McJtyMods / RFToolsPower

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Power cells show 0 FE charge ever though being charged and storing energy. #98

Open MrWhiteEagle opened 1 year ago

MrWhiteEagle commented 1 year ago

I made a coal generator x3 and a powercell multiblock. I did everything correctly including using the wrench to set input. The power is being taken, and stored. (Checked with mekanism power cube) but the Jade tooltip still shows 0 charge

McJty commented 1 year ago

I don't know Jade but is there actually no power in the multiblock? Can you verify that?

Also you forgot to mention the version

MrWhiteEagle commented 1 year ago

It's 1.16.5 there is power in it. Screen confirmed it. But the hover tooltip from jade/hwyla doesn't show any power inside

McJty commented 1 year ago

Then I guess it's a problem with those mods. My own mod The One Probe shows it correctly