Mctalian / RPGLootFeed

A non-intrusive way to see what you just looted.
MIT License
2 stars 2 forks source link

i18n: main Translations #105

Closed Mctalian closed 1 week ago

Mctalian commented 1 week ago

Translation Status for main.lua

Translation progress: 0.0%

Missing translations: 135

Missing Keys and their enUS values | Missing Key | enUS Value | |-------------|------------| | Welcome | Welcome! Use /rlf to view options. | | AddLootAlertUnavailable | LootAlertSystem:AddAlert was unavailable for > 30 seconds, Loot Toasts could not be disabled :( | | BossBannerAlertUnavailable | BossBanner:OnEvent was unavailable for > 30 seconds, Boss Banner elements could not be disabled :( | | Issues | Please report this issue @ github: McTalian/RPGLootFeed | | Test Mode Enabled | Test Mode Enabled | | Test Mode Disabled | Test Mode Disabled | | Item Loot messages Disabled | Item Loot messages Disabled | | Currency messages Disabled | Currency messages Disabled | | Money messages Disabled | Money messages Disabled | | XP messages Disabled | XP messages Disabled | | Rep messages Disabled | Rep messages Disabled | | Gold | Gold | | Silver | Silver | | Copper | Copper | | XP | XP | | Toggle Test Mode | Toggle Test Mode | | Clear rows | Clear rows | | Toggle Area | Toggle Area | | Features | Features | | FeaturesDesc | Enable or Disable different RPGLootFeed features | | Enable Item Loot in Feed | Enable Item Loot in Feed | | EnableItemLootDesc | Show looted items in the Loot Feed | | Item Loot Config | Item Loot Config | | Item Quality Filter | Item Quality Filter | | ItemQualityFilterDesc | Check which qualities you would like to show in the Loot Feed. | | Poor | Poor | | Common | Common | | Uncommon | Uncommon | | Rare | Rare | | Epic | Epic | | Legendary | Legendary | | Artifact | Artifact | | Heirloom | Heirloom | | Enable Currency in Feed | Enable Currency in Feed | | EnableCurrencyDesc | Show currency such as Flightstones, Honor, Drake's Awakened Crest, etc. in the Loot Feed | | Enable Item/Currency Tooltips | Enable Item/Currency Tooltips | | EnableTooltipsDesc | Enable showing Item/Currency Tooltips on mouseover, never shows in combat. | | Tooltip Options | Tooltip Options | | Show only when SHIFT is held | Show only when SHIFT is held | | OnlyShiftOnEnterDesc | Only show the tooltip if Shift is held as you mouseover the item/currency. | | Enable Money in Feed | Enable Money in Feed | | EnableMoneyDesc | Show money, like Gold, Silver, Copper, in the Loot Feed | | Enable Experience in Feed | Enable Experience in Feed | | EnableXPDesc | Show experience gains in the Loot Feed | | Enable Reputation in Feed | Enable Reputation in Feed | | EnableRepDesc | Show reputation gains in the Loot Feed | | Positioning | Positioning | | Drag to Move | Drag to Move | | PositioningDesc | Position and anchor the loot feed. | | Anchor Relative To | Anchor Relative To | | RelativeToDesc | Select a frame to anchor the loot feed to | | Screen | Screen | | UIParent | UIParent | | PlayerFrame | PlayerFrame | | Minimap | Minimap | | BagBar | BagBar | | Anchor Point | Anchor Point | | AnchorPointDesc | Where on the screen to base the loot feed positioning (also impacts sizing direction) | | Top Left | Top Left | | Top Right | Top Right | | Bottom Left | Bottom Left | | Bottom Right | Bottom Right | | Top | Top | | Bottom | Bottom | | Left | Left | | Right | Right | | Center | Center | | X Offset | X Offset | | XOffsetDesc | Adjust the loot feed left (negative) or right (positive) | | Y Offset | Y Offset | | YOffsetDesc | Adjust the loot feed down (negative) or up (positive) | | Frame Strata | Frame Strata | | FrameStrataDesc | Adjust the strata (screen depth, z-index, etc.) of the loot feed frame | | Background | Background | | Low | Low | | Medium | Medium | | High | High | | Dialog | Dialog | | Tooltip | Tooltip | | Sizing | Sizing | | SizingDesc | Customize the sizing of the feed and its elements. | | Feed Width | Feed Width | | FeedWidthDesc | The width of the loot feed parent frame | | Maximum Rows to Display | Maximum Rows to Display | | MaxRowsDesc | The maximum number of loot items to display in the feed | | Loot Item Height | Loot Item Height | | RowHeightDesc | The height of each item 'row' in the loot feed | | Loot Item Icon Size | Loot Item Icon Size | | IconSizeDesc | The size of the icons in each item 'row' in the loot feed | | Loot Item Padding | Loot Item Padding | | RowPaddingDesc | The amount of space between item 'rows' in the loot feed | | Styling | Styling | | Row Styling | Row Styling | | StylingDesc | Style the feed and its elements with custom colors, alignment, etc. | | Left Align | Left Align | | LeftAlignDesc | Left align row content (right align if unchecked) | | Grow Up | Grow Up | | GrowUpDesc | The feed will grow up (down if unchecked) as new items are added | | Background Gradient Start | Background Gradient Start | | GradientStartDesc | The start color of the row background gradient. | | Background Gradient End | Background Gradient End | | GradientEndDesc | The end color of the row background gradient. | | Disable Row Highlight | Disable Row Highlight | | DisableRowHighlightDesc | If checked, don't highlight a row when you loot the same item again and the quanity is updated. | | Font | Font | | FontDesc | The font object for the loot text. | | Timing | Timing | | TimingDesc | Adjust fade out delays and other timing-related options. | | Fade Out Delay | Fade Out Delay | | FadeOutDelayDesc | The number of seconds to show the loot row before it fades out. | | Blizzard UI | Blizzard UI | | BlizzUIDesc | Override behavior of Blizzard-related UI elements | | Disable Loot Toasts | Disable Loot Toasts | | DisableLootToastDesc | The boxes that appear at the bottom of the screen when you loot special items | | Enable Auto Loot | Enable Auto Loot | | EnableAutoLootDesc | Set the default setting so that auto loot is enabled when logging into any character | | Alerts | Alerts | | Disable Boss Banner Elements | Disable Boss Banner Elements | | DisableBossBannerDesc | Override the Boss Banner. Completely hide it, only hide the loot portion, or only hide your loot or your party's loot. | | Do not disable BossBanner | Do not disable BossBanner | | Disable All BossBanner | Disable All BossBanner | | Disable All BossBanner Loot | Disable All BossBanner Loot | | Only Disable My BossBanner Loot | Only Disable My BossBanner Loot | | Disable Party/Raid Loot | Disable Party/Raid Loot | | Chat | Chat | | Disable Loot Chat Messages | Disable Loot Chat Messages | | DisableLootChatMessagesDesc | Disables Loot Chat Messages in all chat windows. | | Disable Currency Chat Messages | Disable Currency Chat Messages | | DisableCurrencyChatMessagesDesc | Disables Currency Chat Messages in all chat windows. | | Disable Money Chat Messages | Disable Money Chat Messages | | DisableMoneyChatMessagesDesc | Disables Money Chat Messages in all chat windows. | | Disable Experience Chat Messages | Disable Experience Chat Messages | | DisableExperienceChatMessagesDesc | Disables Experience Chat Messages in all chat windows. | | Disable Reputation Chat Messages | Disable Reputation Chat Messages | | DisableReputationChatMessagesDesc | Disables Reputation Chat Messages in all chat windows. |

