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Add option to modify the HUD's paper-doll damage colors for color-blind players. #190

Open Alcom1 opened 7 years ago

Alcom1 commented 7 years ago

Currently the paper-doll uses a set of three colors, yellow, orange, and red, to indicate damage from 1% to 100%. These colors have poor contrast and make it difficult to accurately determine how damaged a 'mech is, especially for colorblind players.

Low scope proposal: Add high contrast presets for the paper-doll damage colors. Presets such as blue-green-red or blue-yellow-red would significantly increase a player's ability to read the UI element.

Higher scope proposal: Add a custom colorpicker for the paper-doll, allow a player to modify each RGB color for the gradient.

dlikhten commented 7 years ago

I believe we already have really good, well defined, colorblind testing tools. They help any person see what a colorblind person would experience. A stupid example: they have vision simulation to simulate different types of color blindness.

The developers can definitely ask a player what sort of color blindness they have and modify the UI colors based on that.

Also working on accessible tools, I learned that having a textual component in addition to a color component can really help. (Like display the % damage on the paper doll). Depending on the person color alone is a bad indicator.