McJtyMods / XNet

Advanced item/liquid/energy/... networking
MIT License
91 stars 49 forks source link

Change min number of ticks? #580

Open funnycubeguy opened 1 month ago

funnycubeguy commented 1 month ago

Can you add the ability to change the min number of ticks for this mod? I know in the past someone already made the changes and it was supposed to be added thx

Dertiende commented 1 month ago

No one made or planned such changes. As far as I know the support policy of this mod, if these changes will be made, it will be only in the new neoforge branch (personally, I do not approve of the desire of some server owners to "suffocate" the possibilities of players in this way, it will not solve your problems, I guarantee). P.S. It won’t be possible to do less than 5 ticks either due to the features of the mod