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MWO Issue Tracker
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HUD/Cockpit: Weapon door indicator visibility #181

Open TheFifthHorseman opened 7 years ago

TheFifthHorseman commented 7 years ago

In some lighting conditions, it's difficult to tell what the indicator is showing - probably worse for colorblind players. Also overlaps with NPE (New Player Experience), since newcomers will not necessarily be aware of its meaning or which weapons the door-toggle specifically affects.

Proposal 1: Indicate weapon doors (and their status) on the weapons list next to weapons that are affected by the toggle.

Proposal 2: Replace the in-cockpit door indicators with larger, easier to read ones.

See also: #62

Tyler799 commented 7 years ago

Absolutely agreed. I'd say even both proposals could be done. Though the tricky part about the second one is that it requires modeling changes to every cockpit that's affected. That's not a ton of them, but it is important to realize.