McStasMcXtrace / McCode

The home of the McStas (neutrons) and McXtrace (x-rays) Monte-Carlo ray-tracing instrument simulation codes.
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Fix failing --test instrs updated November 28th #583

Closed willend closed 5 years ago

willend commented 6 years ago

Check last comment for updated data

Recently ran a --test - results are "fair":

Test Abstract for selftest_b4fG
[notest] h8_test_legacy (no test procedure)
[notest] RTP_DIF (no test procedure)
[notest] template_simple (no test procedure)
[OK]     ILL_D2B_1 (accuracy, fair 15 %)
[OK]     ILL_IN13_2 (accuracy, 2 %)
[notest] Union_incoherent_validation (no test procedure)
[OK]     Test_Pol_Guide_Vmirror_3 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     ESS_IN5_reprate_4 (accuracy, fair 8 %)
[OK]     linup-1_5 (accuracy, 2 %)
[notest] SNS_test (no test procedure)
[notest] ESS_2001_bispectral (no test procedure)
[OK]     Samples_vanadium_6 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     linup-3_7 (accuracy, 1 %)
[notest] Test_SSR_SSW (no test procedure)
[notest] Union_test_mask (no test procedure)
[OK]     Test_Magnetic_Majorana_8 (accuracy, 0 %)
[OK]     Test_Magnetic_Constant_9 (accuracy, 0 %)
[OK]     Test_FocalisationMirrors_10 (accuracy, 1 %)
[notest] ILL_IN6 (no test procedure)
[notest] ILL_H15_IN6 (no test procedure)
[notest] Reflectometer (no test procedure)
[notest] ILL_H5 (no test procedure)
[??????] ILL_IN5_Mantid_11 (reference not found)
[notest] SAFARI_PITSI (no test procedure)
[notest] SAFARI_MPISI (no test procedure)
[notest] templateSasView (no test procedure)
[OK]     ILL_H113_12 (accuracy, 2 %)
[OK]     Test_Monochromators_13 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Test_Monochromators_14 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Test_Monochromators_15 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Test_Monochromators_16 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Test_Monochromators_17 (accuracy, 1 %)
[notest] ILL_H16_Mantid (no test procedure)
[notest] LLB_6T2 (no test procedure)
[notest] SE_example (no test procedure)
[OK]     Test_PSD_Detector_18 (accuracy, 1 %)
[notest] ISIS_TS1_Brilliance (no test procedure)
[notest] SE_example2 (no test procedure)
[notest] templateSasView_Mantid (no test procedure)
[OK]     Test_Jump_Iterate_19 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     ILL_H53_20 (accuracy, 5 %)
[notest] Test_shellguides (no test procedure)
[OK]     ILL_H24_21 (accuracy, 1 %)
[notest] Union_test_box (no test procedure)
[notest] Union_external_component_test (no test procedure)
[notest] Test_Scatter_log_ssw_mcnp (no test procedure)
[notest] HZB_FLEX (no test procedure)
[OK]     ILL_H22_22 (accuracy, 2 %)
[OK]     Tomography_23 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     ISIS_Prisma2_24 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     ILL_H13_IN20_25 (accuracy, 4 %)
[notest] SNS_BASIS (no test procedure)
[notest] Histogrammer (no test procedure)
[OK]     BNL_H8_26 (accuracy, 3 %)
[notest] ESS_butterfly_Guide_curved_test (no test procedure)
[OK]     PSI_Focus_27 (accuracy, 4 %)
[FAILED] templateSANS_Mantid_28 (accuracy off by 1.03846717557252e+25 %)
[OK]     Test_StatisticalChopper_29 (accuracy, 1 %)
[notest] RTP_SANS (no test procedure)
[notest] ESS_butterfly_tfocus_test (no test procedure)
[notest] ISIS_TS2_Brilliance (no test procedure)
[OK]     Test_Sources_30 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Test_Sources_31 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Test_Sources_32 (accuracy, 0 %)
[OK]     Test_Sources_33 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Test_Sources_34 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Test_Sources_35 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Test_Sources_36 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Test_Sources_37 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     ILL_H22_VIVALDI_38 (accuracy, fair 12 %)
[notest] Test_Lens (no test procedure)
[notest] Test_SSR_SSW_Guide (no test procedure)
[OK]     linup-4_39 (accuracy, 3 %)
[notest] Union_test_absorption_image (no test procedure)
[FAILED] ILL_IN5_40 (accuracy off by 99 %)
[notest] ILL_H53_D16 (no test procedure)
[notest] templateNMX (no test procedure)
[notest] RTP_NeutronRadiography (no test procedure)
[notest] SEMSANS_instrument (no test procedure)
[OK]     Test_Pol_Set_41 (accuracy, 0 %)
[notest] Granroth_SNS_decoupled_poisoned (no test procedure)
[OK]     ISIS_GEM_42 (accuracy, 2 %)
[OK]     Test_MCPL_input_43 (accuracy, 3 %)
[notest] template (no test procedure)
[notest] ESS_butterfly_tfocus_NOFOCUS_test (no test procedure)
[OK]     Test_Magnetic_Rotation_44 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Samples_Incoherent_off_45 (accuracy, 2 %)
[notest] Mezei_SNS_decoupled_poisoned (no test procedure)
[OK]     linup-7_46 (accuracy, 3 %)
[OK]     ILL_H16_IN5_Mantid_47 (accuracy, 2 %)
[OK]     ILL_H16_IN5_Mantid_48 (accuracy, fair 14 %)
[notest] ESS_Brilliance_2014 (no test procedure)
[OK]     Test_Pol_Mirror_49 (accuracy, 1 %)
[notest] Union_test_absorption (no test procedure)
[notest] ISIS_CRISP (no test procedure)
[OK]     ILL_H16_IN5_50 (accuracy, 5 %)
[OK]     ILL_H16_IN5_51 (accuracy, fair 12 %)
[OK]     linup-5_52 (accuracy, 3 %)
[OK]     templateDIFF_53 (accuracy, 4 %)
[OK]     ILL_D4_54 (accuracy, 2 %)
[OK]     ILL_Lagrange_55 (accuracy, 4 %)
[notest] ISIS_OSIRIS (no test procedure)
[notest] Union_demonstration (no test procedure)
[OK]     Test_MCPL_output_56 (accuracy, 1 %)
[notest] Test_PowderN_Res (no test procedure)
[notest] Test_pol_tabled (no test procedure)
[notest] Vout_test (no test procedure)
[notest] ESS_Brilliance_TDR (no test procedure)
[OK]     Test_Pol_TripleAxis_57 (accuracy, 1 %)
[notest] Test_Scatter_log_losses (no test procedure)
[OK]     ILL_H22_D1A_58 (accuracy, 2 %)
