McStasMcXtrace / iFit

a simple library to analyze data (with McCode and Phonons/DFT hooks). :warning: this project has been moved to
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estruct -> iData: failing methods #204

Open farhi opened 4 years ago

farhi commented 4 years ago

When pushing estruct into iData, a few methods are found failing:

Running runtest (iData) for 238 methods (from /home/farhi)

Done runtest (iData)
runtest: iData 307 tests from /home/farhi
 circshift  FAILED test_iData_circshift [ Warning: std: The computed standard deviation is imaginary. You should use std(iData, 1)] [ > In iData.std at 102 In iData.std at 25 In test_iData_circshift at 6 In evals at 22 In iData.runtest>runtest_sandbox at 244 In iData.runtest>runtest_dotest_single at 200 In iData.runtest>runtest_dotest at 153 In iData.runtest at 51] [ Warning: std: The computed standard deviation is imaginary. You should use std(iData, 1)] [ > In iData.std at 102 In iData.std at 25 In test_iData_circshift at 6 In evals at 22 In iData.runtest>runtest_sandbox at 244 In iData.runtest>runtest_dotest_single at 200 In iData.runtest>runtest_dotest at 153 In iData.runtest at 51] ans = FAILED test_iData_circshift
      conv  FAILED test_iData_conv ans = FAILED test_iData_conv
  corrcoef   ERROR test_iData_corrcoef subsref: can not get iFunc object Property 'Source' in iFunc model iF82918. in /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iFunc/subsref.m:89
     event   ERROR a=iData(rand(50,4)); b=event(a); isvector(b) == 4 Dimensions of matrices being concatenated are not consistent. in /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/axescheck.m:249
     event   ERROR test_iData_event Dimensions of matrices being concatenated are not consistent. in /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/axescheck.m:249
      fill   ERROR a=iData([ ifitpath 'Data/Monitor_GV*']); b=hist(a); c=fill(b); Dimensions of matrices being concatenated are not consistent. in /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/axescheck.m:249
      fill   ERROR test_iData_fill Dimensions of matrices being concatenated are not consistent. in /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/axescheck.m:249
 findfield  FAILED test_iData_findfield subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/insulin_pilatus6mconverted_orig.cbf with method Crystallographic Binary File (read_cbf) subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 0 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field postprocess -> char [7] 1 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 0 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Error" get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" axescheck: DEBUG: 1 as numel [6224001] axescheck: DEBUG: 2 as ModificationDate numel [6] axescheck: DEBUG: scalars as verbose Data.Loader.istext axescheck: DEBUG: empty as UserData Attributes Monitor Signal Data.Loader.options axescheck: DEBUG: called axescheck_find_signal signal: 1 as axescheck: DEBUG: setting Signal = [6224001] get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Signal" get: DEBUG: get Error subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Error" get: DEBUG: get Monitor subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Monitor" get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Signal" get: DEBUG: get Error subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Error" get: DEBUG: get Monitor subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Tag" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Source" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 0 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 1 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 2 subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field Label -> char [35] 1 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 0 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 1 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 2 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Error" get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" axescheck: DEBUG: 1 as numel [6224001] axescheck: DEBUG: 2 as ModificationDate numel [6] axescheck: DEBUG: scalars as verbose Data.Loader.istext axescheck: DEBUG: empty as UserData Attributes Monitor Data.Loader.options axescheck: DEBUG: called axescheck_find_signal signal: 1 as get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Signal" get: DEBUG: get Error subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Error" get: DEBUG: get Monitor subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Monitor" get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Signal" get: DEBUG: get Error subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Error" get: DEBUG: get Monitor subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Monitor" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 0 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 1 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 2 subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field Private.cache.check_requested -> logical [1] 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Private" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".cache" subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field check_requested -> logical [1] 1 subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field cache -> struct [1] 1 subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field Private -> struct [1] 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Error" get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" axescheck: DEBUG: 1 as numel [6224001] axescheck: DEBUG: 2 as ModificationDate numel [6] axescheck: DEBUG: scalars as verbose Data.Loader.istext axescheck: DEBUG: empty as UserData Attributes Monitor Data.Loader.options axescheck: DEBUG: called axescheck_find_signal signal: 1 as get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Signal" get: DEBUG: get Error subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Error" get: DEBUG: get Monitor subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Monitor" get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Signal" get: DEBUG: get Error subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Error" get: DEBUG: get Monitor subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Monitor" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 0 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 1 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 2 ans = FAILED test_iData_findfield
      fits   ERROR test_iData_fits subsref: can not get iFunc object Property 'Source' in iFunc model iF82922. in /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iFunc/subsref.m:89
      hist   ERROR a=iData([ ifitpath 'Data/Monitor_GV*']); b=hist(a); Dimensions of matrices being concatenated are not consistent. in /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/axescheck.m:249
      hist   ERROR test_iData_hist Dimensions of matrices being concatenated are not consistent. in /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/axescheck.m:249
    interp  FAILED test_iData_interp [ Warning: interpn: Input argument 1 of class double size [1 1] is not supported. Ignoring.] [ > In iData.interpn at 102 In iData.interp at 34 In test_iData_interp at 5 In evals at 22 In iData.runtest>runtest_sandbox at 244 In iData.runtest>runtest_dotest_single at 200 In iData.runtest>runtest_dotest at 153 In iData.runtest at 51] ans = FAILED test_iData_interp
   isempty  FAILED test_iData_isempty ans = FAILED test_iData_isempty
  isvector  FAILED test_iData_isvector iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/Monitor_GV_1330447143_list.L.x.y.z with method McCode list monitor (read_anytext) ans = FAILED test_iData_isvector
      load  FAILED test_iData_load iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/008545.spe with method SPE CCD by WinView from Roper Scientific / PI Acton (read_spe) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/111107AgBH.0001.mccd with method MarResearch CCD Camera (read_mar) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/153265_153282.hdf with method HDF5/NeXus Hierarchical Data Format (read_hdf5) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/30dor.fits with method FITS (read_fits) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/AL20_017.DAT with method ChalkRiver CNBC (read_anytext) read_edf: Reading 55 x 71 x double from file "/home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/Ag_3_a.edf" iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/Ag_3_a.edf with method EDF ESRF Data Format (read_edf) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/Ag_3_a.hdf4 with method HDF4/NeXus Hierarchical Data Format (read_hdf4) /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Scripts/Signal/private/cif2hkl_glnxa64 --verbose --no-outout-files /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/Al.cif iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/Al.cif with method CFL/PCR FullProf, CIF, INS/RES/SHX ShelX file (CrysFML) (read_cif) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/Al.lau with method McCode powder table (LAZ/LAU) (read_anytext) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/Bunny-LowPoly2.stl with method STL 3D binary (read_stl) [ Warning: WARNING: read_llb_tas: C004: the date format is not valid. Using today.] [ > In read_llb_tas at 210 In Loaders/private/iLoad_import at 134 In Loaders/private/iLoad_import at 67 In iLoad at 344 In iLoad at 170 In iLoad at 291 In iData.load at 67 In iData.iData>iData.iData at 249 In test_iData_load at 4 In evals at 22 In iData.runtest>runtest_sandbox at 244 In iData.runtest>runtest_dotest_single at 200 In iData.runtest>runtest_dotest at 153 In iData.runtest at 51] iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/C004 with method LLB/TAS binary (read_llb_tas) iLoad: Imported file /dev/shm/tp42d15e75_f5f4_4214_b861_cc81ae0ecbe0/D2O_liq_290_coh.sqw with method McCode 2D monitor (read_mccode) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/ with method Compressed archive zip (read_compressed) iLoad: