MechMicroMan / DefDAP

A python library for correlating EBSD and HRDIC data
Apache License 2.0
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Can't type in Grain Inspector #95

Closed eugenianietov closed 1 year ago

eugenianietov commented 1 year ago

Hi all,

My colleague and I are working on some analysis of HRDIC data with the use of the Grain Inspector interface. We are using the develop branch and everything is working fine for me in Mac. However, my colleague is using Windows 10 and she can't type in the text boxes included in the Grain Inspector window. She can click, but she cannot type to set the grain ID or the group number to run RDR. Surprisingly, she can still draw lines over the slip traces and save them. Also, the buttons work and she can go to the next grain and save lines. We have tried to set different matplotlib backends like %matplotlib qt or notebook, but only tk works in her computer.

We are using exactly the same code and data. Any idea of what can be wrong? Thanks in advance!!


rhysgt commented 1 year ago

Hi Eugenia,

The grain inspector tool was developed and tested on a Mac and therefore I can't guarantee it will work on Windows. However I'd still like to make sure it works on Windows!

Do you get any error messages in the notebook when you type in the grain inspector window?

I guess you are using the 'develop' branch?

It seems it could be a matplotlib bug ( - you could try the suggestions there, or you could try updating matplotlib.

Let me know how you get on and if you still have issues.

eugenianietov commented 1 year ago

Hi Rhys! Apparently, the error has been suddenly fixed without any changes, I suspect that due to an Anaconda/Python update. Anyway, if we get the same error again, I'll give a try to the suggestions made in the thread you provided. By the way, we are using the develop branch, and everything works fine on both our Windows 10 PCs plus my M1 Macbook Air. Thanks a lot for your quick response and for your help!!