McJtyMods / XNet

Advanced item/liquid/energy/... networking
MIT License
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advanced connectors not respecting energy in/out limits #552

Open SheerLogic opened 1 year ago

SheerLogic commented 1 year ago

Issue description: running running ATM8, 1.0.19 when typing in the rate of transfer for energy, with nothing it transfers at the default value of 100,000 , but i can type a number higher than this and it ignores the limit

Steps to reproduce: in the controller make an channel, create an extract connector with a rate of 999999999, then an insert connector with rate 999999999. this then bypasses the limit set in the config. i do have about 110 extract connectors for 1 insert connector


Possibly incompatible mods and versions: running ATM8, 1.0.19

Relevant logs, if any: no logs.