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MWO Issue Tracker
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Skill Tree UI: An option to preview effect of current node layout on individual weapons / equipment (AMS etc) #116

Open TheFifthHorseman opened 7 years ago

TheFifthHorseman commented 7 years ago

Note: This issue, which focuses on weapons, is distinct from Issue #109 which is more general and may need a separate solution.

The Skill Tree UI doesn't accurately communicate the actual effect on individual weapons and equipment. For players who wish to optimize their builds for specific firing patterns, knowing if that extra node is or is not needed to sustain chain fire on their equipped weapons can be important.

Showing effects of skill nodes for every single weapon / equipment at a time is not always feasible, and switching back and forth between the Loadout UI and Skill Tree screens is clunky.

Proposal: Add a "weapon preview" UI element in the Skill Tree UI, listing weapon types currently equipped on the mech (but with an option to show all compatible weapon types) and displaying a preview of the weapon's stats with skill tree and quirk buffs (in same fashion as found in the Loadout UI, but using the currently edited skill point allocations rather than the saved ones) when the player hovers his mouse over the given weapon type.

See also: Issue #109