Imported file /dev/shm/tpd70c821a_3142_449b_a531_7327f39a45a0/D2O_liq_290_inc.sqw with method McCode 2D monitor (read_mccode) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/ with method Compressed archive zip (read_compressed) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/Diff_BananaPSD_1314088587.th_y with method McCode 2D monitor (read_mccode) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/ with method McCode 1D monitor (read_mccode) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/Example.spe with method ISIS/SPE tof data (read_anytext) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/FORCES_MgO with method Data (text format with fast import method) (read_anytext) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/GroEl.ezd with method EZD electronic density map (read_ezd) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/Horace_sqw_1d.sqw with method McCode Sqw table (read_sqw) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/ILL_D10.dat with method ILL Data (normal integers) (read_ill) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/ILL_IN20.dat with method ILL TAS Data (read_ill) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/ILL_IN6.dat with method ILL Data (normal integers) (read_ill) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/ILL_IN6_2.dat with method ILL Data (normal integers) (read_ill) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/IRS21360_graphite002_ipg.nxs with method HDF5/NeXus Hierarchical Data Format (read_hdf5) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/La2CuO4.m with method Data (text format with fast import method) (read_anytext) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/La2CuO4.txt with method Data (text format with fast import method) (read_anytext) /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Scripts/Signal/private/cif2hkl_glnxa64 --verbose --no-outout-files /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/LaMnO3.cif iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/LaMnO3.cif with method CFL/PCR FullProf, CIF, INS/RES/SHX ShelX file (CrysFML) (read_cif) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/LaMnO3.txt with method Data (text format with fast import method) (read_anytext) /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Scripts/Signal/private/cif2hkl_glnxa64 --verbose --no-outout-files /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/LuMnO3.cif iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/LuMnO3.cif with method CFL/PCR FullProf, CIF, INS/RES/SHX ShelX file (CrysFML) (read_cif) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/MCA.dat with method Data (text format with fast import method) (read_anytext) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/MnFe4Si3.txt with method Data (text format with fast import method) (read_anytext) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/MnFeSi_0099.scn with method ILL TAS Data (polarized) (read_ill) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/Monitor_GV_1330447143_list.L.x.y.z with method McCode list monitor (read_anytext) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/Na2Ca3Al2F14.cfl with method CFL FullProf crystallography file (read_cfl) read_pdb: /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/PDBSilk.pdb: Read 135 Residues Unknown residues found in PDB file: 'ACE' Radius of Gyration by Charge = 9.988310 (Angstroms) Radius of Gyration by Volume = 9.862288 (Angstroms) Radius of Gyration by Charge Contrast = 10.299563 (Angstroms) Radius of Gyration by Compact Packing = 9.140313 (Angstroms) Protein Charge = 3210.000000 (electrons) Protein Excess Charge = 906.905948 (electrons) Protein Volume = 6882.900000 (Angstroms^3) Protein Density = 1.393777 (g/cm^3) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/PDBSilk.pdb with method Protein Data Bank (read_pdb) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/POSCAR_Al with method VASP initial position POSCAR (Direct) (read_poscar) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/POSCAR_AlN with method VASP initial position POSCAR (Direct) (read_poscar) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/POSCAR_CaF2 with method Data (text format with fast import method) (read_anytext) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/POSCAR_MgO with method VASP initial position POSCAR (Direct) (read_poscar) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/POSCAR_NaCl with method VASP initial position POSCAR (Direct) (read_poscar) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/POSCAR_Si with method Data (text format with fast import method) (read_anytext) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/POSCAR_SrTiO3 with method VASP initial position POSCAR (Direct) (read_poscar) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/Q1_Test_Protein.img with method ADSC CCD Camera (read_adsc) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/R014 with method LLB/TAS binary (read_llb_tas) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/README.txt with method Data (text format with fast import method) (read_anytext) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/SPEC.dat with method SPEC (read_spec) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/ with method NetCDF (.nc) (read_nc) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/TbMnO3.m with method Data (text format with fast import method) (read_anytext) read_inx: file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/YIG_4A_corr_vana_spectre.inx, block 1: reading 3 x 384 values iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/YIG_4A_corr_vana_spectre.inx with method ILL INX tof data (read_inx) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/bruker1.dx with method Electronic Chemistry Exchange format (.dx) (read_dx) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/cylinders.gcode with method GCODE numerical control programming language (read_gcode) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/cyno_atlas.4dint.hdr with method Analyze volume data (read_analyze) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/cyno_atlas.4dint.img with method Analyze volume data (read_analyze) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/ with method MRC/CCP4 electron density map (read_mrc) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/example.sdf with method HP/Agilent/Keysight Standard Data Format (read_sdf) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/example.sif with method Andor SIF CCD Camera (read_sif) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/fool.nrrd with method NRRD Nearly Raw Raster Data (read_nrrd) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/gluco_toluene.0001 with method Bruker FTIR OPUS (read_opus) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/iFit_iD115470.json with method JSON (read_json) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/iFit_iD80908.xml with method XML Extensible Markup Language (read_xml) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/iFit_iD80908.yaml with method YAML (read_yaml) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/insulin_pilatus6mconverted_orig.cbf with method Crystallographic Binary File (read_cbf) looktxt: Bin is valid from /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Libraries/Loaders/private/looktxt_glnxa64 iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/nac_1645179.dat with method Data (text format with fast import method) (read_anytext) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/nano_50K_4.8a_03_h4.hdf with method HDF4/NeXus Hierarchical Data Format (read_hdf4) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/peaks.hdf5 with method HDF5/NeXus Hierarchical Data Format (read_hdf5) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/peg268.csv with method Comma Separated Values (.csv) (csvread) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/rita22010n021140.hdf with method HDF5/NeXus Hierarchical Data Format (read_hdf5) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/simple_test.tdms with method LabView TDMS (read_tdms) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/ with method OFF 3D stereo-lithography CAD ascii (read_off) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/socket.ply with method PLY 3D binary (read_ply) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/stem_abf_data_imagestack.hspy with method Matlab importer (importdata) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/sv1850.scn with method ILL TAS Data (read_ill) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/sv1884.scn with method ILL TAS Data (read_ill) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/sv4700.scn with method ILL TAS Data (read_ill) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/test.pos with method Atom Probe Tomography Exchange format (.pos) (read_pos) read_endf: warning: would make good use of PyNE. Get it at <>. Package exists for Debian/Mint/Ubuntu at <>. read_endf: Opening /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/tsl_0012_para-d.endf read_endf: File section "General information" as MAT=12 MF=1 MT=451 read_endf: MF= 1 General information read_endf: NLIB= 0 ENDF/B - United States Evaluated Nuclear Data File read_endf: Date EVAL-APR93 DIST-DEC06 read_endf: Material para-d MAT=12 from MacFarlane at LANL, release 20111222 read_endf: NSUB= 12 Thermal Neutron Scattering Data read_endf: File section "Thermal neutron scattering law data" as MAT=12 MF=7 MT=4 iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/tsl_0012_para-d.endf with method ENDF (read_endf) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/zstat1.nii with method NifTI-1 MRI volume data (read_nii) [ Warning: struct2iData: skipping input struct field xlabel as it matches a method name] [ > In @iData/private/struct2iData at 42 In iData.load at 95 In iData.iData>iData.iData at 249 In test_iData_load at 4 In evals at 22 In iData.runtest>runtest_sandbox at 244 In iData.runtest>runtest_dotest_single at 200 In iData.runtest>runtest_dotest at 153 In iData.runtest at 51] [ Warning: struct2iData: skipping input struct field ylabel as it matches a method name] [ > In @iData/private/struct2iData