[OK]     ILL_H16_59 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Union_laue_camera_60 (accuracy, 20 %)
[OK]     HZB_NEAT_61 (accuracy, 2 %)
[OK]     HZB_NEAT_62 (accuracy, 4 %)
[OK]     ILL_H15_63 (accuracy, 2 %)
[OK]     ILL_H22_D1B_64 (accuracy, 2 %)
[OK]     Test_Selectors_65 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Test_Selectors_66 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     ILL_BRISP_67 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     ILL_H25_IN22_68 (accuracy, 1 %)
[notest] Union_external_component (no test procedure)
[notest] Union_test_powder (no test procedure)
[OK]     PSI_DMC_69 (accuracy, 4 %)
[notest] Union_tagging_demo (no test procedure)
[notest] ISIS_MERLIN (no test procedure)
[notest] Gallmeier_SNS_decoupled_poisoned (no test procedure)
[OK]     Test_Sample_nxs_imaging_70 (accuracy not checked)
[notest] ISIS_SANS2d (no test procedure)
[notest] TestSANS (no test procedure)
[OK]     Test_Pol_Bender_Vs_Guide_Curved_71 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Test_Monitor_Sqw_72 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Test_Monitor_Sqw_73 (accuracy, 1 %)
[notest] templateNMX_TOF (no test procedure)
[notest] ISIS_SANS2d_Mantid (no test procedure)
[notest] Vin_test (no test procedure)
[OK]     Test_Guides_74 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Test_Guides_75 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Test_Guides_76 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Test_Guides_77 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Test_Guides_78 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Test_Guides_79 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Test_Guides_80 (accuracy, 0 %)
[OK]     Test_Guides_81 (accuracy, 1 %)
[notest] ESS_butterfly_test (no test procedure)
[OK]     Test_Collimator_Radial_82 (accuracy, 4 %)
[OK]     Test_Collimator_Radial_83 (accuracy, 3 %)
[OK]     Test_Collimator_Radial_84 (accuracy, 2 %)
[notest] ILL_H5_new (no test procedure)
[notest] FZJ_BenchmarkSfin2 (no test procedure)
[notest] SNS_analytic_test (no test procedure)
[notest] RITA-II (no test procedure)
[notest] Union_powder_validation (no test procedure)
[notest] ILL_H143_LADI (no test procedure)
[OK]     Test_Magnetic_Userdefined_85 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     ILL_H512_D22_86 (accuracy, 2 %)
[OK]     Samples_Phonon_87 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Samples_Isotropic_Sqw_88 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     ISIS_test_89 (accuracy, 1 %)
[notest] Union_manual_example (no test procedure)
[OK]     ILL_H25_90 (accuracy, 3 %)
[OK]     ILL_H142_IN12_91 (accuracy, fair 6 %)
[OK]     Test_Pol_Bender_92 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Test_Fermi_93 (accuracy, fair 7 %)
[OK]     Test_Fermi_94 (accuracy, 2 %)
[OK]     Test_Fermi_95 (accuracy, fair 7 %)
[OK]     Test_Fermi_96 (accuracy, 2 %)
[OK]     Test_Fermi_97 (accuracy, 1 %)
[notest] Test_Scatter_log_mvalues (no test procedure)
[OK]     Union_single_crystal_validation_98 (accuracy, 3 %)
[notest] ESS_Brilliance_2013 (no test procedure)
[notest] ESS_mcpl2hist (no test procedure)
[notest] ESS_Brilliance_2001 (no test procedure)
[notest] MCPL2hist (no test procedure)
[OK]     ILL_IN4_99 (accuracy, fair 13 %)
[notest] Union_demonstration_absorption_image (no test procedure)
[OK]     templateLaue_100 (accuracy, 1 %)
[notest] SNS_ARCS (no test procedure)
[notest] ESS_2015_test (no test procedure)
[OK]     ILL_H142_101 (accuracy, 2 %)
[OK]     ILL_H10_IN8_102 (accuracy, 4 %)
[notest] ESS_butterfly_MCPL_test (no test procedure)
[notest] Test_PreMonitor_nD (no test procedure)
[OK]     ILL_H8_IN1_103 (accuracy, 3 %)
[OK]     templateTOF_104 (accuracy, 4 %)
[OK]     templateTOF_105 (accuracy, 1 %)
[notest] Union_time_of_flight (no test procedure)
[OK]     Test_Pol_MSF_106 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Samples_Incoherent_107 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Samples_Incoherent_108 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Samples_Incoherent_109 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Samples_Incoherent_110 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Samples_Incoherent_111 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Samples_Incoherent_112 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Samples_Incoherent_113 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Samples_Incoherent_114 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Samples_Incoherent_115 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Samples_Incoherent_116 (accuracy, 1 %)
[notest] ESS_Brilliance_2015 (no test procedure)
[OK]     FZJ_KWS2_Lens_117 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     FZJ_SANS_KWS2_AnySample_118 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     FZJ_SANS_KWS2_AnySample_119 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     FZJ_SANS_KWS2_AnySample_120 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     FZJ_SANS_KWS2_AnySample_121 (accuracy, 5 %)
[OK]     Test_Sample_nxs_diffraction_122 (accuracy not checked)
[OK]     templateTAS_123 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     templateTAS_124 (accuracy, 4 %)
[OK]     Test_Guides_Curved_125 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Test_Guides_Curved_126 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Test_Guides_Curved_127 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Test_Guides_Curved_128 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     linup-2_129 (accuracy, 1 %)
[notest] Union_sample_picture_replica (no test procedure)
[OK]     ILL_H53_IN14_130 (accuracy, 3 %)
[OK]     ISIS_HET_131 (accuracy, 3 %)
[OK]     linup-6_132 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     templateSANS_133 (accuracy, fair 19 %)
[notest] RTP_Laue (no test procedure)

