McSwaggens / linux-csgo-external

CSGO Hack for x64 Linux systems
The Unlicense
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Failed to read glowClassAddress #36

Closed ghost closed 7 years ago

ghost commented 7 years ago

Hello! Things were working great until the very recent update. Now the log says:

[ADDRESS] Glow function: [0x0] [ADDRESS] Glow array pointer: [0x0]

and, lower down,

[ERROR] Failed to read glowClassAddress [ERROR] An error occurred, closing...

Is this something I can update and fix? I'd love to learn more.

WolverinDEV commented 7 years ago

The last csgo update beaks that.

dojigger commented 7 years ago

Due to the fact that the problem concerns glow addresses, will fixing it be a hard job? I tried to research the problem, are there others that know what's wrong?

McSwaggens commented 7 years ago

Apologies in advance, due to the fact that @luk1337 and I are creating an internal hack (to be released in a couple of days) I am unable to work on updating the current hack, if anyone wants to update the glow address I'll accept the pull request into this branch, until then I'd keep a look out on the forum for our release. Now I'll just tease you with these screenshots :joy: :ok_hand: :100:

dojigger commented 7 years ago

@McSwaggens Just a brief question, will the internal cheat be injectable on linux?

McSwaggens commented 7 years ago

It's a Linux only hack, so yes :)

dojigger commented 7 years ago

Great! So it will include an anti-aim? Have you considered something like emotion and will the character be backwards to make it good for hvh?

McSwaggens commented 7 years ago

The UI is not even half done (literally the last thing that needs finishing) but the spin options we will have are

dojigger commented 7 years ago

Really cool, I am looking forward to that. However, will the project be totally open once it has been released?

luk1337 commented 7 years ago


dojigger commented 7 years ago

Do you by any chance need people test this cheat? :)

luk1337 commented 7 years ago


ghost commented 7 years ago

(Not sure if this is the best place to discuss this topic), but @luk1337, will the internal cheat be regularly maintained or is it just one of your projects? Futhermore, will it be on your github and do you know about the release date? Thanks!

faminee commented 7 years ago

Wow insane. I was trying to create something like this but did nothing compared to this.

luk1337 commented 7 years ago

@aeroch: It wil be fully OSS, I have no clue how long it will be supported for but we'll do whatever we can. We don't have a strict release date so we'll release it /when it's ready/.

ghost commented 7 years ago

@McSwaggens @luk1337 : The idea of this really took my fancy. Can you tell if it'll be finished after weeks, months or will it take longer?

luk1337 commented 7 years ago

We will try to deliver it within 2~4 weeks.

luk1337 commented 7 years ago

Might be earlier than that, who knows.

faminee commented 7 years ago

@luk1337 is it possible to get src rn or you will only release when it's "ready"?

luk1337 commented 7 years ago

No it is not, we'll release the source once it's ready. We don't plan to do any binary releases.

faminee commented 7 years ago

Pretty sure anyone who uses linux can compile it. Gl. Will be looking forward for this.

ghost commented 7 years ago

I will install manjaro only for this purpose! I use ubuntu on regular basis but I cannot get build-tools to work and hence cannot do compiles. Would have loved to see binary releases because of that but oh well. :)

faminee commented 7 years ago

@aeroch I might be able to get you a binary release. I can't wait for the spinbot :+1:

ghost commented 7 years ago

@MrWhiteGoat That'd be great, thanks in advance but let's see when the source has been released. Maybe I can get everything working. But yep, this project is something I have been looking for a long time, tried coding myself but haven't finished anything due to my limited knowledge on C/C++.

McSwaggens commented 7 years ago

@aeroch I don't see it taking longer than a week, although who knows, I'm a perfectionist, I wont release a half done project.

faminee commented 7 years ago

@McSwaggens thanks man. I tried coding this like @aeroch did but failed due to my limited knowledge. I'm really new to gamehacking with c++. If this was java lol

WolverinDEV commented 7 years ago

@McSwaggens can you please update the memory pattern? Maybe i can give you some money for this quick work

faminee commented 7 years ago

Anyway you can use the low fov on faceit?

ghost commented 7 years ago

@WolverinDEV Yup, this issue post went a bit off-topic. Is there anyone that can fix the glow addresses?

ericek111 commented 7 years ago

Woo, I'm really excited about that internal hax. Hopefully it'll come with a nice SDK, so we can port 1337 features from Windows. :P

faminee commented 7 years ago

Yup. As soon as this comes out i'm adding a ton of shit(unless they do everything for me lol)

jessemies commented 7 years ago

Anyone fixing the trigger and walls? I need some cheats on linux!

faminee commented 7 years ago

@jessemies will fix in a min.

ghost commented 7 years ago

@MrWhiteGoat Did you find the offsets yet? I tried and I failed. Not sure why.

faminee commented 7 years ago

@aeroch Didn't find any yet. Might as well wait for the internal.

ghost commented 7 years ago

@MrWhiteGoat Yup, the trigger was a really cool project but wasn't all that useful. I am pretty sure people have to wait for the internal and I am pretty sure it'll be something magnificent.

WolverinDEV commented 7 years ago

I tried it to but i cant recreate a new memory pattern. Im currently tring this with a smal project

faminee commented 7 years ago

@aeroch Yeah can't wait. I just need an okay SDK to start my internals.

ghost commented 7 years ago

This blew up. Good info guys, and the internal sounds really great. Thanks!

faminee commented 7 years ago

@Superchet offset rolling?

sKuhLight commented 7 years ago

Someone got it work again?

I tried out some Internal Stuff i found, only the Skinchanger is working for me. Found 2 BaseHooks, both Crashes the game.

faminee commented 7 years ago

What you using to inject?

sKuhLight commented 7 years ago

Im Injecting with .

I will test it out again, because the skinchanger injection is working.

faminee commented 7 years ago

Yeah known problem. Inject with GDB instead.

sKuhLight commented 7 years ago

Oh ok :) Uhm I never used GDB, do you got a link to a quick instruction how to inject so's with it?

faminee commented 7 years ago Basically in order. use "call $dlclose" when unloading the library.

sKuhLight commented 7 years ago

Thanks :) Injection seems working. But no function ingame, esp still off. I will try the second so i got :)

faminee commented 7 years ago

You got the new offsets?

sKuhLight commented 7 years ago

No, thehe. I thought thats the problem, but im not familiar with getting offsets using IDA. I searched for offsets in some forums, but not found :/

Do you got the offsets and maybe share them with me? :)

faminee commented 7 years ago

Didn't find them yet, though I'm pretty sure you can use an offset dumper. Search it up :)

sKuhLight commented 7 years ago

There is an Offsetdumper for linux? :o I searched for it but never found one o_O