at 42 In iData.load at 95 In iData.iData>iData.iData at 249 In test_iData_load at 4 In evals at 22 In iData.runtest>runtest_sandbox at 244 In iData.runtest>runtest_dotest_single at 200 In iData.runtest>runtest_dotest at 153 In iData.runtest at 51] [ Warning: struct2iData: skipping input struct field size as it matches a method name] [ > In @iData/private/struct2iData at 42 In iData.load at 95 In iData.iData>iData.iData at 249 In test_iData_load at 4 In evals at 22 In iData.runtest>runtest_sandbox at 244 In iData.runtest>runtest_dotest_single at 200 In iData.runtest>runtest_dotest at 153 In iData.runtest at 51] [ Warning: struct2iData: skipping input struct field title as it matches a method name] [ > In @iData/private/struct2iData at 42 In iData.load at 95 In iData.iData>iData.iData at 249 In test_iData_load at 4 In evals at 22 In iData.runtest>runtest_sandbox at 244 In iData.runtest>runtest_dotest_single at 200 In iData.runtest>runtest_dotest at 153 In iData.runtest at 51] [ Warning: struct2iData: skipping input struct field xlabel as it matches a method name] [ > In @iData/private/struct2iData at 42 In iData.load at 95 In iData.iData>iData.iData at 249 In test_iData_load at 4 In evals at 22 In iData.runtest>runtest_sandbox at 244 In iData.runtest>runtest_dotest_single at 200 In iData.runtest>runtest_dotest at 153 In iData.runtest at 51] [ Warning: struct2iData: skipping input struct field ylabel as it matches a method name] [ > In @iData/private/struct2iData at 42 In iData.load at 95 In iData.iData>iData.iData at 249 In test_iData_load at 4 In evals at 22 In iData.runtest>runtest_sandbox at 244 In iData.runtest>runtest_dotest_single at 200 In iData.runtest>runtest_dotest at 153 In iData.runtest at 51] [ Warning: struct2iData: skipping input struct field size as it matches a method name] [ > In @iData/private/struct2iData at 42 In iData.load at 95 In iData.iData>iData.iData at 249 In test_iData_load at 4 In evals at 22 In iData.runtest>runtest_sandbox at 244 In iData.runtest>runtest_dotest_single at 200 In iData.runtest>runtest_dotest at 153 In iData.runtest at 51] [ Warning: struct2iData: skipping input struct field title as it matches a method name] [ > In @iData/private/struct2iData at 42 In iData.load at 95 In iData.iData>iData.iData at 249 In test_iData_load at 4 In evals at 22 In iData.runtest>runtest_sandbox at 244 In iData.runtest>runtest_dotest_single at 200 In iData.runtest>runtest_dotest at 153 In iData.runtest at 51] [ Warning: struct2iData: skipping input struct field title as it matches a method name] [ > In @iData/private/struct2iData at 42 In iData.load at 95 In iData.iData>iData.iData at 249 In test_iData_load at 4 In evals at 22 In iData.runtest>runtest_sandbox at 244 In iData.runtest>runtest_dotest_single at 200 In iData.runtest>runtest_dotest at 153 In iData.runtest at 51] [ Warning: struct2iData: skipping input struct field xlabel as it matches a method name] [ > In @iData/private/struct2iData at 42 In iData.load at 95 In iData.iData>iData.iData at 249 In test_iData_load at 4 In evals at 22 In iData.runtest>runtest_sandbox at 244 In iData.runtest>runtest_dotest_single at 200 In iData.runtest>runtest_dotest at 153 In iData.runtest at 51] [ Warning: struct2iData: skipping input struct field ylabel as it matches a method name] [ > In @iData/private/struct2iData at 42 In iData.load at 95 In iData.iData>iData.iData at 249 In test_iData_load at 4 In evals at 22 In iData.runtest>runtest_sandbox at 244 In iData.runtest>runtest_dotest_single at 200 In iData.runtest>runtest_dotest at 153 In iData.runtest at 51] [ Warning: struct2iData: skipping input struct field zlabel as it matches a method name] [ > In @iData/private/struct2iData at 42 In iData.load at 95 In iData.iData>iData.iData at 249 In test_iData_load at 4 In evals at 22 In iData.runtest>runtest_sandbox at 244 In iData.runtest>runtest_dotest_single at 200 In iData.runtest>runtest_dotest at 153 In iData.runtest at 51] [ Warning: struct2iData: skipping input struct field size as it matches a method name] [ > In @iData/private/struct2iData at 42 In iData.load at 95 In iData.iData>iData.iData at 249 In test_iData_load at 4 In evals at 22 In iData.runtest>runtest_sandbox at 244 In iData.runtest>runtest_dotest_single at 200 In iData.runtest>runtest_dotest at 153 In iData.runtest at 51] [ Warning: struct2iData: skipping input struct field title as it matches a method name] [ > In @iData/private/struct2iData at 42 In iData.load at 95 In iData.iData>iData.iData at 249 In test_iData_load at 4 In evals at 22 In iData.runtest>runtest_sandbox at 244 In iData.runtest>runtest_dotest_single at 200 In iData.runtest>runtest_dotest at 153 In iData.runtest at 51] [ Warning: struct2iData: skipping input struct field xlabel as it matches a method name] [ > In @iData/private/struct2iData at 42 In iData.load at 95 In iData.iData>iData.iData at 249 In test_iData_load at 4 In evals at 22 In iData.runtest>runtest_sandbox at 244 In iData.runtest>runtest_dotest_single at 200 In iData.runtest>runtest_dotest at 153 In iData.runtest at 51] [ Warning: struct2iData: skipping input struct field ylabel as it matches a method name] [ > In @iData/private/struct2iData at 42 In iData.load at 95 In iData.iData>iData.iData at 249 In test_iData_load at 4 In evals at 22 In iData.runtest>runtest_sandbox at 244 In iData.runtest>runtest_dotest_single at 200 In iData.runtest>runtest_dotest at 153 In iData.runtest at 51] [ Warning: struct2iData: skipping input struct field size as it matches a method name] [ > In @iData/private/struct2iData at 42 In iData.load at 95 In iData.iData>iData.iData at 249 In test_iData_load at 4 In evals at 22 In iData.runtest>runtest_sandbox at 244 In iData.runtest>runtest_dotest_single at 200 In iData.runtest>runtest_dotest at 153 In iData.runtest at 51] [ Warning: struct2iData: skipping input struct field xlabel as it matches a method name] [ > In @iData/private/struct2iData at 42 In iData.load at 95 In iData.iData>iData.iData at 249 In test_iData_load at 4 In evals at 22 In iData.runtest>runtest_sandbox at 244 In iData.runtest>runtest_dotest_single at 200 In iData.runtest>runtest_dotest at 153 In iData.runtest at 51] [ Warning: struct2iData: skipping input struct field xlabel as it matches a method name] [ > In @iData/private/struct2iData at 42 In iData.load at 95 In iData.iData>iData.iData at 249 In test_iData_load at 4 In evals at 22 In iData.runtest>runtest_sandbox at 244 In iData.runtest>runtest_dotest_single at 200 In iData.runtest>runtest_dotest at 153 In iData.runtest at 51] [ Warning: struct2iData: skipping input struct field xlabel as it matches a method name] [ > In @iData/private/struct2iData at 42 In iData.load at 95 In iData.iData>iData.iData at 249 In test_iData_load at 4 In evals at 22 In iData.runtest>runtest_sandbox at 244 In iData.runtest>runtest_dotest_single at 200 In iData.runtest>runtest_dotest at 153 In iData.runtest at 51] iData: WARNING: failed importing /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data Elapsed time is 32.988982 seconds. iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/30dor.fits with method FITS (read_fits) iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/ with method McCode 1D monitor (read_mccode) [ Warning: struct2iData: skipping input struct field title as it matches a method name] [ > In @iData/private/struct2iData at 42 In iData.load at 95 In iData.iData>iData.iData at 249 In test_iData_load at 8 In evals at 22 In iData.runtest>runtest_sandbox at 244 In iData.runtest>runtest_dotest_single at 200 In iData.runtest>runtest_dotest at 153 In iData.runtest at 51] [ Warning: struct2iData: skipping input struct field xlabel as it matches a method name] [ > In @iData/private/struct2iData at 42 In iData.load at 95 In iData.iData>iData.iData at 249 In test_iData_load at 8 In evals at 22 In iData.runtest>runtest_sandbox at 244 In iData.runtest>runtest_dotest_single at 200 In iData.runtest>runtest_dotest at 153 In iData.runtest at 51] [ Warning: struct2iData: skipping input struct field ylabel as it matches a method name] [ > In @iData/private/struct2iData at 42 In iData.load at 95 In iData.iData>iData.iData at 249 In test_iData_load at 8 In evals at 22 In iData.runtest>runtest_sandbox at 244 In iData.runtest>runtest_dotest_single at 200 In iData.runtest>runtest_dotest at 153 In iData.runtest at 51] [ Warning: struct2iData: skipping input struct field size as it matches a method name] [ > In @iData/private/struct2iData at 42 In iData.load at 95 In iData.iData>iData.iData at 249 In test_iData_load at 8 In evals at 22 In iData.runtest>runtest_sandbox at 244 In iData.runtest>runtest_dotest_single at 200 In iData.runtest>runtest_dotest at 153 In iData.runtest at 51] ans = FAILED test_iData_load
  meshgrid  FAILED test_iData_meshgrid iLoad: Imported file /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/Monitor_GV_1330447143_list.L.x.y.z with method McCode list monitor (read_anytext) ans = FAILED test_iData_meshgrid
      pack   ERROR test_iData_pack Too many output arguments. in /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/pack.m:34
  setalias  FAILED test_iData_setalias ans = FAILED test_iData_setalias
   setaxis  FAILED test_iData_setaxis ans = FAILED test_iData_setaxis
   squeeze  FAILED test_iData_squeeze ans = FAILED test_iData_squeeze
       std  FAILED test_iData_std [ Warning: std: The computed standard deviation is imaginary. You should use std(a, 1)] [ > In iData.std at 102 In test_iData_std at 4 In evals at 22 In iData.runtest>runtest_sandbox at 244 In iData.runtest>runtest_dotest_single at 200 In iData.runtest>runtest_dotest at 153 In iData.runtest at 51] ans = FAILED test_iData_std
   strfind  FAILED test_iData_strfind a = iData (methods,doc,plot,plot(log),values,more...) 1D object: [Tag] [Dimension] [Name] [Last command] iD122463 [8 1] '"struct_1.x1"' iD122463=subsasgn( '... ans = FAILED test_iData_strfind
  subsasgn   ERROR test_iData_subsasgn subsref_single: No appropriate method, property, or unique field "Signal" for class iData. in /home/farhi/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/private/subsref_single.m:95
  284 Passed, 23 Failed, 10 Incomplete.
  122.81 seconds testing time.