# Execution check:    OK.     Computing time: 27482 [sec] for 133 tests.
# Accuracy check:     FAIR. 2 test(s) with inaccurate results.
# End Date: Tue Jan  9 21:52:31 2018

Three instruments give issues - and two are Mantid-oriented. (Those should probably only be tested for compilation anyhow...)

[??????] ILL_IN5_Mantid_11 (reference not found)
[FAILED] templateSANS_Mantid_28 (accuracy off by 1.03846717557252e+25 %)
[FAILED] ILL_IN5_40 (accuracy off by 99 %)
climbcat commented 5 years ago

The --test doesn't seem to work out of the box, or I am not using it correctly. What I get is:

jaga@jaga-Latitude-E6540:~/source/McCode$ mcrun --test
Usage: [-cpnN] Instr [-sndftgahi] params={val|min,max|min,guess,max}... error: no such option: --test
jaga@jaga-Latitude-E6540:~/source/McCode$ --test
*** No directory given - placing data in _20181016_131041 ***
# mcstas self-test ( --test)
McStas version 00test02 (Oct. 16, 2018)

# Installing 'selftest_yYrd' directory in /home/jaga/source/McCode
# Copying instruments from /usr/share/mcstas/00test02/examples/
mcrun: no test instruments found. Aborting.

jaga@jaga-Latitude-E6540:~/source/McCode$ mcstas --version
McStas version 00test02 (Oct. 16, 2018)
Copyright (C) DTU Physics and Risoe National Laboratory, 1997-2018
Additions (C) Institut Laue Langevin, 2003-2018
All rights reserved
willend commented 5 years ago

My guess would be that something went wrong and no instruments are in your MCSTAS/examples folder.

And yes, --test is a only feature

Fra: Jakob Garde Sendt: tirsdag, oktober 16, 2018 7:12 AM Til: McStasMcXtrace/McCode Cc: Peter Kjær Willendrup; Assign Emne: Re: [McStasMcXtrace/McCode] Fix two/three failing --test instrs (#583)

The --test doesn't seem to work out of the box, or I am not using it correctly. What I get is:

jaga@jaga-Latitude-E6540:~/source/McCode$ mcrun --testUsage: [-cpnN] Instr [-sndftgahi] params={val|min,max|min,guess,max} error: no such option: --testjaga@jaga-Latitude-E6540:~/source/McCode$ --test No directory given - placing data in _20181016_131041 # mcstas self-test ( --test)McStas version 00test02 (Oct. 16, 2018)# Installing 'selftest_yYrd' directory in /home/jaga/source/McCode# Copying instruments from /usr/share/mcstas/00test02/examples/mcrun: no test instruments found. Aborting.jaga@jaga-Latitude-E6540:~/source/McCode$ mcstas --versionMcStas version 00test02 (Oct. 16, 2018)Copyright (C) DTU Physics and Risoe National Laboratory, 1997-2018Additions (C) Institut Laue Langevin, 2003-2018All rights reserved

— You are receiving this because you were assigned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or mute the thread

