MechMicroMan / DefDAP

A python library for correlating EBSD and HRDIC data
Apache License 2.0
32 stars 13 forks source link

Timeseries #67

Open rhysgt opened 3 years ago

rhysgt commented 3 years ago

I wrote a bit of code a while ago, to deal with DIC data from multiple deformation steps.

The way I implemented it was to have a different class (called Maps as opposed to Map), that you initialised by giving a path and file names to the DIC data. You can then do things like link an EBSD map, or set homog points, scales, crops etc for all the DIC maps in one go. The key thing I used it for was plotting a DIC map with a slider at the bottom to flip between steps. Additionally, I also made it so that you can call Maps[1] to give the corresponding Map.

It will need some improvement before adding into the repo though, but wanted to see if this would be useful for anyone.

mikesmic commented 3 years ago

This sounds good but I think the structure could be a little more generic. Perhaps have an "experiment" container class which contains multiple "timesteps". Each time step could then contain the data (DIC/EBSD/maybe images eventually) collected at that point. The HRDIC maps could then reference that they are expressed in the coordinates of the first time step and it would know to use homologous points defined in that step. Just some ideas, happy to discuss what you have already!

mikesmic commented 3 years ago

We could also add in the stress strain data (or generate schematic data) to visualise where each of data have been collected

rhysgt commented 3 years ago

That sounds good, will give it a go