McJtyMods / RFToolsDimensions

Companion mod for RFTools which handles the dimensions
MIT License
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rftools dimensions config keeps resetting. #467

Open CoolGo1425 opened 8 months ago

CoolGo1425 commented 8 months ago

Issue description: the rftools dim config keeps reverting to its original state no matter what i change.. it wont use the new config and after a server restart it resets it to before i changed anything..

Steps to reproduce: change anything in the rftoolsdim-server.toml and restart server, then check the config file and see if its reverted.


Possibly incompatible mods:

Relevant logs, if any:

McJty commented 8 months ago

Can you be more specific? What are you changing? What the location of the file you are changing?

CoolGo1425 commented 8 months ago

i am changing the /.../world/serverconfig/rftoolsdim-server.toml and the specific settings i tried to change are the "dimletpackages" to add my own custom one to the list (which didnt work but i went around this by renaming the custom one to rftools.json which is already a package, and putting the same dimlet config in it WITH my own extra dimlet configs(i placed the custom one in /.../config/rftoolsdim/...)) and every time i changed the main config (this one /.../world/serverconfig/rftoolsdim-server.toml) it just reverted back to the defaults after a restart..

[ps wow what a fast reply!]

McJty commented 8 months ago

Can you show me exactly what you changed? I need to see your actual change

CoolGo1425 commented 8 months ago

image image i added draconicevolution.json to the dimletpackage line, and i changed the spawn rate of the huts from 0.005 to 0.05

also, whenever i generate a new dimension(random or not) the dimlet structure hut things never spawn.. thats why i tried to change the spawn rate in the first place.

McJty commented 8 months ago

Can you just give me the entire config please? I need all the information I can get and you keep giving me small bits

CoolGo1425 commented 8 months ago

oh yea sorry (i couldnt download the file atm so heres a paste:/ )

McJty commented 8 months ago

Does dimletHutChance also reset?

CoolGo1425 commented 8 months ago

yep, pretty sure the entire file resets..

McJty commented 8 months ago

Hmm and exactly what is it that you're doing to restart the server? Can you describe in detail?

CoolGo1425 commented 8 months ago

im just clicking the restart button on my server panel.. (online host, sparkedhost)

after i save the config file ofcourse

McJty commented 8 months ago

I wonder if that's something that's done by your server host... Otherwise I have no clue

CoolGo1425 commented 8 months ago

will my server's latest.log help? pretty sure it contains the modlist.. and maybe i have some incompatible mod?

McJty commented 8 months ago

No I mean the actual server host. Where it resets the configs everytime the server restarts or something Server log wouldn't help figure that out I think

CoolGo1425 commented 8 months ago

hm.. ill try and contact the serverhost