willend commented 5 years ago

Updated status

Test Abstract for selftest_lY80
[OK]     Test_Collimator_Radial_1 (accuracy, 4 %)
[OK]     Test_Collimator_Radial_2 (accuracy, 4 %)
[OK]     Test_Collimator_Radial_3 (accuracy, 2 %)
[FAILED] Test_pol_tabled_4 (accuracy off by 51 %)
[notest] RTP_NeutronRadiography (no test procedure)
[notest] Union_test_box (no test procedure)
[OK]     ILL_D2B_5 (accuracy, 3 %)
[OK]     Samples_Isotropic_Sqw_6 (accuracy, 2 %)
[OK]     Test_PSD_Detector_7 (accuracy, 1 %)
[notest] ISIS_CRISP (no test procedure)
[notest] Histogrammer (no test procedure)
[OK]     Samples_vanadium_8 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     ISIS_test_9 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     ILL_H8_IN1_10 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Test_Magnetic_Userdefined_11 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     ISIS_GEM_12 (accuracy, 1 %)
[notest] ILL_H5 (no test procedure)
[notest] Granroth_SNS_decoupled_poisoned (no test procedure)
[notest] Test_shellguides (no test procedure)
[notest] ESS_butterfly_MCPL_test (no test procedure)
[OK]     Samples_Phonon_13 (accuracy, 1 %)
[notest] ESS_butterfly_Guide_curved_test (no test procedure)
[notest] SNS_test (no test procedure)
[notest] Union_incoherent_validation (no test procedure)
[notest] FZJ_BenchmarkSfin2 (no test procedure)
[notest] SAFARI_PITSI (no test procedure)
[notest] LLB_6T2 (no test procedure)
[notest] Test_Scatter_log_mvalues (no test procedure)
[notest] Test_SSR_SSW (no test procedure)
[OK]     Test_Guides_14 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Test_Guides_15 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Test_Guides_16 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Test_Guides_17 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Test_Guides_18 (accuracy, fair 8 %)
[OK]     Test_Guides_19 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Test_Guides_20 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Test_Guides_21 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Test_DiskChoppers_22 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Test_DiskChoppers_23 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     ILL_H25_24 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     ILL_H16_IN5_25 (accuracy, 5 %)
[OK]     ILL_H16_IN5_26 (accuracy, fair 9 %)
[notest] template (no test procedure)
[OK]     ILL_IN5_27 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     ILL_H25_IN22_28 (accuracy, 1 %)
[notest] TestSANS (no test procedure)
[OK]     Test_Magnetic_Constant_29 (accuracy, 0 %)
[notest] ISIS_SANS2d (no test procedure)
[notest] ESS_mcpl2hist (no test procedure)
[OK]     Test_Selectors_30 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Test_Selectors_31 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     ESS_IN5_reprate_32 (accuracy, fair 8 %)
[notest] RTP_DIF (no test procedure)
[FAILED] templateSANS_33 (accuracy off by 21 %)
[notest] ESS_2001_bispectral (no test procedure)
[notest] ILL_H5_new (no test procedure)
[OK]     ILL_D4_34 (accuracy, 1 %)
[notest] ILL_H53_D16 (no test procedure)
[OK]     FZJ_KWS2_Lens_35 (accuracy, 2 %)
[notest] Union_time_of_flight (no test procedure)
[notest] ESS_butterfly_tfocus_NOFOCUS_test (no test procedure)
[OK]     templateTOF_36 (accuracy, fair 6 %)
[OK]     templateTOF_37 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     ILL_BRISP_38 (accuracy, 1 %)
[notest] SNS_ARCS_Mantid (no test procedure)
[notest] ESS_Brilliance_2001 (no test procedure)
[OK]     Test_Pol_Set_39 (accuracy, 0 %)
[notest] templateNMX_TOF (no test procedure)
[OK]     ILL_H22_40 (accuracy, 1 %)
[notest] templateSasView (no test procedure)
[OK]     Union_laue_camera_41 (accuracy, 5 %)
[notest] ILL_H16_Mantid (no test procedure)
[OK]     Test_Fermi_42 (accuracy, fair 6 %)
[OK]     Test_Fermi_43 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Test_Fermi_44 (accuracy, fair 7 %)
[OK]     Test_Fermi_45 (accuracy, 3 %)
[OK]     Test_Fermi_46 (accuracy, 1 %)
[notest] ISIS_OSIRIS (no test procedure)
[notest] RITA-II (no test procedure)
[notest] MCPL2hist (no test procedure)
[notest] Union_demonstration_absorption_image (no test procedure)
[OK]     ILL_H142_47 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     ILL_IN4_48 (accuracy, fair 6 %)
[notest] SE_example2 (no test procedure)
[OK]     Test_StatisticalChopper_49 (accuracy, 1 %)
[notest] ISIS_MERLIN (no test procedure)
[notest] Test_PreMonitor_nD (no test procedure)
[notest] Union_manual_example (no test procedure)
[OK]     templateLaue_50 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     templateDIFF_51 (accuracy, 1 %)
[notest] SEMSANS_instrument (no test procedure)
[notest] templateSasView_Mantid (no test procedure)
[OK]     Test_Pol_Bender_52 (accuracy, 1 %)
[notest] Test_Sample_nxs_imaging (no test procedure)
[OK]     ILL_IN13_53 (accuracy, 2 %)
[OK]     Test_Monochromators_54 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Test_Monochromators_55 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Test_Monochromators_56 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Test_Monochromators_57 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Test_Monochromators_58 (accuracy, 1 %)
[notest] SNS_ARCS (no test procedure)
[notest] ILL_IN6 (no test procedure)
[notest] ISIS_TS2_Brilliance (no test procedure)
[OK]     ILL_H24_59 (accuracy, 2 %)
[notest] Test_Magnon_bcc_2D (no test procedure)
[notest] ILL_H143_LADI (no test procedure)
[notest] h8_test_legacy (no test procedure)
[notest] ESS_2015_test (no test procedure)
[OK]     Test_Magnetic_Rotation_60 (accuracy, fair 10 %)
[OK]     ILL_H15_61 (accuracy, 1 %)
[notest] Test_Pol_SF_ideal (no test procedure)
[notest] Test_Sample_nxs_diffraction (no test procedure)
[notest] SNS_analytic_test (no test procedure)
[notest] Union_sample_picture_replica (no test procedure)
[notest] Union_external_component_test (no test procedure)
[notest] Union_powder_validation (no test procedure)
[notest] Gallmeier_SNS_decoupled_poisoned (no test procedure)