ans = 

1x307 struct array with fields:
farhi commented 3 years ago

Running with Matlab R2019 brings more failures:

Done runtest (iData)
runtest: iData 307 tests from /home/farhie
     caxis  FAILED a=iData(peaks); plot(a); c=caxis(del2(a)); tf=ishandle(c); delete(gcf); tf tf = logical 1
 circshift  FAILED test_iData_circshift [ Warning: std: The computed standard deviation is imaginary. You should use std(iData, 1)] [ > In iData/std (line 102) In iData/std (line 25) In test_iData_circshift (line 6) In evals (line 22) In iData/runtest>runtest_sandbox (line 260) In iData/runtest>runtest_dotest_single (line 216) In iData/runtest>runtest_dotest (line 163) In iData/runtest (line 52)] [ Warning: std: The computed standard deviation is imaginary. You should use std(iData, 1)] [ > In iData/std (line 102) In iData/std (line 25) In test_iData_circshift (line 6) In evals (line 22) In iData/runtest>runtest_sandbox (line 260) In iData/runtest>runtest_dotest_single (line 216) In iData/runtest>runtest_dotest (line 163) In iData/runtest (line 52)] ans = 'FAILED test_iData_circshift'
      conv  FAILED test_iData_conv ans = 'FAILED test_iData_conv'
  corrcoef   ERROR test_iData_corrcoef Undefined/empty Signal a to fit. Syntax is fits(model, Signal, parameters, ...). in /home/farhie/dev/iFit/Objects/@iFunc/fits.m:333
     event   ERROR a=iData(rand(50,4)); b=event(a); isvector(b) == 4 Dimensions of arrays being concatenated are not consistent. in /home/farhie/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/axescheck.m:249
     event   ERROR test_iData_event Dimensions of arrays being concatenated are not consistent. in /home/farhie/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/axescheck.m:249
       fft  FAILED t=linspace(0,1,1000); a=iData(t,0.7*sin(2*pi*50*t)+sin(2*pi*120*t)+2*randn(size(t))); c=fft(a); plot(abs(c)); delete(gcf); subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Tag" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Source" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Tag" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Source" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 0 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field Private.cache.check_requested -> logical [1] 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Private" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".cache" subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field check_requested -> logical [1] 1 subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field cache -> struct [1] 1 subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field Private -> struct [1] 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Error" get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" axescheck: DEBUG: 1 as double_2 numel [1000] axescheck: DEBUG: 2 as t numel [1000] axescheck: DEBUG: 3 as Date numel [6] axescheck: DEBUG: 4 as ModificationDate numel [6] axescheck: DEBUG: scalars as verbose axescheck: DEBUG: empty as Data UserData Attributes Signal Monitor axescheck: DEBUG: called axescheck_find_signal signal: 1 as double_2 axescheck: DEBUG: setting Signal = double_2 [1000] get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Signal" get: DEBUG: get Error subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Error" get: DEBUG: get Monitor subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Monitor" axescheck: DEBUG: axescheck_find_axes: setting axis[1] as t with size [1 1000] subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Error" get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" axescheck: DEBUG: 1 as double_2 numel [1000] axescheck: DEBUG: 2 as t numel [1000] axescheck: DEBUG: 3 as Date numel [6] axescheck: DEBUG: 4 as ModificationDate numel [6] axescheck: DEBUG: scalars as verbose axescheck: DEBUG: empty as Data UserData Attributes Monitor axescheck: DEBUG: called axescheck_find_signal signal: 1 as double_2 get: DEBUG: get t subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".t" axescheck: DEBUG: axescheck_find_axes: checked axis[1] t with size [1 1000] getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".t" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 1 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 0 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".t" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 1 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 0 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" get: DEBUG: get Error subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Error" get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 0 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 0 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 0 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".t" get: DEBUG: get Error subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Error" get: DEBUG: get Source subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Source" get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Signal" get: DEBUG: get User subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()User" get: DEBUG: get Creator subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Creator" get: DEBUG: get Label subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Label" get: DEBUG: get Name subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Name" get: DEBUG: get DisplayName subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()DisplayName" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 0 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".t" subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field User -> char [0] 0 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 0 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".t" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 0 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".t" subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field Creator -> char [0] 0 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 0 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".t" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 0 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".t" subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field Label -> char [0] 0 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 0 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".t" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 0 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".t" subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field Name -> char [0] 0 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 0 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".t" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 0 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".t" subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field DisplayName -> char [0] 0 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 0 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".t" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 0 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".t" subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field Signal -> char [11] 0 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 0 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Error" get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" axescheck: DEBUG: 1 as Data.Signal numel [1024] axescheck: DEBUG: 2 as Data.Error numel [1024] axescheck: DEBUG: 3 as Data.axis1 numel [1024] axescheck: DEBUG: 4 as double_2 numel [1000] axescheck: DEBUG: 5 as t numel [1000] axescheck: DEBUG: 6 as Data.axis_reciprocal1 numel [1000] axescheck: DEBUG: 7 as Date numel [6] axescheck: DEBUG: 8 as ModificationDate numel [6] axescheck: DEBUG: scalars as verbose axescheck: DEBUG: empty as UserData Attributes Monitor axescheck: DEBUG: called axescheck_find_signal signal: 1 as Data.Signal error: 2 as Data.Error axes: 3 6 get: DEBUG: get t subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".t" get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Signal" get: DEBUG: get Error subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Error" get: DEBUG: get Monitor subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Monitor" axescheck: DEBUG: axescheck_find_axes: setting axis[1] as Data.axis1 with size [1 1024] get: DEBUG: get Data.axis1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Data.axis1" axescheck: DEBUG: axescheck_find_axes: checked axis[1] Data.axis1 with size [1 1024] getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 0 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Data.axis1" subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field Error -> char [10] 0 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 0 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Data.axis1" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 0 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Data.axis1" subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field Signal -> double [1024] 1 subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field Data.Signal -> double [1024] 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Data" subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field Signal -> double [1024] 1 subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field Data -> struct [1] 1 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 0 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Data.axis1" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field Labels.Signal -> char [5] 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Labels" subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field Signal -> char [5] 1 subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field Labels -> struct [1] 1 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 1 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 1 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 0 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 0 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Data.axis1" subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field axis1 -> char [10] 1 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 0 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Data.axis1" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char axis1 subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field Labels.axis1 -> char [19] 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Labels" subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field axis1 -> char [19] 1 subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field Labels -> struct [1] 1 setaxis: DEBUG: setting axis 1 -> char [5] subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Tag" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Source" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Error" axescheck: DEBUG: 1 as Data.Signal numel [1024] axescheck: DEBUG: 2 as Data.Error numel [1024] axescheck: DEBUG: 3 as Data.axis1 numel [1024] axescheck: DEBUG: 4 as double_2 numel [1000] axescheck: DEBUG: 5 as t numel [1000] axescheck: DEBUG: 6 as Data.axis_reciprocal1 numel [1000] axescheck: DEBUG: 7 as Date numel [6] axescheck: DEBUG: 8 as ModificationDate numel [6] axescheck: DEBUG: scalars as verbose axescheck: DEBUG: empty as UserData Attributes Monitor axescheck: DEBUG: called axescheck_find_signal signal: 1 as Data.Signal error: 2 as Data.Error axes: 3 6 get: DEBUG: get axis1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".axis1" axescheck: DEBUG: axescheck_find_axes: checked axis[1] axis1 with size [1 1024] get: DEBUG: get axis1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".axis1" axescheck: DEBUG: axescheck_find_axes: checked axis[1] axis1 with size [1 1024] subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Error" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Monitor" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 0 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".axis1" subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field Signal -> double [1024] 1 subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field Data.Signal -> double [1024] 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Data" subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field Signal -> double [1024] 1 subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field Data -> struct [1] 1 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 0 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".axis1" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 