You can even make changes for this file and open a PR directly in your browser

Please provide one or more of these values in a Pull Request or a Comment on this issue ``` L["Welcome"] = "" L["AddLootAlertUnavailable"] = "" L["BossBannerAlertUnavailable"] = "" L["Issues"] = "" L["Test Mode Enabled"] = "" L["Test Mode Disabled"] = "" L["Item Loot messages Disabled"] = "" L["Currency messages Disabled"] = "" L["Money messages Disabled"] = "" L["XP messages Disabled"] = "" L["Rep messages Disabled"] = "" L["Gold"] = "" L["Silver"] = "" L["Copper"] = "" L["XP"] = "" L["Toggle Test Mode"] = "" L["Clear rows"] = "" L["Toggle Area"] = "" L["Features"] = "" L["FeaturesDesc"] = "" L["Enable Item Loot in Feed"] = "" L["EnableItemLootDesc"] = "" L["Item Loot Config"] = "" L["Item Quality Filter"] = "" L["ItemQualityFilterDesc"] = "" L["Poor"] = "" L["Common"] = "" L["Uncommon"] = "" L["Rare"] = "" L["Epic"] = "" L["Legendary"] = "" L["Artifact"] = "" L["Heirloom"] = "" L["Enable Currency in Feed"] = "" L["EnableCurrencyDesc"] = "" L["Enable Item/Currency Tooltips"] = "" L["EnableTooltipsDesc"] = "" L["Tooltip Options"] = "" L["Show only when SHIFT is held"] = "" L["OnlyShiftOnEnterDesc"] = "" L["Enable Money in Feed"] = "" L["EnableMoneyDesc"] = "" L["Enable Experience in Feed"] = "" L["EnableXPDesc"] = "" L["Enable Reputation in Feed"] = "" L["EnableRepDesc"] = "" L["Positioning"] = "" L["Drag to Move"] = "" L["PositioningDesc"] = "" L["Anchor Relative To"] = "" L["RelativeToDesc"] = "" L["Screen"] = "" L["UIParent"] = "" L["PlayerFrame"] = "" L["Minimap"] = "" L["BagBar"] = "" L["Anchor Point"] = "" L["AnchorPointDesc"] = "" L["Top Left"] = "" L["Top Right"] = "" L["Bottom Left"] = "" L["Bottom Right"] = "" L["Top"] = "" L["Bottom"] = "" L["Left"] = "" L["Right"] = "" L["Center"] = "" L["X Offset"] = "" L["XOffsetDesc"] = "" L["Y Offset"] = "" L["YOffsetDesc"] = "" L["Frame Strata"] = "" L["FrameStrataDesc"] = "" L["Background"] = "" L["Low"] = "" L["Medium"] = "" L["High"] = "" L["Dialog"] = "" L["Tooltip"] = "" L["Sizing"] = "" L["SizingDesc"] = "" L["Feed Width"] = "" L["FeedWidthDesc"] = "" L["Maximum Rows to Display"] = "" L["MaxRowsDesc"] = "" L["Loot Item Height"] = "" L["RowHeightDesc"] = "" L["Loot Item Icon Size"] = "" L["IconSizeDesc"] = "" L["Loot Item Padding"] = "" L["RowPaddingDesc"] = "" L["Styling"] = "" L["Row Styling"] = "" L["StylingDesc"] = "" L["Left Align"] = "" L["LeftAlignDesc"] = "" L["Grow Up"] = "" L["GrowUpDesc"] = "" L["Background Gradient Start"] = "" L["GradientStartDesc"] = "" L["Background Gradient End"] = "" L["GradientEndDesc"] = "" L["Disable Row Highlight"] = "" L["DisableRowHighlightDesc"] = "" L["Font"] = "" L["FontDesc"] = "" L["Timing"] = "" L["TimingDesc"] = "" L["Fade Out Delay"] = "" L["FadeOutDelayDesc"] = "" L["Blizzard UI"] = "" L["BlizzUIDesc"] = "" L["Disable Loot Toasts"] = "" L["DisableLootToastDesc"] = "" L["Enable Auto Loot"] = "" L["EnableAutoLootDesc"] = "" L["Alerts"] = "" L["Disable Boss Banner Elements"] = "" L["DisableBossBannerDesc"] = "" L["Do not disable BossBanner"] = "" L["Disable All BossBanner"] = "" L["Disable All BossBanner Loot"] = "" L["Only Disable My BossBanner Loot"] = "" L["Disable Party/Raid Loot"] = "" L["Chat"] = "" L["Disable Loot Chat Messages"] = "" L["DisableLootChatMessagesDesc"] = "" L["Disable Currency Chat Messages"] = "" L["DisableCurrencyChatMessagesDesc"] = "" L["Disable Money Chat Messages"] = "" L["DisableMoneyChatMessagesDesc"] = "" L["Disable Experience Chat Messages"] = "" L["DisableExperienceChatMessagesDesc"] = "" L["Disable Reputation Chat Messages"] = "" L["DisableReputationChatMessagesDesc"] = "" ```