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In Private Lobby, make Skirmish the default game mode. #202

Open tauSentry opened 6 years ago

tauSentry commented 6 years ago

The Problem: 9 times out 10, when typical players go to use a Private Lobby, it is for the Skirmish game mode (e.g. training sessions, scrims, etc.). The default game mode, however, is Assault.

Proposal: Make the default game made Skirmish. Also, the list isn't even alphabetized. It should be alphabetized.

Tarogato-MWO commented 6 years ago

If it's 1v1 I usually go domination. Otherwise conquest. The entire comp scene will pretty much never use skirmish, since conquest is the best comp mode.

But yeah, I could agree to making skirmish default - then at least you can get to the 1v1-specific maps without having to change the mode.