0 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".axis1" subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field Error -> double [1024] 1 subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field Data.Error -> double [1024] 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Data" subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field Error -> double [1024] 1 subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field Data -> struct [1] 1 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 0 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".axis1" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 0 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".axis1" subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field Monitor -> double [0] 1 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 0 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".axis1" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field Labels.Signal -> char [10] 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Labels" subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field Signal -> char [10] 1 subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field Labels -> struct [1] 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Tag" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Source" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Error" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Monitor" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 0 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".axis1" subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field Signal -> double [1024] 1 subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field Data.Signal -> double [1024] 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Data" subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field Signal -> double [1024] 1 subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field Data -> struct [1] 1 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 0 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Error" axescheck: DEBUG: 1 as Data.Signal numel [1024] axescheck: DEBUG: 2 as Data.Error numel [1024] axescheck: DEBUG: 3 as Data.axis1 numel [1024] axescheck: DEBUG: 4 as double_2 numel [1000] axescheck: DEBUG: 5 as t numel [1000] axescheck: DEBUG: 6 as Data.axis_reciprocal1 numel [1000] axescheck: DEBUG: 7 as Date numel [6] axescheck: DEBUG: 8 as ModificationDate numel [6] axescheck: DEBUG: scalars as verbose axescheck: DEBUG: empty as UserData Attributes Monitor axescheck: DEBUG: called axescheck_find_signal signal: 1 as Data.Signal error: 2 as Data.Error axes: 3 6 get: DEBUG: get axis1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".axis1" axescheck: DEBUG: axescheck_find_axes: checked axis[1] axis1 with size [1 1024] get: DEBUG: get axis1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".axis1" axescheck: DEBUG: axescheck_find_axes: checked axis[1] axis1 with size [1 1024] getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 0 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".axis1" subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field Error -> double [1024] 1 subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field Data.Error -> double [1024] 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Data" subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field Error -> double [1024] 1 subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field Data -> struct [1] 1 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 0 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".axis1" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 0 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".axis1" subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field Monitor -> double [0] 1 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 0 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".axis1" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field Labels.Signal -> char [21] 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Labels" subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field Signal -> char [21] 1 subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field Labels -> struct [1] 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Tag" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Source" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".axis1" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 1 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 0 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" get: DEBUG: get Error subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Error" get: DEBUG: get Monitor subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Monitor" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 0 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 0 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 0 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 0 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 0 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 1 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 1 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".axis1" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 1 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 0 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 3 get: DEBUG: get 3 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "{}3" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 3 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 0 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 0 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 0 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 1 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 0 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal"
       fft   ERROR test_iData_fft Argument dimensions are not compatible. in /home/farhie/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/private/genop.m:106
      fill   ERROR a=iData([ ifitpath 'Data/Monitor_GV*']); b=hist(a); c=fill(b); Dimensions of arrays being concatenated are not consistent. in /home/farhie/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/axescheck.m:249
      fill   ERROR test_iData_fill Dimensions of arrays being concatenated are not consistent. in /home/farhie/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/axescheck.m:249
 findfield  FAILED test_iData_findfield subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" iLoad: Imported file /home/farhie/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/insulin_pilatus6mconverted_orig.cbf with method Crystallographic Binary File (read_cbf) subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 0 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field postprocess -> char [7] 1 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 0 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Tag" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Source" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 0 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field Label -> char [35] 1 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 0 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Error" get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" axescheck: DEBUG: 1 as numel [6224001] axescheck: DEBUG: 2 as ModificationDate numel [6] axescheck: DEBUG: scalars as verbose Data.Loader.istext axescheck: DEBUG: empty as UserData Attributes Signal Monitor Data.Loader.options axescheck: DEBUG: called axescheck_find_signal signal: 1 as axescheck: DEBUG: setting Signal = [6224001] get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Signal" get: DEBUG: get Error subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Error" get: DEBUG: get Monitor subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Monitor" get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Signal" get: DEBUG: get Error subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Error" get: DEBUG: get Monitor subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Monitor" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 0 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 1 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 2 subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field Private.cache.check_requested -> logical [1] 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Private" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".cache" subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field check_requested -> logical [1] 1 subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field cache -> struct [1] 1 subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field Private -> struct [1] 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Error" get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" axescheck: DEBUG: 1 as numel [6224001] axescheck: DEBUG: 2 as ModificationDate numel [6] axescheck: DEBUG: scalars as verbose Data.Loader.istext axescheck: DEBUG: empty as UserData Attributes Signal Monitor Data.Loader.options axescheck: DEBUG: called axescheck_find_signal signal: 1 as get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Signal" get: DEBUG: get Error subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Error" get: DEBUG: get Monitor subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Monitor" get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Signal" get: DEBUG: get Error subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Error" get: DEBUG: get Monitor subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Monitor" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 0 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 1 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 2 ans = 'FAILED test_iData_findfield'
      fits   ERROR test_iData_fits Undefined/empty Signal a to fit. Syntax is fits(model, Signal, parameters, ...). in /home/farhie/dev/iFit/Objects/@iFunc/fits.m:333
      hist   ERROR a=iData([ ifitpath 'Data/Monitor_GV*']); b=hist(a); Dimensions of arrays being concatenated are not consistent. in /home/farhie/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/axescheck.m:249
      hist   ERROR test_iData_hist Dimensions of arrays being concatenated are not consistent. in /home/farhie/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/axescheck.m:249
     iData  FAILED test_iData_iData subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Tag" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Source" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 0 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field Private.cache.check_requested -> logical [1] 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Private" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".cache" subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field check_requested -> logical [1] 1 subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field cache -> struct [1] 1 subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field Private -> struct [1] 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Error" get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" axescheck: DEBUG: 1 as p numel [2401] axescheck: DEBUG: 2 as Date numel [6] axescheck: DEBUG: 3 as ModificationDate numel [6] axescheck: DEBUG: scalars as verbose axescheck: DEBUG: empty as Data UserData Attributes Signal Monitor axescheck: DEBUG: called axescheck_find_signal signal: 1 as p axescheck: DEBUG: setting Signal = p [2401] get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Signal" get: DEBUG: get Error subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Error" get: DEBUG: get Monitor subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Monitor" get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Signal" get: DEBUG: get Error subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Error" get: DEBUG: get Monitor subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Monitor" [ Warning: The JavaFrame figure property will be removed in a future release. For more information, see Recommendations for Java and ActiveX Users on] [ > In iData (line 156) In test_iData_iData (line 7) In evals (line 22) In iData/runtest>runtest_sandbox (line 260) In iData/runtest>runtest_dotest_single (line 216) In iData/runtest>runtest_dotest (line 163) In iData/runtest (line 52)] subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" [ Warning: