McNull / angular-form-gen

Design Bootstrap based form schemas for AngularJS in a drag and drop WYSIWYG environment.
MIT License
135 stars 81 forks source link

Please correct #8

Closed JoeGrasso closed 9 years ago

JoeGrasso commented 9 years ago

You have :

       <div class="fg-field-properties">
         <div novalidate="" ng-form="fieldPropertiesForm"   <---- not closed, also missing closing tag
          <div class="" fg-tabs="property.tabs">
         <div ng-include="renderInfo.propertiesTemplateUrl"></div>
         <div fg-tabs-pane="Debug" order="1000" auto-active="false">
             <div data-jsonify="field"></div>

I assume it should be:

     <div class="fg-field-properties">
       <div novalidate="" ng-form="fieldPropertiesForm">
        <div class="" fg-tabs="property.tabs">
            <div ng-include="renderInfo.propertiesTemplateUrl"></div>
            <div fg-tabs-pane="Debug" order="1000" auto-active="false">
                <div data-jsonify="field"></div>
McNull commented 9 years ago


thanks for reporting this. The closing tag was removed by the html optimizer. Fixed in v0.1.0-beta.7.
