MeasuringPolyphony / mp_editor
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When uploading an MEI Parts file, keySig is not parsed #94

Open martha-thomae opened 3 years ago

martha-thomae commented 3 years ago

I entered the following two systems in the Measuring Polyphony Editor: keySig_1stSystem


Each of them has a key signature, and both systems are encoded correctly both in Humdrum (**mens) and in MEI.

Humdrum code for 1st system (see *k[b-e-]):

**mens  **text
*black  *
*clefC3 *
*k[b-e-]    *
SA  .
sc  .
Le  .
=-  =-
*-  *-
!!!RDF**kern: @ = marked note

Humdrum code for 2nd system (see *k[b-e-]):

**mens  **text
*black  *
*clefC3 *
*k[b-e-]    *
Lc  .
Sc  .
=-  =-
*-  *-
!!!RDF**kern: @ = marked note

MEI code (see <keySig> elements, each following the <sb> and <clef> elements for each system):

<layer n="1">
    <pb facs="#m-1411a2b0-cf48-4a46-bdc3-cf49b7c098a5" xml:id="m-5861046d-6a48-43d2-8b64-3226fbec2c73"/>
    <sb facs="#ma01d55cf-6def-4110-98ca-962317c6e740" xml:id="m-90e450d5-3480-4caf-93b0-35c3de63e5c2"/>
    <clef xml:id="m-d35763d7-fd4c-4492-ada9-0fdae3825f5a" shape="C" line="3"/>
    <keySig xml:id="m-15c42008-0b71-4d72-87f0-f432f2c94a43" sig="2f"/>
    <note xml:id="m-4366c6c2-b11f-477c-8ae1-35d92300e6da" dur="brevis" oct="3" pname="a"/>
    <note xml:id="m-a26c303b-ff67-4a46-bd64-38b85c159ea3" dur="semibrevis" oct="4" pname="c"/>
    <note xml:id="m-a8034aff-6e18-42bf-b3ce-4436fd7df35e" dur="longa" oct="4" pname="e"/>
    <barLine xml:id="m-857ae983-b7de-4e40-9015-ff1989c43b82" form="invis"/>
    <sb facs="#mbca8a737-840f-4474-8fb2-68c8fda460f8" xml:id="m-58368bdb-9b2d-4af6-a5a7-9655f8961414"/>
    <clef xml:id="m-ee9a2483-bbe6-486f-ac9c-918ceaacb8b4" shape="C" line="3"/>
    <keySig xml:id="m-2a61e5f7-1155-4f69-af84-30cb53b163c4" sig="2f"/>
    <note xml:id="m-606d0fc7-d8e4-49f8-bff6-bd5a60eca3b5" dur="longa" oct="4" pname="c"/>
    <note xml:id="m-3ebcda43-818a-4305-9d89-137c148b41d1" dur="brevis" oct="4" pname="c"/>
    <barLine xml:id="m-a5eb9a4b-0dd2-4f6e-86ec-21ec78567079" form="invis"/>

CompleteCode -

So, the key signature is correctly encoded and rendered. When saving the parts file and uploading it again, the key signatures are never retrieved from the uploaded MEI Parts file. This is how the rendered systems of the uploaded MEI file look like (notice the missing key signature, which is also missing in their respective humdrum encodings):