[notest] ISIS_SANS2d_Mantid (no test procedure)
[OK]     ILL_H13_IN20_62 (accuracy, 2 %)
[OK]     Test_Pol_MSF_63 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     ILL_IN5_Mantid_64 (accuracy, 5 %)
[FAILED] templateSANS_Mantid_65 (accuracy off by 9.89152671755725e+24 %)
[notest] template_simple (no test procedure)
[OK]     ILL_H16_IN5_Mantid_66 (accuracy, 2 %)
[OK]     ILL_H16_IN5_Mantid_67 (accuracy, fair 11 %)
[notest] ESS_Brilliance_TDR (no test procedure)
[notest] Test_Magnon_bcc_TAS (no test procedure)
[OK]     ILL_H53_IN14_68 (accuracy, fair 12 %)
[OK]     Tomography_69 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     ILL_H22_VIVALDI_70 (accuracy, 4 %)
[OK]     linup-2_71 (accuracy, 2 %)
[OK]     Test_Jump_Iterate_72 (accuracy, 1 %)
[notest] Test_Lens (no test procedure)
[OK]     templateTAS_73 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     templateTAS_74 (accuracy, 4 %)
[notest] Test_PowderN_Res (no test procedure)
[OK]     linup-6_75 (accuracy, 2 %)
[notest] Reflectometer (no test procedure)
[notest] SAFARI_MPISI (no test procedure)
[OK]     PSI_Focus_76 (accuracy, 1 %)
[notest] Vout_test (no test procedure)
[notest] SNS_BASIS (no test procedure)
[notest] ESS_Brilliance_2014 (no test procedure)
[notest] ISIS_TS1_Brilliance (no test procedure)
[OK]     ILL_H142_IN12_77 (accuracy, 2 %)
[notest] templateNMX (no test procedure)
[notest] Union_test_absorption (no test procedure)
[notest] ILL_H15_IN6 (no test procedure)
[OK]     ILL_H10_IN8_78 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     ISIS_Prisma2_79 (accuracy, 1 %)
[notest] templateVanadiumMultipleScat_Mantid (no test procedure)
[OK]     ILL_H22_D1A_80 (accuracy, fair 8 %)
[OK]     ISIS_HET_81 (accuracy, 1 %)
[notest] Test_SSR_SSW_Guide (no test procedure)
[notest] ESS_butterfly_tfocus_test (no test procedure)
[OK]     linup-4_82 (accuracy, 1 %)
[notest] SE_example (no test procedure)
[OK]     ILL_H512_D22_83 (accuracy, 2 %)
[notest] Test_Single_crystal_inelastic (no test procedure)
[OK]     FZJ_SANS_KWS2_AnySample_84 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     FZJ_SANS_KWS2_AnySample_85 (accuracy, 5 %)
[OK]     FZJ_SANS_KWS2_AnySample_86 (accuracy, 2 %)
[OK]     FZJ_SANS_KWS2_AnySample_87 (accuracy, fair 7 %)
[notest] Union_external_component (no test procedure)
[OK]     ILL_H113_88 (accuracy, 2 %)
[notest] Union_demonstration (no test procedure)
[notest] Union_tagging_demo (no test procedure)
[OK]     Test_Sources_89 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Test_Sources_90 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Test_Sources_91 (accuracy, 0 %)
[OK]     Test_Sources_92 (accuracy, 0 %)
[OK]     Test_Sources_93 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Test_Sources_94 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Test_Sources_95 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Test_Sources_96 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Test_MCPL_output_97 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Union_single_crystal_validation_98 (accuracy, 1 %)
[notest] ESS_butterfly_test (no test procedure)
[OK]     Test_Pol_TripleAxis_99 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Test_Monitor_Sqw_100 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Test_Monitor_Sqw_101 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Test_Magnetic_Majorana_102 (accuracy, 0 %)
[notest] RTP_Laue (no test procedure)
[OK]     ILL_H16_103 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     ILL_H53_104 (accuracy, fair 7 %)
[OK]     HZB_NEAT_105 (accuracy, 4 %)
[OK]     HZB_NEAT_106 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Samples_Incoherent_107 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Samples_Incoherent_108 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Samples_Incoherent_109 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Samples_Incoherent_110 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Samples_Incoherent_111 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Samples_Incoherent_112 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Samples_Incoherent_113 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Samples_Incoherent_114 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Samples_Incoherent_115 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Samples_Incoherent_116 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     linup-3_117 (accuracy, 7 %)
[OK]     linup-1_118 (accuracy, 4 %)
[notest] Union_test_powder (no test procedure)
[OK]     Test_Pol_Guide_Vmirror_119 (accuracy, 1 %)
[notest] Vin_test (no test procedure)
[OK]     Test_MCPL_input_120 (accuracy, 3 %)
[notest] Test_Scatter_log_losses (no test procedure)
[notest] ESS_Brilliance_2013 (no test procedure)
[notest] Union_test_mask (no test procedure)
[OK]     PSI_DMC_121 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Test_FocalisationMirrors_122 (accuracy, 1 %)
[notest] Test_focus (no test procedure)
[notest] Union_test_absorption_image (no test procedure)
[OK]     Samples_Incoherent_off_123 (accuracy, 2 %)
[OK]     ILL_Lagrange_124 (accuracy, 32 %)
[OK]     linup-5_125 (accuracy, 2 %)
[FAILED] BTsimple_126 (compilation/execution)
[notest] HZB_FLEX (no test procedure)
[notest] Test_Scatter_log_ssw_mcnp (no test procedure)
[notest] Mezei_SNS_decoupled_poisoned (no test procedure)
[notest] ESS_Brilliance_2015 (no test procedure)
[OK]     BNL_H8_127 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Test_Pol_Bender_Vs_Guide_Curved_128 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     linup-7_129 (accuracy, 2 %)
[OK]     Test_Pol_Mirror_130 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     ILL_H22_D1B_131 (accuracy, 4 %)
[notest] RTP_SANS (no test procedure)
[notest] Demo_shape_primitives (no test procedure)
[OK]     Test_Guides_Curved_132 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Test_Guides_Curved_133 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Test_Guides_Curved_134 (accuracy, 1 %)
[OK]     Test_Guides_Curved_135 (accuracy, 1 %)

