MeasuringPolyphony / mp_editor
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Previous piece gets appended to new piece #28

Closed karend27 closed 4 years ago

karend27 commented 4 years ago

When I was testing data entry today, I started a new piece in a new manuscript (but within the same browser window I had already been using). When I was finished the data entry I saw that the old piece was appended at the end of the new piece I entered. Attaching a screenshot and the console file. Old piece had text, whereas I didn't bother adding text to the new piece I was working on.

Screen Shot 2020-04-15 at 3 51 49 PM
JRegimbal commented 4 years ago

Hmm okay. Perhaps when returning to the manuscript selection screen all the previous data should be cleared?

karend27 commented 4 years ago

Or perhaps a button somewhere on the interface (maybe that's present on all pages) that says 'Start a new transcription' and if you click it, it returns you to the manuscript selection screen and clears all data?

JRegimbal commented 4 years ago

That's a good idea. I've added a start new transcription button that has that behavior.