McJtyMods / XNet

Advanced item/liquid/energy/... networking
MIT License
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Add logic features from EnderIO and some fixes #566

Closed Dertiende closed 4 months ago

Dertiende commented 4 months ago


Removing speed

It was a mistake by design and doesn't work properly on logic channel. Because we can't control all blocks we can't synchronize "ticking". Example: We have a connector with speed 5 that "sensor" block, which change it state every 5 ticks. We want to know about every change and connector speed allow as todo this. But if connector ticks in 0,5,10,15,20 and block ticks in 1,6,11,16,21 then we wouldn't receive any change because of this mechanic. With new features it adds new problems so i removed this. Comment about performance: RS is vanilla mechanic and player stiil can reproduce logic channel with redstone and it has no limits so speed here is not a solution.

Input validation

Now any text field validate every character and "enter" input. It is laggy and unpredictable sometimes. And also it is problem for new feature of minimum value for int input. I have removed every character validaton and add validation on focus lost. It looks more stable.

Dertiende commented 4 months ago

Now ready to merge