McJtyMods / XNet

Advanced item/liquid/energy/... networking
MIT License
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[Suggestion] Upgrade number of filter slots #571

Open ShoeLace1291 opened 2 months ago

ShoeLace1291 commented 2 months ago

It would be really nice if we could upgrade the number of filter slots. The entire reason I use XNet is so that I dont have to have pipes and wires on multiple sides of my machines because it makes my base look untidy and ugly. When I run out of filter slots, I have to use multiple connectors on one machine. This would be really useful if, say, i am trying to insert ores into my pulverizer since there are so many different types of ores.

Dertiende commented 2 months ago

You should think about "How to optimize usage of my XNet". Because now it looks "untidy and ugly". Maybe router and another controller can help you.