McJtyMods / XNet

Advanced item/liquid/energy/... networking
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Weird issue connectors randomly stop working #121

Open Hazmatik opened 7 years ago

Hazmatik commented 7 years ago

I have a large network made with xnet and every so often some of the connectors stop working and it is random to which connectors stop working. Usually breaking and replacing the connector fixes it but not always. There doesn't seem to be any tell tale thing that is causing this as sometimes it happens while I'm not doing anything. Sometimes it's the connectors set to extract from alloy smelters to move things into storage and the storage is not full. Sometimes it's my connectors that are automating my deep resonance power. All of the network is chunkloaded (using FTB Utils). They seem to start working again for some time after the server restarts, but the issue re-occurs.

Minecraft 1.10.2 Modpack: FTB Beyond version 1.8.1 Xnet version: 1.3.2

Mods which I have noticed connectors stop working with their devices: Ender IO version: 3.1.183 Thermal Expansion version: Deep Resonance version: 1.4.8

Gary57 commented 7 years ago

I have experienced this issue too when the connectors were used for extraction. I replaced the connectors with advanced ones but that didn't fix it until I set the extraction rate to 10 ticks. They would begin to work again however it seems that this would cause an unrelated connector to stop working. Maybe a clue for Mcjty in there.

RigorMortis13 commented 7 years ago

Had the same Issue. For some reason a working xnet sytem stoped working. I checked all potential Issues but even simple extraction/insertation didnt work anymore. playing dw20 1.10 modpack btw.

McJty commented 7 years ago

Versions please?

RigorMortis13 commented 7 years ago

version is 1.13.0

LokIsLoki commented 7 years ago

Having this issue too. Non-advanced connectors. Network works until i ask for the 4th connector in the network to extract items. It refuses to extract and the entire network stops working after that. Have tried 4-5 times, exact same setup. Power is provided, router is setup properly. xnet-1.3.2 1.10.2 on my server.

Kazzamkablam commented 7 years ago

Same happens to me, didnt happen in any of the old worlds (1.12-1.3.5)

McJty commented 7 years ago

Can someone here make me the simplest setup that has this problem? I cannot reproduce it

elgringouk commented 7 years ago

I may have found this issue also.

I'll try to explain a simple setup for you...

Basically a setup that takes cobble from a barrel and converts it (via the sag mills) to gravel, sand and then turns the sand into glass (via the smelter), and try to maintain a stock level of each type of resource in each barrel.

A controller linked to 2 sag mills, an alloy smelter and 5 yabba barrels, 1 with cobble, 1 for gravel, 1 for sand, 1 for flint (though I didn't try to keep stock of this) and 1 for glass.

Then I used 3 channels in the controller, the 1st (item channel) used for pulling items out of the machines and placing in the respective barrels (no colours required). The 2nd (logic channel) for setting level requirements for the barrels ( eg. <16 Gravel = White , <16 sand = red, <16 glass = green) The 3rd (item channel), for extracting and inserting based on the colours. (eg. on white extract cobble and on white insert 1 cobble into Sagmill1, on red extract gravel and on red insert 1 gravel into Sagmill2 and on green extract sand and on green insert 1 sand into smelter)

Once the glass barrel reaches the required level, the system stops and ignores any other levels required for the other barrels.

It seems that it works fine with the 1st 2 stages only ( cobble to gravel and gravel to sand), and will carry on processing until the stock levels of each type reach the levels required, but once you add in the 3rd stage, the problem seems to start.

I hope this helps

Edit: Actually, it only seems only an issue when using multiple commands/colours on 1 channel. As if i separate the 3rd channel into 3 channels (1 for processing white, 1 for red and 1 for green) this seems to work ok