com.mathworks.hg.peer.HG2FigurePeer@64deb58f is not serializable] [ > In iData/copyobj (line 49) In iData (line 232) In test_iData_iData (line 7) In evals (line 22) In iData/runtest>runtest_sandbox (line 260) In iData/runtest>runtest_dotest_single (line 216) In iData/runtest>runtest_dotest (line 163) In iData/runtest (line 52)] [ Warning: com.mathworks.hg.peer.HG2FigurePeer@64deb58f is not serializable] [ > In iData/copyobj (line 49) In iData (line 232) In test_iData_iData (line 7) In evals (line 22) In iData/runtest>runtest_sandbox (line 260) In iData/runtest>runtest_dotest_single (line 216) In iData/runtest>runtest_dotest (line 163) In iData/runtest (line 52)] [ Warning: com.mathworks.hg.peer.HG2FigurePeer@64deb58f is not serializable] [ > In iData/copyobj (line 49) In iData (line 232) In test_iData_iData (line 7) In evals (line 22) In iData/runtest>runtest_sandbox (line 260) In iData/runtest>runtest_dotest_single (line 216) In iData/runtest>runtest_dotest (line 163) In iData/runtest (line 52)] [ Warning: com.mathworks.hg.peer.HG2FigurePeer@64deb58f is not serializable] [ > In iData/copyobj (line 49) In iData (line 232) In test_iData_iData (line 7) In evals (line 22) In iData/runtest>runtest_sandbox (line 260) In iData/runtest>runtest_dotest_single (line 216) In iData/runtest>runtest_dotest (line 163) In iData/runtest (line 52)] [ Warning: com.mathworks.hg.peer.HG2FigurePeer@64deb58f is not serializable] [ > In iData/copyobj (line 49) In iData (line 232) In test_iData_iData (line 7) In evals (line 22) In iData/runtest>runtest_sandbox (line 260) In iData/runtest>runtest_dotest_single (line 216) In iData/runtest>runtest_dotest (line 163) In iData/runtest (line 52)] [ Warning: com.mathworks.hg.peer.HG2FigurePeer@64deb58f is not serializable] [ > In iData/copyobj (line 49) In iData (line 232) In test_iData_iData (line 7) In evals (line 22) In iData/runtest>runtest_sandbox (line 260) In iData/runtest>runtest_dotest_single (line 216) In iData/runtest>runtest_dotest (line 163) In iData/runtest (line 52)] [ Warning: com.mathworks.hg.peer.HG2FigurePeer@64deb58f is not serializable] [ > In iData/copyobj (line 49) In iData (line 232) In test_iData_iData (line 7) In evals (line 22) In iData/runtest>runtest_sandbox (line 260) In iData/runtest>runtest_dotest_single (line 216) In iData/runtest>runtest_dotest (line 163) In iData/runtest (line 52)] [ Warning: com.mathworks.hg.peer.HG2FigurePeer@64deb58f is not serializable] [ > In iData/copyobj (line 49) In iData (line 232) In test_iData_iData (line 7) In evals (line 22) In iData/runtest>runtest_sandbox (line 260) In iData/runtest>runtest_dotest_single (line 216) In iData/runtest>runtest_dotest (line 163) In iData/runtest (line 52)] [ Warning: com.mathworks.hg.peer.HG2FigurePeer@64deb58f is not serializable] [ > In iData/copyobj (line 49) In iData (line 232) In test_iData_iData (line 7) In evals (line 22) In iData/runtest>runtest_sandbox (line 260) In iData/runtest>runtest_dotest_single (line 216) In iData/runtest>runtest_dotest (line 163) In iData/runtest (line 52)] [ Warning: com.mathworks.hg.peer.HG2FigurePeer@64deb58f is not serializable] [ > In iData/copyobj (line 49) In iData (line 232) In test_iData_iData (line 7) In evals (line 22) In iData/runtest>runtest_sandbox (line 260) In iData/runtest>runtest_dotest_single (line 216) In iData/runtest>runtest_dotest (line 163) In iData/runtest (line 52)] [ Warning: com.mathworks.hg.peer.HG2FigurePeer@64deb58f is not serializable] [ > In iData/copyobj (line 49) In iData (line 232) In test_iData_iData (line 7) In evals (line 22) In iData/runtest>runtest_sandbox (line 260) In iData/runtest>runtest_dotest_single (line 216) In iData/runtest>runtest_dotest (line 163) In iData/runtest (line 52)] [ Warning: com.mathworks.hg.peer.HG2FigurePeer@64deb58f is not serializable] [ > In iData/copyobj (line 49) In iData (line 232) In test_iData_iData (line 7) In evals (line 22) In iData/runtest>runtest_sandbox (line 260) In iData/runtest>runtest_dotest_single (line 216) In iData/runtest>runtest_dotest (line 163) In iData/runtest (line 52)] [ Warning: com.mathworks.hg.peer.HG2FigurePeer@64deb58f is not serializable] [ > In iData/copyobj (line 49) In iData (line 232) In test_iData_iData (line 7) In evals (line 22) In iData/runtest>runtest_sandbox (line 260) In iData/runtest>runtest_dotest_single (line 216) In iData/runtest>runtest_dotest (line 163) In iData/runtest (line 52)] [ Warning: com.mathworks.hg.peer.HG2FigurePeer@64deb58f is not serializable] [ > In iData/copyobj (line 49) In iData (line 232) In test_iData_iData (line 7) In evals (line 22) In iData/runtest>runtest_sandbox (line 260) In iData/runtest>runtest_dotest_single (line 216) In iData/runtest>runtest_dotest (line 163) In iData/runtest (line 52)] [ Warning: com.mathworks.hg.peer.HG2FigurePeer@64deb58f is not serializable] [ > In iData/copyobj (line 49) In iData (line 232) In test_iData_iData (line 7) In evals (line 22) In iData/runtest>runtest_sandbox (line 260) In iData/runtest>runtest_dotest_single (line 216) In iData/runtest>runtest_dotest (line 163) In iData/runtest (line 52)] [ Warning: com.mathworks.hg.peer.HG2FigurePeer@64deb58f is not serializable] [ > In iData/copyobj (line 49) In iData (line 232) In test_iData_iData (line 7) In evals (line 22) In iData/runtest>runtest_sandbox (line 260) In iData/runtest>runtest_dotest_single (line 216) In iData/runtest>runtest_dotest (line 163) In iData/runtest (line 52)] getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 0 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field Private.cache.check_requested -> logical [1] 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Private" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".cache" subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field check_requested -> logical [1] 1 subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field cache -> struct [1] 1 subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field Private -> struct [1] 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Error" get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" axescheck: DEBUG: 1 as struct_1.Colormap_I numel [768] axescheck: DEBUG: 2 as struct_1.Colormap numel [768] axescheck: DEBUG: 3 as struct_1.PointerShapeCData_I numel [256] axescheck: DEBUG: 4 as struct_1.PointerShapeCData numel [256] axescheck: DEBUG: 5 as struct_1.PointerShapeCData_IS numel [256] axescheck: DEBUG: 6 as struct_1.Alphamap_I numel [64] axescheck: DEBUG: 7 as struct_1.Alphamap numel [64] axescheck: DEBUG: 8 as Date numel [6] axescheck: DEBUG: 9 as ModificationDate numel [6] axescheck: DEBUG: 10 as struct_1.Position numel [4] axescheck: DEBUG: 11 as struct_1.Position_I numel [4] axescheck: DEBUG: 12 as struct_1.OuterPosition numel [4] axescheck: DEBUG: 13 as struct_1.OuterPosition_I numel [4] axescheck: DEBUG: 14 as struct_1.InnerPosition numel [4] axescheck: DEBUG: 15 as struct_1.PaperPosition numel [4] axescheck: DEBUG: 16 as struct_1.PaperPosition_I numel [4] axescheck: DEBUG: 17 as struct_1.Color_I numel [3] axescheck: DEBUG: 18 as struct_1.Color numel [3] axescheck: DEBUG: 19 as struct_1.CurrentPoint_I numel [2] axescheck: DEBUG: 20 as struct_1.CurrentPoint numel [2] axescheck: DEBUG: 21 as struct_1.PointerShapeHotSpot_I numel [2] axescheck: DEBUG: 22 as struct_1.PointerShapeHotSpot numel [2] axescheck: DEBUG: 23 as struct_1.PointerShapeHotSpot_IS numel [2] axescheck: DEBUG: 24 as struct_1.ScrollLocation numel [2] axescheck: DEBUG: 25 as struct_1.PaperSize numel [2] axescheck: DEBUG: 26 as struct_1.PaperSize_I numel [2] axescheck: DEBUG: scalars as verbose struct_1.UpdateToken struct_1.Number_I struct_1.Number struct_1.ScreenPixelsPerInch_I struct_1.ScreenPixelsPerInch struct_1.Internal struct_1.Copyable axescheck: DEBUG: empty as Data UserData Attributes Signal Monitor struct_1.WaitStatus_I struct_1.WaitStatus struct_1.LoadData struct_1.ControllerInfo struct_1.UserData struct_1.SerializableUserData struct_1.PrintTemplate_I struct_1.PrintTemplate axescheck: DEBUG: called axescheck_find_signal signal: 1 as struct_1.Colormap_I axescheck: DEBUG: setting Signal = struct_1.Colormap_I [768] get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Signal" get: DEBUG: get Error subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Error" get: DEBUG: get Monitor subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Monitor" axescheck: DEBUG: axescheck_find_axes: setting axis[1] as struct_1.Colormap with size [256 3] get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Signal" get: DEBUG: get Error subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Error" get: DEBUG: get Monitor subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Monitor" axescheck: DEBUG: axescheck_find_axes: setting axis[2] as struct_1.Color_I with size [1 3] subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Error" get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" axescheck: DEBUG: 1 as struct_1.Colormap_I numel [768] axescheck: DEBUG: 2 as struct_1.Colormap numel [768] axescheck: DEBUG: 3 as struct_1.PointerShapeCData_I numel [256] axescheck: DEBUG: 4 as struct_1.PointerShapeCData numel [256] axescheck: DEBUG: 5 as struct_1.PointerShapeCData_IS numel [256] axescheck: DEBUG: 6 as struct_1.Alphamap_I numel [64] axescheck: DEBUG: 7 as struct_1.Alphamap numel [64] axescheck: DEBUG: 8 as Date numel [6] axescheck: DEBUG: 9 as ModificationDate numel [6] axescheck: DEBUG: 10 as struct_1.Position numel [4] axescheck: DEBUG: 11 as struct_1.Position_I numel [4] axescheck: DEBUG: 12 as struct_1.OuterPosition numel [4] axescheck: DEBUG: 13 as struct_1.OuterPosition_I numel [4] axescheck: DEBUG: 14 as struct_1.InnerPosition numel [4] axescheck: DEBUG: 15 as struct_1.PaperPosition numel [4] axescheck: DEBUG: 16 as struct_1.PaperPosition_I numel [4] axescheck: DEBUG: 17 as struct_1.Color_I numel [3] axescheck: DEBUG: 18 as struct_1.Color numel [3] axescheck: DEBUG: 19 as struct_1.CurrentPoint_I numel [2] axescheck: DEBUG: 20 as struct_1.CurrentPoint numel [2] axescheck: DEBUG: 21 as struct_1.PointerShapeHotSpot_I numel [2] axescheck: DEBUG: 22 as struct_1.PointerShapeHotSpot numel [2] axescheck: DEBUG: 23 as struct_1.PointerShapeHotSpot_IS numel [2] axescheck: DEBUG: 24 as struct_1.ScrollLocation numel [2] axescheck: DEBUG: 25 as struct_1.PaperSize numel [2] axescheck: DEBUG: 26 as struct_1.PaperSize_I numel [2] axescheck: DEBUG: scalars as verbose struct_1.UpdateToken struct_1.Number_I struct_1.Number struct_1.ScreenPixelsPerInch_I struct_1.ScreenPixelsPerInch struct_1.Internal struct_1.Copyable axescheck: DEBUG: empty as Data UserData Attributes Monitor struct_1.WaitStatus_I struct_1.WaitStatus struct_1.LoadData struct_1.ControllerInfo struct_1.UserData struct_1.SerializableUserData struct_1.PrintTemplate_I struct_1.PrintTemplate axescheck: DEBUG: called axescheck_find_signal signal: 1 as struct_1.Colormap_I get: DEBUG: get struct_1.Colormap subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".struct_1.Colormap" axescheck: DEBUG: axescheck_find_axes: checked axis[1] struct_1.Colormap with size [256 3] get: DEBUG: get struct_1.Color_I subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".struct_1.Color_I" axescheck: DEBUG: axescheck_find_axes: checked axis[2] struct_1.Color_I with size [1 3] subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "{}" [1] getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".struct_1.Colormap" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "{}" [2] getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 2 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".struct_1.Color_I" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "{}" [0] getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 0 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Tag" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Source" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Tag" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Source" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Tag" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Source" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 0 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field Private.cache.check_requested -> logical [1] 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Private" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".cache" subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field check_requested -> logical [1] 1 subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field cache -> struct [1] 1 subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field