McManning / BlueGraph

Visual Scripting Framework for Unity
MIT License
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Editor Usability Issue - Nodes hidden from search providers cannot be copied #30

Open McManning opened 4 years ago

McManning commented 4 years ago

There's a conflict between the rules of the CopyPasteGraph and the search providers. If I hide nodes from DefaultSearchProvider, e.g. by tagging them as something not in a Graph's [IncludeTags], the CopyPasteGraph will also exclude these nodes when reapplying them onto the graph. So all copy/paste/duplicate operations don't work.

I'd like to be able to denote that a node is hidden from the default search provider but can still be used on a graph, preferably by not just giving it a tag that isn't in [IncludeTags].

McManning commented 4 years ago

Easiest solution would be that any node copied from a graph can be pasted back onto that same graph. This does create a conflict with [Node(deletable = false)] though - since we'd no longer be checking tags for nodes on the same graph. Maybe deletable becomes something more restrictive, like readOnly?

neoneper commented 4 years ago

I bumped into that bug too.