McKael / samtv

samtvcli -- Network CLI remote for Samsung TVs (models 2014-2015)
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Have to pair again after a while #8

Open kenny000666 opened 3 years ago

kenny000666 commented 3 years ago

Hi thanks for the efforts putting this together.

On the first pair, i save the key to the config file and keys work successfully. On power off and immediate power on, the same key still works.

However after a couple of days, it no longer works resulting in the below error messages

Using config file: /data/samtvcli/samtvcli.yaml" time="2020-07-14T21:31:09Z" level=error msg="Could not parse message: cannot decrypt response: invalid padding" time="2020-07-14T21:31:13Z" level=error msg="Cannot send key 'send': no reply from TV"

Then it works again when i repair it.

Is this the expected experience?

McKael commented 3 years ago

I suspect your TV sometimes does a "real" reboot (which resets the pairing).

With my TV I usually never have to repair. Occasionally it does a cold boot when I start it up (I can see it thanks to the logo displayed when it happens) and I have to do the pairing again.

Unfortunately I haven't found a reliable way to check if the pairing is valid, so I can't display a better error message. :-/

kenny000666 commented 3 years ago

hmm is it the Samsung SDK? the MyTifi app pairs once and seems to keep it forever. I havent re-paired after a year, unfortunately i cant use the app with any home automation software.