that I can or I could just define each mob if need if not that would also make life easier though) damage: 12000-15000, speed: 1.2-1.5, health: 4000, }, { dimension: "rftoolsdim:hive", mob : *, damage: 40-70, speed: 0.25-0.32, health: 5-7, }

I may have the syntax wrong with that.. still testing some things and getting other mods set up too... but I am not sure you saw it in this kind of perspective?

McJty commented 3 years ago

The syntax is (I implemented this yesterday):

"dimensionmod": "rftoolsdim"