Private -> struct [1] 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Error" get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" axescheck: DEBUG: 1 as double_1 numel [768] axescheck: DEBUG: 2 as double_3 numel [768] axescheck: DEBUG: 3 as Date numel [6] axescheck: DEBUG: 4 as ModificationDate numel [6] axescheck: DEBUG: 5 as double_2 numel [3] axescheck: DEBUG: scalars as verbose axescheck: DEBUG: empty as Data UserData Attributes Signal Monitor axescheck: DEBUG: called axescheck_find_signal signal: 1 as double_1 axescheck: DEBUG: setting Signal = double_1 [768] get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Signal" get: DEBUG: get Error subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Error" get: DEBUG: get Monitor subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Monitor" axescheck: DEBUG: axescheck_find_axes: setting axis[1] as double_3 with size [256 3] get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Signal" get: DEBUG: get Error subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Error" get: DEBUG: get Monitor subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Monitor" axescheck: DEBUG: axescheck_find_axes: setting axis[2] as double_2 with size [1 3] subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 0 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field Private.cache.check_requested -> logical [1] 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Private" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".cache" subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field check_requested -> logical [1] 1 subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field cache -> struct [1] 1 subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field Private -> struct [1] 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Error" get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" axescheck: DEBUG: 1 as s.p numel [2401] axescheck: DEBUG: 2 as Date numel [6] axescheck: DEBUG: 3 as ModificationDate numel [6] axescheck: DEBUG: 4 as s.Date numel [6] axescheck: DEBUG: 5 as s.ModificationDate numel [6] axescheck: DEBUG: scalars as verbose s.verbose s.Private.cache.check_requested axescheck: DEBUG: empty as Data UserData Attributes Signal Monitor s.Data s.UserData s.Attributes s.Monitor s.Private.cache.size s.Private.cache.findfield s.Private.cache.std_w s.Private.cache.std_c axescheck: DEBUG: called axescheck_find_signal signal: 1 as s.p axescheck: DEBUG: setting Signal = s.p [2401] get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Signal" get: DEBUG: get Error subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Error" get: DEBUG: get Monitor subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Monitor" get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Signal" get: DEBUG: get Error subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Error" get: DEBUG: get Monitor subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Tag" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Source" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 0 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field Private.cache.check_requested -> logical [1] 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Private" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".cache" subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field check_requested -> logical [1] 1 subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field cache -> struct [1] 1 subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field Private -> struct [1] 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Error" get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" axescheck: DEBUG: 1 as double_1 numel [2401] axescheck: DEBUG: 2 as Date numel [6] axescheck: DEBUG: 3 as ModificationDate numel [6] axescheck: DEBUG: scalars as verbose axescheck: DEBUG: empty as Data UserData Attributes Signal Monitor axescheck: DEBUG: called axescheck_find_signal signal: 1 as double_1 axescheck: DEBUG: setting Signal = double_1 [2401] get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Signal" get: DEBUG: get Error subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Error" get: DEBUG: get Monitor subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Monitor" get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Signal" get: DEBUG: get Error subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Error" get: DEBUG: get Monitor subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 0 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field Private.cache.check_requested -> logical [1] 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Private" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".cache" subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field check_requested -> logical [1] 1 subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field cache -> struct [1] 1 subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field Private -> struct [1] 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Error" get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" axescheck: DEBUG: 1 as s.p numel [2401] axescheck: DEBUG: 2 as Date numel [6] axescheck: DEBUG: 3 as ModificationDate numel [6] axescheck: DEBUG: 4 as s.Date numel [6] axescheck: DEBUG: 5 as s.ModificationDate numel [6] axescheck: DEBUG: scalars as verbose s.verbose s.Private.cache.check_requested axescheck: DEBUG: empty as Data UserData Attributes Signal Monitor s.Data s.UserData s.Attributes s.Monitor s.Private.cache.size s.Private.cache.findfield s.Private.cache.std_w s.Private.cache.std_c axescheck: DEBUG: called axescheck_find_signal signal: 1 as s.p axescheck: DEBUG: setting Signal = s.p [2401] get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Signal" get: DEBUG: get Error subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Error" get: DEBUG: get Monitor subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Monitor" get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Signal" get: DEBUG: get Error subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Error" get: DEBUG: get Monitor subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Error" get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" axescheck: DEBUG: 1 as p numel [2401] axescheck: DEBUG: 2 as Date numel [6] axescheck: DEBUG: 3 as ModificationDate numel [6] axescheck: DEBUG: scalars as verbose axescheck: DEBUG: empty as Data UserData Attributes Monitor axescheck: DEBUG: called axescheck_find_signal signal: 1 as p get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Signal" get: DEBUG: get Error subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Error" get: DEBUG: get Monitor subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Monitor" get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Signal" get: DEBUG: get Error subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Error" get: DEBUG: get Monitor subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Error" get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" axescheck: DEBUG: 1 as struct_1.Colormap_I numel [768] axescheck: DEBUG: 2 as struct_1.Colormap numel [768] axescheck: DEBUG: 3 as struct_1.PointerShapeCData_I numel [256] axescheck: DEBUG: 4 as struct_1.PointerShapeCData numel [256] axescheck: DEBUG: 5 as struct_1.PointerShapeCData_IS numel [256] axescheck: DEBUG: 6 as struct_1.Alphamap_I numel [64] axescheck: DEBUG: 7 as struct_1.Alphamap numel [64] axescheck: DEBUG: 8 as Date numel [6] axescheck: DEBUG: 9 as ModificationDate numel [6] axescheck: DEBUG: 10 as struct_1.Position numel [4] axescheck: DEBUG: 11 as struct_1.Position_I numel [4] axescheck: DEBUG: 12 as struct_1.OuterPosition numel [4] axescheck: DEBUG: 13 as struct_1.OuterPosition_I numel [4] axescheck: DEBUG: 14 as struct_1.InnerPosition numel [4] axescheck: DEBUG: 15 as struct_1.PaperPosition numel [4] axescheck: DEBUG: 16 as struct_1.PaperPosition_I numel [4] axescheck: DEBUG: 17 as struct_1.Color_I numel [3] axescheck: DEBUG: 18 as struct_1.Color numel [3] axescheck: DEBUG: 19 as struct_1.CurrentPoint_I numel [2] axescheck: DEBUG: 20 as struct_1.CurrentPoint numel [2] axescheck: DEBUG: 21 as struct_1.PointerShapeHotSpot_I numel [2] axescheck: DEBUG: 22 as struct_1.PointerShapeHotSpot numel [2] axescheck: DEBUG: 23 as struct_1.PointerShapeHotSpot_IS numel [2] axescheck: DEBUG: 24 as struct_1.ScrollLocation numel [2] axescheck: DEBUG: 25 as struct_1.PaperSize numel [2] axescheck: DEBUG: 26 as struct_1.PaperSize_I numel [2] axescheck: DEBUG: scalars as verbose struct_1.UpdateToken struct_1.Number_I struct_1.Number struct_1.ScreenPixelsPerInch_I struct_1.ScreenPixelsPerInch struct_1.Internal struct_1.Copyable axescheck: DEBUG: empty as Data UserData Attributes Monitor struct_1.WaitStatus_I struct_1.WaitStatus struct_1.LoadData struct_1.ControllerInfo struct_1.UserData struct_1.SerializableUserData struct_1.PrintTemplate_I struct_1.PrintTemplate axescheck: DEBUG: called axescheck_find_signal signal: 1 as struct_1.Colormap_I get: DEBUG: get struct_1.Colormap subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".struct_1.Colormap" axescheck: DEBUG: axescheck_find_axes: checked axis[1] struct_1.Colormap with size [256 3] get: DEBUG: get struct_1.Color_I subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".struct_1.Color_I" axescheck: DEBUG: axescheck_find_axes: checked axis[2] struct_1.Color_I with size [1 3] subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Error" get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" axescheck: DEBUG: 1 as double_1 numel [768] axescheck: DEBUG: 2 as double_3 numel [768] axescheck: DEBUG: 3 as Date numel [6] axescheck: DEBUG: 4 as ModificationDate numel [6] axescheck: DEBUG: 5 as double_2 numel [3] axescheck: DEBUG: scalars as verbose axescheck: DEBUG: empty as Data UserData Attributes Monitor axescheck: DEBUG: called axescheck_find_signal signal: 1 as double_1 get: DEBUG: get double_3 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".double_3" axescheck: DEBUG: axescheck_find_axes: checked axis[1] double_3 with size [256 3] get: DEBUG: get double_2 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".double_2" axescheck: DEBUG: axescheck_find_axes: checked axis[2] double_2 with size [1 3] subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Error" get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" axescheck: DEBUG: 1 as s.p numel [2401] axescheck: DEBUG: 2 as Date numel [6] axescheck: DEBUG: 3 as ModificationDate numel [6] axescheck: DEBUG: 4 as s.Date numel [6] axescheck: DEBUG: 5 as s.ModificationDate numel [6] axescheck: DEBUG: scalars as verbose s.verbose s.Private.cache.check_requested axescheck: DEBUG: empty as Data UserData Attributes Monitor s.Data s.UserData s.Attributes s.Monitor s.Private.cache.size s.Private.cache.findfield s.Private.cache.std_w s.Private.cache.std_c axescheck: DEBUG: called axescheck_find_signal signal: 1 as s.p get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Signal" get: DEBUG: get Error subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Error" get: DEBUG: get Monitor subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Monitor" get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Signal" get: DEBUG: get Error subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Error" get: DEBUG: get Monitor subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Error" get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" axescheck: DEBUG: 1 as double_1 numel [2401] axescheck: DEBUG: 2 as Date numel [6] axescheck: DEBUG: 3 as ModificationDate numel [6] axescheck: DEBUG: scalars as verbose axescheck: DEBUG: empty as Data UserData Attributes Monitor axescheck: DEBUG: called axescheck_find_signal signal: 1 as double_1 get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Signal" get: DEBUG: get Error subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Error" get: DEBUG: get Monitor subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Monitor" get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Signal" get: DEBUG: get Error subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Error" get: DEBUG: get Monitor subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Error" get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" axescheck: DEBUG: 1 as s.p numel [2401] axescheck: DEBUG: 2 as Date numel [6] axescheck: DEBUG: 3 as ModificationDate numel [6] axescheck: DEBUG: 4 as s.Date numel [6] axescheck: DEBUG: 5 as s.ModificationDate numel [6] axescheck: DEBUG: scalars as verbose s.verbose s.Private.cache.check_requested axescheck: DEBUG: empty as Data UserData Attributes Monitor s.Data s.UserData s.Attributes s.Monitor s.Private.cache.size s.Private.cache.findfield s.Private.cache.std_w s.Private.cache.std_c axescheck: DEBUG: called axescheck_find_signal signal: 1 as s.p get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Signal" get: DEBUG: get Error subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Error" get: DEBUG: get Monitor subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Monitor" get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Signal" get: DEBUG: get Error subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Error" get: DEBUG: get Monitor subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" ans = 'FAILED test_iData_iData'
