Mcpoowl / SFTPModule

Use (S)FTP in your Mendix apps. Latest version is Mendix6 compatible
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Deprecations in Mendix 6.9 #7

Open David-Sanders opened 7 years ago

David-Sanders commented 7 years ago

The SFTP module is giving 5 deprecation warnings in v6.9 as follows:

'Traversing association 'SFTP.Document_Connection' from persistable entity 'SFTP.Connection' to non-persistent entity 'SFTP.Document' is deprecated. In Mendix 7 this will no longer be allowed'

So it looks like the module will no longer work when Mendix 7 is released

Mcpoowl commented 7 years ago

That's true David. During one of the Mendix Meetups we discussed the SFTP module, and noticed there are a couple of versions lying around from different Partners. Some guys from Capgemini told us they were working on a remaster of the SFTP module, with some enhancements aswell. We talked about that version being the one and only SFTP module we should need, ever.

However, since that meetup I've never received any communication regarding the outcome / progress of the module.

As for this version, I'm not sure when I have the time, but when I do I'll see if I can change some things around.

RCatersels commented 7 years ago

Are we able to contact the Capgemini guys? They have my businesscard but they failed to contact me. My goal would still be to have one SFTP module.

Mcpoowl commented 7 years ago

I have no way to contact them, and they don't have my information either. I agree one module would be the best

RCatersels commented 7 years ago

I have sended a message to Christiaan Tick who seems to be the owner on de Capgemini side.

David-Sanders commented 7 years ago

I believe this is the (S)FTP module from Pink Elephant. The Cap Gemini one does not seem to be on Github. One simple solution seems to be to make the Connections entity also non-persistent, and remove the link to the account object, then change the microflows that retrieve/create it to always create a new record in the NP entity

RCatersels commented 7 years ago

I have been in contact with Adnan Ramlawi from Cap Gemini. He will be responsible to publish their version on Github. Since Paul and myself do not care under which flag the FTP module is published we all will start contributing on one unified module. Cap Gemini (Adnan) will be responsible to transfer the github versions to the Mendix appstore. I will see Adnan today (2-11-2016) at the Mendix meetup at Mendix HQ.