MechOrigin / NTC2

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Disable Dust explosions or remove pollution entirely #93

Open zapl opened 2 years ago

zapl commented 2 years ago

Pollution of the realms might be a "fun" mechanic in the very beginning but the defining feature of it late game is that you get random dust explosions from mekanism crushers and sudden pollution in the air from things like withers, automation failing to restock filters, ...

I have effectively disabled the mod for me because it's just frustrating when a mod you don't interact with at all suddenly destroys parts of your base. Just like disabling creeper explosions, having graves, not falling to death, ... this mod should at least not be able to destroy anything. Hurt and kill you is fine but don't mess with my base.

I have also not found a proper way to deal with dust unless leave open spaces below your machine which just looks stupid. The entire chimney mechanic is badly documented (and apparently just changed in a new version of the mod) and making larger bases pollution proof is annoying trial and error.