McJtyMods / XNet

Advanced item/liquid/energy/... networking
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Graphical bug with Connectors and Routing Cables #460

Open BranMuffinz opened 3 years ago

BranMuffinz commented 3 years ago

Issue description: Occasionally, some faces of Red Connectors will use the texture of a Routing Network Cable, and some faces of Routing Network Cables will use the texture of a Red Network Cable (or perhaps a Red Connector?)

Steps to reproduce: Unknown. It seems to happen at random, but I first noticed it some time after I used Routers, Routing Connectors, and Routing Network Cables to connect the Power (that's, on channel 0, in case it matters) channels of two networks (which were both using red cables and connectors). After some testing, I've found that it has also happened while the connection between the networks is severed, with one of the Routing Network Cables linking the two networks taken out. I've also found that if you leave the area, causing the chunks to unload, then come back, causing them to reload, there may be a somewhat higher chance you'll find some instances of this bug. That said, I've encountered changes in the visible textures even without leaving and coming back, so I'm not really sure what's going on in the slightest.

Versions: Minecraft: 1.16.4 Forge: 35.1.15 McJtyLib: mcjtylib-1.16-5.0.15 XNet: xnet-1.16-3.0.11

Pictures: 2020-12-28_06 34 01 2020-12-28_07 31 29 2020-12-28_07 32 23 2020-12-28_07 38 39

slenered commented 2 years ago

It happens when you have two cables of any type in the world, and textures will glitch between all loaded cables

BobbyWibowo commented 1 year ago

Yeah, this is really painful Anybody got a solution aside from just sticking with one color? Even that isn't quite a solution when you need to use routing cables as well