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In launcher, add option to save remember password #204

Open kraedin opened 6 years ago

kraedin commented 6 years ago

As a player, I'd like to be able to save my password as well as my email address using the launcher application so that I can more quickly launch MWO.

Tyler799 commented 6 years ago

Seconded. Having to type it in was fine at first, but after 5+ years of it I just want to log in.

War Thunder has this feature. They have a little warning though, which could be easily added.

dlikhten commented 6 years ago

As someone who does security, adding a save option (token-based of course) would significantly improve security. It would allow players to auto-generate a password using their favorite password tool and have unique passwords that are harder to hack (hack random shitty game X and try using the exact email / password combination here, which is how Guild Wars 2 had 36k accounts hacked early when they launched).

The auth tokens could be IP bound or geolocation bound to make stealing tokens useless.

I'd argue for 2fa as well, but I'd be happy if this was done as a starting point.

Edit: Guild Wars 2 did this exact thing about 4 years ago. Long saved passwords + 2fa. They are incredibly secure AND convenient.