McJtyMods / XNet

Advanced item/liquid/energy/... networking
MIT License
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XNet interaction with Immersive Engineering Garden Cloche #509

Open Bellwar opened 2 years ago

Bellwar commented 2 years ago

Issue description: Xnet redstone applied to the side of the bottom block (at the same place as a red alloy in the picture - another post) makes the Garden Cloche stop working (as intended) but doesn't stop the GUI updating and rendering. Vanilla redstone works as intended.

This might not be your bug, I just wanted to point it here so that you could look into your side if there is something. Feel free to close it and ignore it since I don't really think it's on your side. Still, weird interaction that I didn't expect.

Steps to reproduce: Set up working Garden CLoche. Use Xnet redstone output on the side with power 15. GUI and rendering of the block are still going. The server side is stoped as intended.


Possibly incompatible mods and versions: All the mods 6 1.16.5 latest modpack.

Bellwar commented 2 years ago

Additional comment, I noticed with drawbridges in my game that turning off redstone signal doesn't make the drawbridge retract. It feels like there is some problem with the way the blocks are being updated after changing the redstone output of the connecter.