McJtyMods / XNet

Advanced item/liquid/energy/... networking
MIT License
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1.20.1 Inappropriate system behavior. Creates a very large load on the server #562

Open BloodInAs opened 8 months ago

BloodInAs commented 8 months ago

Inappropriate system behavior. Creates a very large load on the server minecraft 1.20.1 Forge Version 47.2.1 xnet-1.20-6.0.1


McJty commented 8 months ago

Can you give a bit more info? What are you doing exactly? How large is your setup? And why do you think XNet is the problem?

BloodInAs commented 7 months ago

The players on the server automate all the bases for them, obviously, seeing such percentages, it shouldn’t load so much. We don’t have this problem with the xnet mod at 1.16, but at 1.20 everything is really bad

BloodInAs commented 7 months ago

I think the connection is visible from the spark

McJty commented 7 months ago

Spark is not giving an accurate view here. The xnet controller is literally executing code from other mods (all the connected devices) and spark has no way to detect that. So it all depends on what the xnet network is connected with