# Execution check:    FAILED. 1 instrument(s) did not compile/execute.
# >> Check instruments and mcstas installation.
# End Date: Sun Nov 25 10:23:39 2018


Data and output is available here:

willend commented 5 years ago

c9fe7f4b fixes BT_simple

willend commented 5 years ago

For Test_pol_tabled.instr we have

Trace ETA 34 [s] % 32 
Save [Test_pol_tabled]
Detector: pol_0_I=1 pol_0_ERR=1.00001e-05 pol_0_N=100000 "pol_0"
Detector: polx_0_I=0.0501574 polx_0_ERR=0.000158612 polx_0_N=100000 "polx_0.dat"
Detector: poly_0_I=0.0501574 poly_0_ERR=0.000158612 poly_0_N=100000 "poly_0.dat"
Detector: polz_0_I=0.0501574 polz_0_ERR=0.000158612 polz_0_N=100000 "polz_0.dat"
Detector: lmon_0_I=0.0501574 lmon_0_ERR=0.000158612 lmon_0_N=100000 "lmon_0.dat"
Detector: polx_1_I=0.0501574 polx_1_ERR=0.000158612 polx_1_N=100000 "polx_1.dat"
Detector: poly_1_I=0.0501574 poly_1_ERR=0.000158612 poly_1_N=100000 "poly_1.dat"
Detector: polz_1_I=0.0501574 polz_1_ERR=0.000158612 polz_1_N=100000 "polz_1.dat"
Detector: polx_2_I=0.0501574 polx_2_ERR=0.000158612 polx_2_N=100000 "polx_2.dat"
Detector: poly_2_I=0.0501574 poly_2_ERR=0.000158612 poly_2_N=100000 "poly_2.dat"
Detector: polz_2_I=0.0501574 polz_2_ERR=0.000158612 polz_2_N=100000 "polz_2.dat"
Detector: polx_3_I=0.0501574 polx_3_ERR=0.000158612 polx_3_N=100000 "polx_3.dat"
Detector: poly_3_I=0.0501574 poly_3_ERR=0.000158612 poly_3_N=100000 "poly_3.dat"
Detector: polz_3_I=0.0501574 polz_3_ERR=0.000158612 polz_3_N=100000 "polz_3.dat"
Detector: polx_4_I=0.0501574 polx_4_ERR=0.000158612 polx_4_N=100000 "polx_4.dat"
Detector: poly_4_I=0.0501574 poly_4_ERR=0.000158612 poly_4_N=100000 "poly_4.dat"
Detector: polz_4_I=0.0501574 polz_4_ERR=0.000158612 polz_4_N=100000 "polz_4.dat"
Detector: polx_5_I=0.0501574 polx_5_ERR=0.000158612 polx_5_N=100000 "polx_5.dat"
Detector: poly_5_I=0.0501574 poly_5_ERR=0.000158612 poly_5_N=100000 "poly_5.dat"
Detector: polz_5_I=0.0501574 polz_5_ERR=0.000158612 polz_5_N=100000 "polz_5.dat"
Detector: polx_6_I=0.0501574 polx_6_ERR=0.000158612 polx_6_N=100000 "polx_6.dat"
Detector: poly_6_I=0.0501574 poly_6_ERR=0.000158612 poly_6_N=100000 "poly_6.dat"
Detector: polz_6_I=0.0501574 polz_6_ERR=0.000158612 polz_6_N=100000 "polz_6.dat"
Detector: pol_6_I=1 pol_6_ERR=1.00001e-05 pol_6_N=100000 "pol_6"
Detector: lmon_6_I=0.0501574 lmon_6_ERR=0.000158612 lmon_6_N=100000 "lmon_6.dat"

I.e. pol_6_I = 1 - example is

%Example: -n1e4 MF=flipfield.dat Detector: pol_6_I=0.665777

Something wrong with detector_out_0d maybe??

willend commented 5 years ago

Wrt. templateSANS it looks like the issue is long-standing, has been off intensity wise at least since 2.1!

Will silently update the test values for both templateSANS and templateSANS_Mantid as they differ in definition of source and default use of sample.

willend commented 5 years ago

@ebknudsen Could you look at Test_pol_tabled?

ebknudsen commented 5 years ago

sure - I'll see what I can do.

