McJtyMods / XNet

Advanced item/liquid/energy/... networking
MIT License
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Suggestion: Speed Upgrades #322

Closed Spontini closed 3 months ago

Spontini commented 5 years ago

XNet cables are not fast enough, please add speed upgrades, hard crafting or not doesn't matter, we need more speed

McJty commented 5 years ago

You are aware that advanced connectors are already a lot faster? I'm hesitant to make them even faster as that can be a cause for lag

Spontini commented 5 years ago

Yes, i'm and it's not faster enough tbh

CodeGordon commented 3 years ago

I've been running into this issue as well, but I'll try to be more specific.

I'm not sure what the actual root cause is, but even using advanced connectors I wasn't able to get decent speeds pulling energy out of or pushing water into a Mekanism fusion reactor. Hooking up multiple ports and connectors helped, but not nearly enough.

Energy is listed at 500,000 RF for advanced connectors according to the tooltip, but it seems constrained by the same 100,000 RF/t limit in the controller. And even with five port/connector pairs (all advanced connectors) on the reactor, I wasn't able to get much more than a full bucket of water per tick coming in.

Ended up having to go back to Mekanism piping and the DireWire I'd hoped to be able to avoid with XNet.

7eggert commented 3 years ago

For items I like the speed limit but for Mekanism gases, fluids and energy it's way too low. Mekanism is heavy on using reources and some parts of Mekanism are even heavier.

shikyo13 commented 2 years ago


I'm actually having trouble with advanced connectors not keeping up with elite or ultimate mek machines and just pulling items at 5 ticks/stack . machines back up. Love the flexibility of xnet. I understand lag can be an issues, but giving us the option to toggle rather making it the default should be ok I would think. Perhaps give the ability to set tick limits in the config for server owners?

Thanks for everything you do McJty!! <3