McJtyMods / XNet

Advanced item/liquid/energy/... networking
MIT License
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[Feature Request] Extract Items in Order and by count #564

Open Joly0 opened 6 months ago

Joly0 commented 6 months ago

Hey, i would like to request a feature that i think is currently not possible but might be useful for the upcoming update 1.21.

In my opinion there should be a way to configure items for an extract connector so the items are only and really only extracted in the exact order they are configured. So if i want to extract 1 gold, 1 copepr and 1 redstone from a chest i configure it like this grafik and now the channel only works, if the items are in the inventory to extract and the items are only extracted in the exact order. So if for example the gold would be missing in the inventory, then nothing would be extracted as a result. For things after the first item in the order i am not sure what would be the best approach, either to extract nothing, if one or more items in the order are missing or to extract until one item is missing. In my opinion both ways have their advantages, but i think the first approach would be better. Also it would be usefull if this could be precisely configured with the item count of each individual item if needed, not all items at once. Also it would be great, if the same channel could output a redstone signal, if all items have been properly transfered.

Why i think this feature request would be useful for 1.21 is because it introduces the crafter, which would be easily automatable with this feature and therefore xnet would greatly improve it. Otherwise some funky redstone machinery would be needed, to simply automate the crafter. In my example i could configure multiple crafting recipes and just dump some items in a chest, and xnet would use the crafter to autocraft the items. If the channel could also output a redstone signal after the item transfer, than this could be completely automatable.