willend commented 5 years ago

Test Abstract for selftest_RhPe [OK] Test_Collimator_Radial_1 (accuracy, 4 %) [OK] Test_Collimator_Radial_2 (accuracy, 3 %) [OK] Test_Collimator_Radial_3 (accuracy, 2 %) [FAILED] Test_pol_tabled_4 (accuracy off by 52 %) [notest] RTP_NeutronRadiography (no test procedure) [notest] Union_test_box (no test procedure) [OK] ILL_D2B_5 (accuracy, 8 %) [OK] Samples_Isotropic_Sqw_6 (accuracy, 2 %) [OK] Test_PSD_Detector_7 (accuracy, 1 %) [notest] ISIS_CRISP (no test procedure) [notest] Histogrammer (no test procedure) [OK] Samples_vanadium_8 (accuracy, 1 %) [OK] ISIS_test_9 (accuracy, 1 %) [OK] ILL_H8_IN1_10 (accuracy, 1 %) [OK] Test_Magnetic_Userdefined_11 (accuracy, 1 %) [OK] ISIS_GEM_12 (accuracy, 1 %) [notest] ILL_H5 (no test procedure) [notest] Granroth_SNS_decoupled_poisoned (no test procedure) [notest] Test_shellguides (no test procedure) [notest] ESS_butterfly_MCPL_test (no test procedure) [OK] Samples_Phonon_13 (accuracy, 1 %) [notest] ESS_butterfly_Guide_curved_test (no test procedure) [notest] SNS_test (no test procedure) [notest] Union_incoherent_validation (no test procedure) [notest] FZJ_BenchmarkSfin2 (no test procedure) [notest] SAFARI_PITSI (no test procedure) [notest] LLB_6T2 (no test procedure) [notest] Test_Scatter_log_mvalues (no test procedure) [notest] Test_SSR_SSW (no test procedure) [OK] Test_Guides_14 (accuracy, 1 %) [OK] Test_Guides_15 (accuracy, 1 %) [OK] Test_Guides_16 (accuracy, 1 %) [OK] Test_Guides_17 (accuracy, 1 %) [OK] Test_Guides_18 (accuracy, 1 %) [OK] Test_Guides_19 (accuracy, 1 %) [OK] Test_Guides_20 (accuracy, 1 %) [OK] Test_Guides_21 (accuracy, 1 %) [OK] Test_DiskChoppers_22 (accuracy, 1 %) [OK] Test_DiskChoppers_23 (accuracy, 1 %) [OK] ILL_H25_24 (accuracy, 1 %) [OK] ILL_H16_IN5_25 (accuracy, 5 %) [OK] ILL_H16_IN5_26 (accuracy, fair 7 %) [notest] template (no test procedure) [OK] ILL_IN5_27 (accuracy, 3 %) [OK] ILL_H25_IN22_28 (accuracy, 5 %) [notest] TestSANS (no test procedure) [OK] Test_Magnetic_Constant_29 (accuracy, 0 %) [notest] ISIS_SANS2d (no test procedure) [notest] ESS_mcpl2hist (no test procedure) [OK] Test_Selectors_30 (accuracy, 1 %) [OK] Test_Selectors_31 (accuracy, 1 %) [OK] ESS_IN5_reprate_32 (accuracy, fair 9 %) [notest] RTP_DIF (no test procedure) [OK] templateSANS_33 (accuracy, 1 %) [notest] ESS_2001_bispectral (no test procedure) [notest] ILL_H5_new (no test procedure) [OK] ILL_D4_34 (accuracy, 1 %) [notest] ILL_H53_D16 (no test procedure) [OK] FZJ_KWS2_Lens_35 (accuracy, 1 %) [notest] Union_time_of_flight (no test procedure) [notest] ESS_butterfly_tfocus_NOFOCUS_test (no test procedure) [OK] templateTOF_36 (accuracy, 4 %) [OK] templateTOF_37 (accuracy, 1 %) [OK] ILL_BRISP_38 (accuracy, 2 %) [notest] SNS_ARCS_Mantid (no test procedure) [notest] ESS_Brilliance_2001 (no test procedure) [OK] Test_Pol_Set_39 (accuracy, 0 %) [notest] templateNMX_TOF (no test procedure) [OK] ILL_H22_40 (accuracy, 1 %) [notest] templateSasView (no test procedure) [OK] Union_laue_camera_41 (accuracy, 2 %) [notest] ILL_H16_Mantid (no test procedure) [OK] Test_Fermi_42 (accuracy, fair 7 %) [OK] Test_Fermi_43 (accuracy, 1 %) [OK] Test_Fermi_44 (accuracy, fair 7 %) [OK] Test_Fermi_45 (accuracy, 3 %) [OK] Test_Fermi_46 (accuracy, 2 %) [notest] ISIS_OSIRIS (no test procedure) [notest] RITA-II (no test procedure) [notest] MCPL2hist (no test procedure) [notest] Union_demonstration_absorption_image (no test procedure) [OK] ILL_H142_47 (accuracy, 1 %) [OK] ILL_IN4_48 (accuracy, 5 %) [notest] SE_example2 (no test procedure) [OK] Test_StatisticalChopper_49 (accuracy, 1 %) [notest] ISIS_MERLIN (no test procedure) [notest] Test_PreMonitor_nD (no test procedure) [notest] Union_manual_example (no test procedure) [OK] templateLaue_50 (accuracy, 1 %) [OK] templateDIFF_51 (accuracy, 1 %) [notest] SEMSANS_instrument (no test procedure) [notest] templateSasView_Mantid (no test procedure) [OK] Test_Pol_Bender_52 (accuracy, 1 %) [notest] Test_Sample_nxs_imaging (no test procedure) [OK] ILL_IN13_53 (accuracy, 1 %) [OK] Test_Monochromators_54 (accuracy, 1 %) [OK] Test_Monochromators_55 (accuracy, 1 %) [OK] Test_Monochromators_56 (accuracy, 1 %) [OK] Test_Monochromators_57 (accuracy, 1 %) [OK] Test_Monochromators_58 (accuracy, 1 %) [notest] SNS_ARCS (no test procedure) [notest] ILL_IN6 (no test procedure) [notest] ISIS_TS2_Brilliance (no test procedure) [OK] ILL_H24_59 (accuracy, 3 %) [notest] Test_Magnon_bcc_2D (no test procedure) [notest] ILL_H143_LADI (no test procedure) [notest] h8_test_legacy (no test procedure) [notest] ESS_2015_test (no test procedure) [OK] Test_Magnetic_Rotation_60 (accuracy, fair 10 %) [OK] ILL_H15_61 (accuracy, 1 %) [notest] Test_Pol_SF_ideal (no test procedure) [notest] Test_Sample_nxs_diffraction (no test procedure) [notest] SNS_analytic_test (no test procedure) [notest] Union_sample_picture_replica (no test procedure) [notest] Union_external_component_test (no test procedure) [notest] Union_powder_validation (no test procedure) [notest] Gallmeier_SNS_decoupled_poisoned (no test procedure) [notest] ISIS_SANS2d_Mantid (no test procedure) [OK] ILL_H13_IN20_62 (accuracy, 4 %) [OK] Test_Pol_MSF_63 (accuracy, 1 %) [OK] ILL_IN5_Mantid_64 (accuracy, 3 %) [notest] templateSANS_Mantid (no test procedure) [notest] template_simple (no test procedure) [OK] ILL_H16_IN5_Mantid_65 (accuracy, 2 %) [OK] ILL_H16_IN5_Mantid_66 (accuracy, fair 11 %) [notest] ESS_Brilliance_TDR (no test procedure) [notest] Test_Magnon_bcc_TAS (no test procedure) [OK] ILL_H53_IN14_67 (accuracy, 2 %) [OK] Tomography_68 (accuracy, 1 %) [OK] ILL_H22_VIVALDI_69 (accuracy, 3 %) [OK] linup-2_70 (accuracy, 1 %) [OK] Test_Jump_Iterate_71 (accuracy, 1 %) [notest] Test_Lens (no test procedure) [OK] templateTAS_72 (accuracy, 1 %) [OK] templateTAS_73 (accuracy, 4 %) [notest] Test_PowderN_Res (no test procedure) [OK] linup-6_74 (accuracy, 2 %) [notest] Reflectometer (no test procedure) [notest] SAFARI_MPISI (no test procedure) [OK] PSI_Focus_75 (accuracy, 2 %) [notest] Vout_test (no test procedure) [notest] SNS_BASIS (no test procedure) [notest] ESS_Brilliance_2014 (no test procedure) [notest] ISIS_TS1_Brilliance (no test procedure) [OK] ILL_H142_IN12_76 (accuracy, 3 %) [notest] templateNMX (no test procedure) [notest] Union_test_absorption (no test procedure) [notest] ILL_H15_IN6 (no test procedure) [OK] ILL_H10_IN8_77 (accuracy, 1 %) [OK] ISIS_Prisma2_78 (accuracy, 1 %) [notest] templateVanadiumMultipleScat_Mantid (no test procedure) [OK] ILL_H22_D1A_79 (accuracy, fair 11 %) [OK] ISIS_HET_80 (accuracy, fair 9 %) [notest] Test_SSR_SSW_Guide (no test procedure) [notest] ESS_butterfly_tfocus_test (no test procedure) [OK] linup-4_81 (accuracy, 1 %) [notest] SE_example (no test procedure) [OK] ILL_H512_D22_82 (accuracy, 11 %) [notest] Test_Single_crystal_inelastic (no test procedure) [OK] FZJ_SANS_KWS2_AnySample_83 (accuracy, 1 %) [OK] FZJ_SANS_KWS2_AnySample_84 (accuracy, 3 %) [OK] FZJ_SANS_KWS2_AnySample_85 (accuracy, 1 %) [OK] FZJ_SANS_KWS2_AnySample_86 (accuracy, fair 7 %) [notest] Union_external_component (no test procedure) [OK] ILL_H113_87 (accuracy, 2 %) [notest] Union_demonstration (no test procedure) [notest] Union_tagging_demo (no test procedure) [OK] Test_Sources_88 (accuracy, 1 %) [OK] Test_Sources_89 (accuracy, 1 %) [OK] Test_Sources_90 (accuracy, 0 %) [OK] Test_Sources_91 (accuracy, 0 %) [OK] Test_Sources_92 (accuracy, 1 %) [OK] Test_Sources_93 (accuracy, 1 %) [OK] Test_Sources_94 (accuracy, 1 %) [OK] Test_Sources_95 (accuracy, 1 %) [OK] Test_MCPL_output_96 (accuracy, 4 %) [OK] Union_single_crystal_validation_97 (accuracy, 4 %) [notest] ESS_butterfly_test (no test procedure) [OK] Test_Pol_TripleAxis_98 (accuracy, 1 %) [OK] Test_Monitor_Sqw_99 (accuracy, 2 %) [OK] Test_Monitor_Sqw_100 (accuracy, 0 %) [OK] Test_Magnetic_Majorana_101 (accuracy, 0 %) [notest] RTP_Laue (no test procedure) [OK] ILL_H16_102 (accuracy, 1 %) [OK] ILL_H53_103 (accuracy, fair 6 %) [OK] HZB_NEAT_104 (accuracy, 3 %) [OK] HZB_NEAT_105 (accuracy, 2 %) [OK] Samples_Incoherent_106 (accuracy, 1 %) [OK] Samples_Incoherent_107 (accuracy, 1 %) [OK] Samples_Incoherent_108 (accuracy, 1 %) [OK] Samples_Incoherent_109 (accuracy, 1 %) [OK] Samples_Incoherent_110 (accuracy, 1 %) [OK] Samples_Incoherent_111 (accuracy, 1 %) [OK] Samples_Incoherent_112 (accuracy, 2 %) [OK] Samples_Incoherent_113 (accuracy, 1 %) [OK] Samples_Incoherent_114 (accuracy, 1 %) [OK] Samples_Incoherent_115 (accuracy, 1 %) [OK] linup-3_116 (accuracy, 5 %) [OK] linup-1_117 (accuracy, 3 %) [notest] Union_test_powder (no test procedure) [OK] Test_Pol_Guide_Vmirror_118 (accuracy, 1 %) [notest] Vin_test (no test procedure) [OK] Test_MCPL_input_119 (accuracy, 3 %) [notest] Test_Scatter_log_losses (no test procedure) [notest] ESS_Brilliance_2013 (no test procedure) [notest] Union_test_mask (no test procedure) [OK] PSI_DMC_120 (accuracy, 2 %) [OK] Test_FocalisationMirrors_121 (accuracy, 1 %) [notest] Test_focus (no test procedure) [notest] Union_test_absorption_image (no test procedure) [OK] Samples_Incoherent_off_122 (accuracy, 2 %) [OK] ILL_Lagrange_123 (accuracy, 21 %) [OK] linup-5_124 (accuracy, 2 %) [OK] BTsimple_125 (accuracy, 1 %) [notest] HZB_FLEX (no test procedure) [notest] Test_Scatter_log_ssw_mcnp (no test procedure) [notest] Mezei_SNS_decoupled_poisoned (no test procedure) [notest] ESS_Brilliance_2015 (no test procedure) [OK] BNL_H8_126 (accuracy, 5 %) [OK] Test_Pol_Bender_Vs_Guide_Curved_127 (accuracy, 1 %) [OK] linup-7_128 (accuracy, 1 %) [OK] Test_Pol_Mirror_129 (accuracy, 1 %) [OK] ILL_H22_D1B_130 (accuracy, fair 7 %) [notest] RTP_SANS (no test procedure) [notest] Demo_shape_primitives (no test procedure) [OK] Test_Guides_Curved_131 (accuracy, 1 %) [OK] Test_Guides_Curved_132 (accuracy, 1 %) [OK] Test_Guides_Curved_133 (accuracy, 1 %) [OK] Test_Guides_Curved_134 (accuracy, 1 %)

Execution check: OK. Computing time: 2988 [sec] for 134 tests.

Accuracy check: FAIR. 1 test(s) with inaccurate results.

End Date: Wed Nov 28 15:16:25 2018

farhi commented 5 years ago

Wow ! this is the best test since a long time ! Good work guys !

ebknudsen commented 5 years ago

Test_pol_tabled should now be fixed. did require some tooling in a) the test instrument itself and b) in the new magnetic field comps

willend commented 5 years ago

Yup, looks good and also works here