     image  FAILED image(iData(peaks),[],[], 'hide axes'); subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Tag" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Source" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 0 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field Private.cache.check_requested -> logical [1] 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Private" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".cache" subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field check_requested -> logical [1] 1 subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field cache -> struct [1] 1 subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field Private -> struct [1] 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Error" get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" axescheck: DEBUG: 1 as double_1 numel [2401] axescheck: DEBUG: 2 as Date numel [6] axescheck: DEBUG: 3 as ModificationDate numel [6] axescheck: DEBUG: scalars as verbose axescheck: DEBUG: empty as Data UserData Attributes Signal Monitor axescheck: DEBUG: called axescheck_find_signal signal: 1 as double_1 axescheck: DEBUG: setting Signal = double_1 [2401] get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Signal" get: DEBUG: get Error subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Error" get: DEBUG: get Monitor subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Monitor" get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Signal" get: DEBUG: get Error subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Error" get: DEBUG: get Monitor subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Error" get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" axescheck: DEBUG: 1 as double_1 numel [2401] axescheck: DEBUG: 2 as Date numel [6] axescheck: DEBUG: 3 as ModificationDate numel [6] axescheck: DEBUG: scalars as verbose axescheck: DEBUG: empty as Data UserData Attributes Monitor axescheck: DEBUG: called axescheck_find_signal signal: 1 as double_1 get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Signal" get: DEBUG: get Error subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Error" get: DEBUG: get Monitor subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Monitor" get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Signal" get: DEBUG: get Error subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Error" get: DEBUG: get Monitor subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Monitor" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 2 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 1 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 1 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 1 get: DEBUG: get 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "{}1" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 1 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 0 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 2 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 2 get: DEBUG: get 2 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "{}2" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 2 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 0 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 1 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 1 get: DEBUG: get 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "{}1" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 1 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 0 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 2 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 2 get: DEBUG: get 2 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "{}2" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 2 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 0 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 0 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 0 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 1 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 2 subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field Monitor -> double [1] 1 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 0 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 1 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 2 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 0 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 1 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 2 subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field Signal -> double [2401] 1 subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field double_1 -> double [2401] 1 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 0 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 1 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 2 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 0 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 1 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 2 subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field Signal -> double [2401] 1 subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field double_1 -> double [2401] 1 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 0 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 1 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 2 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 0 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 0 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 1 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 2 subsasgn_single: DEBUG: field Signal -> char [10] 0 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 0 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" setaxis: DEBUG: setting axis 2 -> double [49] setaxis: DEBUG: setting axis 1 -> double [49] subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Error" get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" axescheck: DEBUG: 1 as Data.cdata numel [7203] axescheck: DEBUG: 2 as double_1 numel [2401] axescheck: DEBUG: 3 as Date numel [6] axescheck: DEBUG: 4 as ModificationDate numel [6] axescheck: DEBUG: scalars as verbose Monitor axescheck: DEBUG: empty as UserData Attributes axescheck: DEBUG: called axescheck_find_signal signal: 1 as Data.cdata axescheck: DEBUG: setting Signal = Data.cdata [7203] get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Signal" get: DEBUG: get Error subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Error" get: DEBUG: get Monitor subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Monitor" get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Signal" get: DEBUG: get Error subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Error" get: DEBUG: get Monitor subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Monitor" get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Signal" get: DEBUG: get Error subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Error" get: DEBUG: get Monitor subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Monitor" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 0 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 0 get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 0 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 0 get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 0 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 0 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 0 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis 0 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 2 get: DEBUG: get 2 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "{}2" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 2 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 0 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 1 get: DEBUG: get 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "{}1" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 1 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 0 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 3 get: DEBUG: get 3 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "{}3" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 3 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 0 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 0 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 0 get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 0 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 0 get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 0 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 0 get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 2 get: DEBUG: get 2 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "{}2" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 2 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 0 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 1 get: DEBUG: get 1 subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "{}1" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 1 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 0 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 0 getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Monitor" subsref_single: DEBUG: get object ".Signal" getaxis: DEBUG: get axis char 0 get: DEBUG: get Signal subsref_single: DEBUG: get object "()Signal"
    interp  FAILED test_iData_interp [ Warning: interpn: Input argument 1 of class double size [1 1] is not supported. Ignoring.] [ > In iData/interpn (line 102) In iData/interp (line 34) In test_iData_interp (line 5) In evals (line 22) In iData/runtest>runtest_sandbox (line 260) In iData/runtest>runtest_dotest_single (line 216) In iData/runtest>runtest_dotest (line 163) In iData/runtest (line 52)] ans = 'FAILED test_iData_interp'
   isempty  FAILED test_iData_isempty ans = 'FAILED test_iData_isempty'
  isvector  FAILED test_iData_isvector iLoad: Imported file /home/farhie/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/Monitor_GV_1330447143_list.L.x.y.z with method McCode list monitor (read_anytext) ans = 'FAILED test_iData_isvector'
      load   ERROR test_iData_load Index exceeds the number of array elements (73). in /home/farhie/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/findfield.m:110
  meshgrid  FAILED test_iData_meshgrid iLoad: Imported file /home/farhie/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/../../Data/Monitor_GV_1330447143_list.L.x.y.z with method McCode list monitor (read_anytext) ans = 'FAILED test_iData_meshgrid'
      pack   ERROR test_iData_pack Too many output arguments. in /home/farhie/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/pack.m:34
  setalias  FAILED test_iData_setalias ans = 'FAILED test_iData_setalias'
   setaxis  FAILED test_iData_setaxis ans = 'FAILED test_iData_setaxis'
   squeeze  FAILED test_iData_squeeze ans = 'FAILED test_iData_squeeze'
       std  FAILED test_iData_std [ Warning: std: The computed standard deviation is imaginary. You should use std(a, 1)] [ > In iData/std (line 102) In test_iData_std (line 4) In evals (line 22) In iData/runtest>runtest_sandbox (line 260) In iData/runtest>runtest_dotest_single (line 216) In iData/runtest>runtest_dotest (line 163) In iData/runtest (line 52)] ans = 'FAILED test_iData_std'
   strfind  FAILED test_iData_strfind a = iData (methods,doc,plot,plot(log),values,more...) 1D object: [Tag] [Dimension] [Name] [Last command] iD82931 [8 1] '"struct_1.x1"' iD82931=subsasgn( 's... ans = 'FAILED test_iData_strfind'
  subsasgn   ERROR test_iData_subsasgn subsref_single: No appropriate method, property, or unique field "Signal" for class iData. in /home/farhie/dev/iFit/Objects/@iData/private/subsref_single.m:95
  279 Passed, 28 Failed, 12 Incomplete.
  618.66 seconds testing time.

The publish method is REALLY slow and can even stall. Should inquire. BTW: